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Thursday, February 18, 2010

RNC Takes Down Controversial Tea Party Site

The Republican National Committee has pulled off the Web a site that some tea party leaders saw as evidence the GOP is trying to "hijack" the grass-roots conservative movement.

The decision to pull off the Web apparently stems from a meeting Tuesday between RNC Chairman Michael Steele and 50 conservative activists.

Karin Hoffman, founder of the DCWorksForUs group who coordinated the RNC confab, said Steele appeared unaware of the site's existence when a conservative activist complained the site was co-opting the independent movement.

"Chairman Steele did not know of this … he's not the one who actually edits the Web site," Hoffman told Newsmax. "He said, 'We'll address that right away, we're going to make sure that's taken down.'"

The site apparently removed late Tuesday night or early Wednesday.

The move may indicate Republican recognition that tea party leaders will not tolerate efforts to absorb it into the GOP. Tea party leaders have to be very careful to avoid any appearance of an alliance with the GOP, because their ranks include many independents and former Democrats who would strongly object.

By taking down the site, Steele may have averted a major confrontation with national tea party leaders. On Tuesday, one tea party organization launched, a site protesting RNC policies that it said are threatening to "take over" the movement.



Anonymous said...

how can they highjack something they started?

Anonymous said...

They did not START the tea party. It was a true grass roots movement, and Fox News et al, tried to control it in order to diminish it.

The Tea Baggers are ANGRY at BOTH parties and their basic premise is to throw out all encumbents. The tea party rightly should lead to a strong Independent Party.

If the tea party is controlled by the Republicans then it will die. The polictical hacks in both parties are criminals and everyone knows it. This is an example of the Media controlling our political actions.

Anonymous said...

I love it...they're eating their own. Grassroots? I think not. The movement is heavily funded by big oil, big pharma, big health care and GOP special interest lobbyist. Get informed.

Orsonwells said...

10:08, Oh, Please! Show all of us your radical left wing source of THAT misguided information!

And, 941, we are NOT teabaggers, we are TEA party members as in Taxed Enough Already, and our primary purpose is to hold lawmakers feet to the Constitution and vote out those who are trying to push through unconstitutional legislation, no matter what party they affiliate with.


Anonymous said...

10:08am....BS! You couldnt say that in public anywhere without being laughed at, even by your own progressive look like a crack head from here! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Baloney. The tea party is the Republican party. Or more accurately, the tea party is being USED by the Republican party and they don't even know it.

Anonymous said...

12:14pm....your entitled to be wrong if you want to.....if you watched fox@5 you would understand

Anonymous said...

Tea partiers are simply the ultra conservative wing of the party thats pissed off at any and all attempts by republicans to compromise. Oh yeah, throw in a democrat or two that is still pissed that Hillary lost.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! a democrat or 2? hahahaha tell that to Mass. or the other 3 states that voted out the spenders, EVERYBODY's pissed off, and if you arent then your either a wasteful politician, or work for one, or your head is buried in the sand. Is it just difficult to understand or hard to admit to yourself or are you really that misinformed?

Anonymous said...

This is funny!. The libs don't want to goive our tea party acknowledgement for being a grass roots effort because tyhey know it is gaining steam. It is being pushed along by conservative dems, independents, and republicans sick of their party leaders not listening to them. I am a registered repub and am absolutely sick if my party ignoring the will of the constituency. I definitely do NOT want the GOP trying to take control of the tea party movement. I was concerned when they attached themselves to the movement months ago trying to appear that they have been supportive of the people all along. BULLSH*T! They are no different than any politician from any other party. They line their pockets and pack every bill with pork just as much as the dems. We cannot let them take over our movement. Let's not give them the idea that that we believe in them and that they are not in our crosshairs. They are ALL on thin ice and many will not survive this election. Lets put people in office who actually belive in what the U.S. Constitution says. Lets support people who believe that violating the Bill of Rights is not an option. Let them know that if we vote for them we expect them to immediately repeal laws that violate our constitution and that we DEMAND that the sovereignty of the individual states be recognized and honored.

Folks these are not things we should ask be done. They are things we should be demanding from our elected representatives in order to restore our constitution and our nation.