Sports in the ‘50’s
How many people remember the various sports leagues that flourished in the 1950’s, other than the Little League, which I have already covered? I remember when the grade school basketball league was around. I think the schools involved were St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, North Salisbury Elementary School, Prince Street Elementary School and East Salisbury Elementary School. Maybe some readers will remember other participants and will comment. While St. Francis had eight grades compared to six for the other schools, they never seemed to dominate. Maybe they only let boys play up to the 6th grade. The gyms were tiny, but it didn’t seem to matter since all the players were tiny. The only grade school gym I can remember was East Salisbury. St. Francis didn’t have a gym. Most of the games were played at the gym of Wicomico Junior High School on E. Main St. This was also a rather modest venue. I often wonder what happened to that league that was so important to the boys of that era.
Another change has taken place in high school sports. Wi-Hi’s biggest competition in basketball back then was Crisfield. We always thought the reason they were so good at basketball was because they played all summer, not being able to raise nine players for a baseball team. They also had a boy that was 6’9” and that was a giant for the time. I think his name was Larry Tawes. The games were very well and enthusiastically attended and were always on Tuesday and Friday nights. Other games that were eagerly anticipated were the Laurel and Seaford games. You could observe many students at these events sporting their beloved school colors by wearing their school jackets. They don’t even have school jackets anymore. And the age of the “letter sweater” has also gone by the wayside. It used to be a real badge of honor to wear that sweater with the big letter sewn on it.
Football was always popular, and the Wi-Hi game with Cambridge on Thanksgiving Day was a highlight. The game in the afternoon and Thanksgiving dinner after the game made for a memorable day – especially if Wi-Hi won. Wi-Hi always had a good team, and it was because of Charlie Berry. It is said that he went down the school halls, and if he saw a boy with good size, he told him to report to the football field after school. I don’t think that his tactics would be politically correct in this day and age, but he sure got the most out of those boys. He also taught them valuable life lessons that I’m sure many of them carry out to this day.
Just as in major league sports today, the age of innocence has passed us by and we may never regain it. Sports for the sake of good, clean competition doesn’t seem to matter as much as winning at all costs. But, is the cost too high?
How many people remember the various sports leagues that flourished in the 1950’s, other than the Little League, which I have already covered? I remember when the grade school basketball league was around. I think the schools involved were St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, North Salisbury Elementary School, Prince Street Elementary School and East Salisbury Elementary School. Maybe some readers will remember other participants and will comment. While St. Francis had eight grades compared to six for the other schools, they never seemed to dominate. Maybe they only let boys play up to the 6th grade. The gyms were tiny, but it didn’t seem to matter since all the players were tiny. The only grade school gym I can remember was East Salisbury. St. Francis didn’t have a gym. Most of the games were played at the gym of Wicomico Junior High School on E. Main St. This was also a rather modest venue. I often wonder what happened to that league that was so important to the boys of that era.
Another change has taken place in high school sports. Wi-Hi’s biggest competition in basketball back then was Crisfield. We always thought the reason they were so good at basketball was because they played all summer, not being able to raise nine players for a baseball team. They also had a boy that was 6’9” and that was a giant for the time. I think his name was Larry Tawes. The games were very well and enthusiastically attended and were always on Tuesday and Friday nights. Other games that were eagerly anticipated were the Laurel and Seaford games. You could observe many students at these events sporting their beloved school colors by wearing their school jackets. They don’t even have school jackets anymore. And the age of the “letter sweater” has also gone by the wayside. It used to be a real badge of honor to wear that sweater with the big letter sewn on it.
Football was always popular, and the Wi-Hi game with Cambridge on Thanksgiving Day was a highlight. The game in the afternoon and Thanksgiving dinner after the game made for a memorable day – especially if Wi-Hi won. Wi-Hi always had a good team, and it was because of Charlie Berry. It is said that he went down the school halls, and if he saw a boy with good size, he told him to report to the football field after school. I don’t think that his tactics would be politically correct in this day and age, but he sure got the most out of those boys. He also taught them valuable life lessons that I’m sure many of them carry out to this day.
Just as in major league sports today, the age of innocence has passed us by and we may never regain it. Sports for the sake of good, clean competition doesn’t seem to matter as much as winning at all costs. But, is the cost too high?
They still have school jackets. My daughter, who was part of the Bennett band front('03,'04), has one.
I remember when I was awarded my high school letter ("P" for Pocomoke) in 1967. It was a goal I had held for years and it was one of the highlights of my high school years.
By school jackets, I mean a jacket that can be purchased outside of school and they all look alike. In my day, they were available at Gene Corbett's Sporting Goods on Main St. and cost $19.95. You are referring to a specific group within the school and the jacket has to be purchased through the school. It is still an expression of your pride in your school.
game i remember was when bennett and wihi played on thanksgiving day every year. in the early to late 60's. one i remember was when the game was tied late, and courtland lilly kicked a field goal to win the game 16 to 13. field goals were rare in school then. so it ws a big surprise to see him make it. but, we wihi fans loved it.the turkey was great that thanksgiving day.
Great job George,
Crisfield had a 6'10 boy by the name of Jim Sterling, around 1962!! He was a giant in those days!
Mike and Danny Malone were on the team with Courtland werent they?
George, school jackets still exist. Wi-Hi has a common jacket available for order for all lettermen/women.
Courtland played for Wi-Hi. The Malone boys were at Bennett.
the Malone boys Mike and Danny were at WiHi
Let's put Butch Waller in that post too -- he's been there for us for many years.
now im only 31 but i do remember a gym in north and east salisbury schools,and the funny thing is i was just reunited with my 7th-8th grade delmar junior/senior hi band jacket about 2 hours ago,man i thought that thing was long gone,but it brought back some forgoten memories, mr. and mrs jim bayone i believe was my first music teacher with the marching band and they did and still do own the royal cleff music store in salisbury near popeyes north end,and mr. and mrs. david smith took over the school band after 1 or 2 yrs of my attendence there if my memory serves me correctly,was a good time in my life and had alot of fun back then
Back then Delmar played Wi-Hi in football every year. The game was always an event and lead to a few fisticuffs and some vandalism, so the schools stopped having the game.
I wish they would bring it back. It could once again be a great rivalry.
danny and mike malone went to both bennett and wh hi,not sure but i think they started at bennett and finished at wh hi,they wrestled and played football.
George maybe a later column could include info on little league,pony league and all the fast pitch softball leagues that florished during the 50's-60's and into the 70's before slow pitch took over.lot of guys still around that would have some great stories to tell.
St Francis dominates in other areas that the public shools around here never will!
It's called academics and spirituality!
Never seen a police officer stationed there!
I do believe the late Graylon Kitchens still has the FG record at WI-HI.
Weren't those jackets BLUE & gold?
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