Location: Greenhurst Farm Road, West of Shawnee Road, Greenwood, DE
Date of Occurrence: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 at approximately 7:57 pm
Suspect(s): Ms. Tara L. Garrison, 29, of the 28000 Block of Clayton Street, Dagsboro
On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009, a Delaware State Trooper traveling northbound on Shawnee Road south of Mennonite School Road, observed a Ford Taurus Station Wagon, disregard a stop sign. As the Trooper activated his emergency equipment, the operator of the vehicle veered off the roadway into a ditch, where the vehicle became stuck. An unknown passenger fled from the vehicle.
The driver identified as Ms. Tara Garrison, 29, of the 28000 Block of Clayton Street, abruptly exited the vehicle at which time the Trooper detained her.
The Trooper conducted field sobriety tests and Ms. Garrison was found to be under the influence. In addition, a computer check confirmed that Ms. Garrison had an invalid driver’s license and was in possession of drug paraphernalia, crack cocaine and marijuana.
Ms. Garrison was disorderly during her transfer to Troop 5, during which time she urinated in the Trooper’s patrol vehicle. Once at Troop 5, Ms. Garrison was formally charged with the following:
1-Count of Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substance (Felony)
1-Count of Possession with Intent to Deliver a Narcotic Schedule II Controlled Substance (Felony)
1-Count of Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor)
1-Count of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor)
Driving a Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs (Misdemeanor)
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign (Traffic Charge)
Improper Lane Change (Traffic Charge)
Littering on the Highway (Violation)
Resisting Arrest (Misdemeanor)
Disorderly Conduct (Misdemeanor)
Driving While Suspended/Revoked (Traffic Charge)
2-Counts of Failure to Comply with Taking of Photos & Fingerprints (Misdemeanor)
Ms. Garrison was committed in lieu of $5,300.00 secured bond. The passenger that fled from the vehicle was not identified by Ms. Garrison. In addition, a check of the area was conducted without success.
Date of Occurrence: Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 at approximately 7:57 pm
Suspect(s): Ms. Tara L. Garrison, 29, of the 28000 Block of Clayton Street, Dagsboro
On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009, a Delaware State Trooper traveling northbound on Shawnee Road south of Mennonite School Road, observed a Ford Taurus Station Wagon, disregard a stop sign. As the Trooper activated his emergency equipment, the operator of the vehicle veered off the roadway into a ditch, where the vehicle became stuck. An unknown passenger fled from the vehicle.
The driver identified as Ms. Tara Garrison, 29, of the 28000 Block of Clayton Street, abruptly exited the vehicle at which time the Trooper detained her.
The Trooper conducted field sobriety tests and Ms. Garrison was found to be under the influence. In addition, a computer check confirmed that Ms. Garrison had an invalid driver’s license and was in possession of drug paraphernalia, crack cocaine and marijuana.
Ms. Garrison was disorderly during her transfer to Troop 5, during which time she urinated in the Trooper’s patrol vehicle. Once at Troop 5, Ms. Garrison was formally charged with the following:
1-Count of Maintaining a Vehicle for Keeping Controlled Substance (Felony)
1-Count of Possession with Intent to Deliver a Narcotic Schedule II Controlled Substance (Felony)
1-Count of Possession of Marijuana (Misdemeanor)
1-Count of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor)
Driving a Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs (Misdemeanor)
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign (Traffic Charge)
Improper Lane Change (Traffic Charge)
Littering on the Highway (Violation)
Resisting Arrest (Misdemeanor)
Disorderly Conduct (Misdemeanor)
Driving While Suspended/Revoked (Traffic Charge)
2-Counts of Failure to Comply with Taking of Photos & Fingerprints (Misdemeanor)
Ms. Garrison was committed in lieu of $5,300.00 secured bond. The passenger that fled from the vehicle was not identified by Ms. Garrison. In addition, a check of the area was conducted without success.
Of course, the ultimate evil "crack" was involved.
God how pathic,tears dripping for her criminal acts.Be careful folks the police are racist and they are profiling.Naacp will be there with her bible and a preacher when she goes to jail for free food, lodging,medical treatment.They will want people to pray for her.
Somebody ought to urinate on her head!
crack heads gon wild! LOL
8:15, shut the hell up. I guess it's no longer ok for anyone to stand up for civil rights. Despite the fact that there have been SOME bogus claims of racism, the NAACP and other groups have a long track record of fighting against police brutality, prosecutorial misconduct, and civil rights. You can't negate this work just because a few wackos have overreached at times.
And yes it is easy to laugh at the crackheads, but seriously I and other Christians will pray that they get their lives together....while they sit in their jail cells
I guess she's one of those that thinks she should be allowed to do what she wants because the color of her skin. just another racist cop!
just another case of the white man keepin her down. oh no, it's the po-po.
she should be billed for the cleaning on the pee. take some of her welfare money away.
Did she pee on her face?
11:58am, that's just wrong, however, it's another episode of Dave Chappelle's "Keepin it REal."
I'm not black, but there appears that there is a racial component to this event. Although I am in the very small minority that stills STOPS at a stop sign, it is rare for me to see anyone else who actually stops at stop signs (or at red lights, when turning right)anymore...and that includes state troopers. I have repeatedly seen troopers observe stop sign violations without doing anything.
This woman very well might have been stopped because of her race. The stop sign violation was the "excuse", not the reason. And yes, that would be profiling. Does the ends justify the means? I am not anti-cop, but there are plenty of them that will break the law to enforce the law (like Dirty Harry). And from the sounds of it, many here on the shore are OK with that.
To 3:22, I am a black man and you sound prove a point I've made on this blog before. There are more whites screaming "racist" these days than blacks. I'm glad this woman is off of our streets! I just wish people would realize that crime is not about race. That goes for any whites who blame blacks for crime or any blacks using race as an excuse.
4:36, I'm not "screaming" racism. My point is that that trooper would probably never bother to stop a white person for the same initial offense. Stop sign violations are only used in accident investigations and insurance claims. They are no longer enforced by law enforcement personnel (based on observation and the statistical fact that the vast majority no longer stop at stop signs).
Therefore, profiling was likely involved, and that is illegal. In this instance, the profiling resulted in taking a dangerous person off the highway, but how about all the others that are profiled and stopped for doing no more than what everyone else does without penalty or being stopped?
Is it fair? I can see typical black drivers taking offense and feeling like they are being treated unfairly when they are "randomly" stopped while driving like everyone else. How many regular black drivers are stopped by this trooper, before he gets a really bad one? And how do they feel when they know they have been singled out?
I wish there was a better way, but that woman really needed to be taken off the street......
Wow. This is a case some attorney is going to love. First, there is the validity of the initial stop itself. That could get all the other charges thrown out, as the subsequent search was unjustified. And I would feel comfortable with a bet that the suspect asked, no, probably begged to be allowed to go to the restroom before being forced to relieve herself while constrained in a police vehicle. Could this be a form of abuse or denial of basic human rights? She was crying, embarrassed no doubt, at all of the bad judgment she was guilty of, and humilitated at the circumstances of being paraded around in her soiled clothes. If she hadn't behaved so badly, it would almost be easy to feel a little sorry for her (think jury trial). But I bet a trial lawyer can turn this into a big deal, and it will all probably go quietly away. She will walk to screw up again on another day.
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