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Monday, December 07, 2009

Gore Should Give Back Oscar, Two Academy Members Say

Two members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have called on the group to take back the Oscar awarded to former Vice President Al Gore for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd made the request based on the e-mails that a hacker/whistle blower released revealing that so-called scientists at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England systematically falsifying data to support the theory that the earth is heating up and that humans caused it.

"An Inconvenient Truth," a film based on a climate-change speech that Gore developed, won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2007. (Coincidentally, the next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore’s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household. )

That same year, the Academy elevated Gore's PowerPoint lecture, helping him to snag a Nobel Peace Prize as well.

The academy members' request that Gore return his statue is happening as preparations are under way for next week's United Nations climate change meeting in Copenhagen, where 16,500 people from 192 countries will fly in using private jets, consume 200,000 meals, and produce an estimated 41,000 tons of carbon dioxide, roughly the same as the carbon emissions of Morocco in 2006.



Anonymous said...

If there were a prize for fantasy & lies...

Anonymous said...

Thank god that Al Gore was never elected president. The only sad part is we have a bigger environmentalist phony in the White House who is actively trying to destroy the american economy in the guise of saving the planet.

Anonymous said...

Gore is set to become a billionare off of all these lies and scare tactics heavely invested behind the scenes!!

Anonymous said...

When Gore yelled " He lied to us..he preyed on our fears"...he should have been looking in the mirror. The man is a complete fraud and no better than Michael Moore..that other famous Lefist producer of "docufantsy".

Anonymous said...

He needs to go to jail. Biggest fraud of the century.

Anonymous said...

Just shows Hollywood runs this country !

Anonymous said...

11:28 I have a rule that I abide by. It goes something like this:
If you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, just listen to what they accuse Republicans of doing.

I think the mental healthcare industry calls it projection.
It works every time. Just watch TV and listen to some Democrat accusing the Republicans of something and you can rest assured that the Democrats are doing it instead.

Anonymous said...

Gore supposedly cancelled his speech in Copenhagen. I hope he cancelled his trip there on his private jet also.

Anonymous said...

FYI, Al "Borleone" is already a billionaire...because of his "carbon credit" idea...

Anonymous said...

That actually works both ways.

Anonymous said... some extent but in my lifetime,particularly since the arrival of the likes of Carville and Begalla,Democrat politics stink to high hell.And Obama carries on the tradition with one of the most mean spirited men in the nation as his cheif of much for being "everyone's President"