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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

One Tin Soldier


Anonymous said...

this guy singing must have grown up idolizing the Smothers Brothers, Joan Baez, and all those limp-wristed cowards that dominate Hollywood and the national news media.

Anonymous said...

Amen..lest we forget.

Anonymous said...

Liberal Propaganda!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was powerful. I'm troubled that it has been posted all day and no comments yet. When I see our wars from this perspective I feel like I've failed in the most important way. If you are a true believer, war is NEVER the answer.

Anonymous said...

A few points about this total piece of crap;

One: Skeeter Davis would be ashamed of how poorly this clown sang her song

Second : it is pure liberal propaganda

Third: to 2:59, if war is never the answer we would now be speaking German

Anonymous said...

5:27 do you not get message? We lose men and women in a country that hate US, yet you sit on your a$$ and complain about a song. Pick up a rifle and join them, after one day you will be crying to come home.What language do you speak? If war is not the answer we would be talking with an English accent. I for (1) am tried of cry babies that just bit$$ about everything and do nothing.If you do'nt like living here then do us a favor and leave. I'm sick of trying to taking care of the world and being hated for it.If they hate AMERICA so much, why do so many come here? When was the last time you saw a road paved in gold? I feel we need to stop letting everyone enter this country that wants to. I know charity begins at hOme, so lets take care of the USA and if anything is left then help other countries that really want it without wanting to kill us.WHY DO WE SEND AID TO PEOPLE THAT PLOT US HARM US? WHY ARE OUR DOORS OPEN WIDE TO ANYONE THAT WANTS TO ENTER. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. IT IS TIME TO STOP!!!!!! MAP

Alex said...

You know 10:59 I hardly resort to personal attacks, but I would like to see you.
I wish you spent a day in the uniform.