Dr. Bradley has a whole lot more to worry about these days as additional charges are forthcoming that are far more serious than even the previous sexual abuse charges he has faced recently.
I'm not at liberty to discuss these additional charges at this time but let me assure you, this man will easily see a 1,000 year sentence and he will never ever see the outside of a prison again. In fact, he'll be extremely lucky if he survives any real time in a real prison once the inmates learn what this man did.
More to come.......
I thought this might be coming, as the earliest reports said he may have molested up to 100 children. That's why I posted yesterday that losing his license to practice medicine is the least of his worries. Obviously this man should never see the outside of a prison again. It's just such a shame that it took hurting so many children for his to finally be put away.
44 cents is all it takes to deal with matters like these. ;)
Albero, Leggs and Bradley. You tell me the difference?
I feel a jailhouse suicide coming on.
11:23 - ???
Pease don't diminish the severity of his recent charges. For those families, what this monster has done is a nightmare come true
The difference between Leggs and Bradly was, Bradly had a life going for himself and ended up messing his life up. Leggs's life was already screwed from the begining he was a worthless peice of crap. (Bradly is not far from how worthless leggs is, hes just got a degree lol)...Albero keeps us all updated on both of them more than any news station in this area. He is reliable and he is hated by typical obama "worshipers" for lack of a better term, like yourself. I'm pretty sure comparing leggs and bradly to albero is like comparing an elephant to a remote control.
What could possibly be worse than what has already been reported? How did this pervert ever get a medical license to begin with? I think that new personality screening tests should be mandatory for professionals who will be dealing with children.
11:23 are you kidding? how did this even make it on here?
11:23. State your name or are you chicken?
If your comment was meant the way it sounds your a real piece of shit! And i hope Joe personally beats your ass! To compare him to those sick f'ers is awful and this is no laughing matter....or time for your ill rants! Everything going on in the past two weeks with little Sarah and this doctor makes my stomach hurl each time I read the articles and you want to go around and act like a stupid ass...you should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Let's not jump to conclusions. I THINK when 11:23 said "Albero, Leggs and Bradley. You tell me the difference?", he was addressing Albero... asking him what the difference between Leggs and Bradley is. Slow down people. You know what happens when we assume.
11:23 My name is Bill Joanie. Are you happy with that or do you always ask men their names ? :) Does stating my name make you sleep better now princess. F*** off skank.
I say just give him back his shoelaces, and save us all some time and money. It would be an easy way out for him, and better than he deserves. There is nothing we can do to him that would be "enough" justice.
11:23 made it on here, because Joe has a backbone, and broad shoulders. he can take as much as he dishes out. If you're looking for bleeding heart, tree huggin, liberal warm n fuzzies, Joe is not your man. He speaks the truth, doesn't sugar coat anything, and above all, doesn't suffer fools gladly. this community is all the better for what Joe brings to the table.
wtf?? Albero are you kidding me? If you don't like his site stay off of it! As far as comparing hime to Leggs and Bradley, that is the most insulting things you could ever say about an innocent man! Have you forgotten how JOE was the one keeping all of us updated and informed about little Sarah? He was at every press conference asking questions, and spent many nights up all night making sure we all knew what was going on and making sure no stone was going un turned in searching for that angel. You are a sick bastart whoever you are, probably the one who NEEDS to be in the category with Leggs, and Bradley. Get a life, and stay off the site, oh that's right if you did, you wouldn't know what the hell was going on would you?!
I think the person was addressing Joe, not grouping him with the other two...duh.
I think 11:23 was addressing Joe as "Albero" and then asking the question, what is the diff between the 2 demons, that's all I can figure.
11:23 you are really, really ignorant.
like yourself. I'm pretty sure comparing leggs and bradly to albero is like comparing an elephant to a remote control.
And all have there purpose in life.
I'm not sure any of you have a basic understanding of grammar or the English language, because it's clear that 11:23 was addressing Joe, not grouping him with Leggs and Bradley.
This demon Bradley does not deserve to ever be called Dr. Bradley again. A person that can do this to a child deserves to die. This is something that cannot be punished by a jail sentence.
4:17 i think it is you who does not have a clear comprehension of grammer. the comma is placed after albero and the use of the "and" between leggs and bradley forgoes the necessity for another comma, the writer of the post was grouping the three unlike subjects together. if the writer was merely addressing joe, they should have used a hyphen/dash.
Obviously, both of these scum concern me. Neither deserves the ability to breathe. But one thing that really bothers me about Bradley is that he chose Lewes for his practice so he could earn the trust of the community with a small practice. That is premeditated! I believe he has always been a pedophile and intentionally went to medical school to gain access to children. That is a lifetime committed to intentionally committing crimes.
How did Dr. Bradley fool so many people for so long?
I don't always agree with Joe. I'm sure no one does. Family man, business man, and whether you like it or not, Joe makes you get off your a$$, and at least think about what's going around you. The obammma supporters? Hell, they didn't care anyway.
this guy has yet to experience the train carrying the shit storm thats gonna run over his a$$ yet.but its runnin wide open and its commin!choo!!! choo !!!
How could a parent be so stupid.....leave your child with anyone.....Where were the STAFF!....The staff need to be prosecuted for negligence as well. I say this as a nurse and a grandmother. This would NEVER have happened under my WATCH!
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