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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bubba Man Can


I know you do so well helping to promote local causes, and this one here is the
most important one to me and my family right now. My friends 4 year old has been accepted into an intensive feeding program but insurance and medicaid will not help. So I beg you to appeal to our community on his behalf...Even if you can only give a dollar each dollar counts.

To read his full story Click Here

Thank You,
Dawn Purnell


Anonymous said...

In case anyone is wondering, according to, this is NOT a hoax. So many start going around especially this time of year. All this will cost is a stamp.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I may have clicked on the wrong picture. What I checked on was the "Wish" for the child with cancer. Sorry for any confusion.

Anonymous said...

The previous comments touch on a sad truth. How do we separate the hoaxes from the true people in need. I know some hoaxes are documented, but most are not, so the intelligent people of the world have no choice but to question everything which they have not experienced first hand.

I have experienced Isaac first hand, and I know without question that his is a true need. His parents live week to week, making just enough to get by. Making just enough to keep a roof over their head, food on the table, and clothes on their back. They are good people who are just trying to give Isaac the best chance of living a functional life. His father leads a professional career and has recently returned to Salisbury University to finish his Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. His mother doesn't work, but not by choice, instead, by necessity. It is a full time job simply caring for a special needs child. She also has one of the most active Girl Scout troops on Delmarva and has played a major role in shaping those girls into strong young women.

I have no doubt that if you reach out to his parents, they would be more than happy to talk and allow you to decide for yourself. I know they have the website plus they are on facebook. I believe contact information is available on both.

Anonymous said...

My little girl goes to kennedy..a wonderful place!

Anonymous said...

This is my cousin's little boy and is certainly not a hoax! He is really trying all he can do for his son. Both parents have. They love their son so much and have done all they can. They wouldn't be trying this if it wasn't for a definite need. Please do all you can to help him. He's had a tough life and honestly most couples would have already broke up over the stress this could cause but his parents are still going strong and trying their best.
Thank you and God bless.
Lisa deSimon