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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Don't Know, Don't Care..

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said Monday that he does not know if White House lawyers have reviewed whether it is constitutional for the federal government to order individuals to buy health insurance. Gibbs also said the White House is not seriously considering the concerns of people such as Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) who believe the mandate is not constitutionally justified.

This was the second time in two weeks that Gibbs had dismissed concerns that the Constitution does not give the federal government the power to force individuals to purchase items the government wants them to purchase.

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Anonymous said...

This is no surprise. Communists don't care about our Constitution.

Alex said...

If you care so much. Bring the lawsuit and let the courts rule. Last I checked, our judicial branch decided what is constitutional and what is not.
If such a "Kool Aid drinking dumbocrat" like me could think of it, how come your brilliant GOP minds cannot?

Concerned Retiree said...

Cannot bring a lawsuit until there has been harm done. Does that mean
"Kool Aid drinking Liberal Dumbocrats does not understand the law. Maybe that is why they are dismissing the constitutionality of this concern they don't know any different. Better yet they like to play stupid because that is what they think of the Tax Payer.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it's not legal for the Federal government to mandate purchases upon the people.

Why don't we FORCE every individual to buy car and homeowners insurance?
We don't! Why? Because we can't!
That's why there are so many uninsured motorists and houses which are also not insured.

You can put in place different things connected, like no tags without proof of insurance, etc.
It's a "rule" you're supposed to have them, but it's not mandatory.

The way they're talking about this health insurance is by direct penalty. I don't believe they can legally do that.

I still say that if you went after the insurance companies and then after the doctors who rip off the insurance companies and Medicare, you'd make out much better and make insurance affordable for everyone.
As long as the insurance companies can charge whatever they want, we're all going to see major increases in pricing, leaving it unaffordable for many.
We also need to vote EVERY Senator and Congress member out who's affiliated or has benefited from ANY insurance company! THAT is part of the problem!
Special interest in Washington!

Joel said...

Alex, We are supposed to have lawyers on the public payroll that advise the White House and the Congress on the Constitunality of pending legislation.
We also have departments like Energy, costing many billions that are also ignored. However, we do have Czars.

Anonymous said...


2.3% is to much of a profit for a company to make. That is the insurance companies profit rate.