Just when you thought things were bad, HERE WE GO AGAIN!
There was just an armed robbery at the Country Farm Store on Priscilla Street. The police have a great video of the suspect. He's a black male with a flannel shirt on. They have been following a trail from the store and are searching the area for the suspect. I believe he's driving an older red Ford Explorer.
The second armed robbery was on Baker Street where they robbed a delivery person of food and cash.
Dang everytime I refresh...
It takes my breath away!
If the citizens of Salisbury were deployed to Iraq, at least we would know who the enemy is.
Mayor Ireton isn't listening, he's in bed getting ready for his teaching job tomorrow. Part-time mayor= full-time crime.
question to you Joe
Would it be possible to obtain Webster's former employment file with Baltimore County PD via Freedom of Information Act?
He was in internal affairs. Paranoid Cop Division.
Major Livingston was in that division too? Losers.
It's time to stop believing that local law enforcement can protect you and take action!
1. Stop trusting others to protect you and your property. Arm and protect yourself, it's your constitutional right. Pepper spray, a baseball bat, golf club or gun, do something to protect yourself, your possessions, your family.
2. It's not safe to spend time and/or money in Salisbury/Wicomico County. It's dangerous to pump gas at a C-Store, visit a bank, walk across a grocery store parking lot, so stop. Boycott Salisbury/Wicomico County businesses. Let the business community apply pressure to elected officials to take action.
3. When the news media replaces pictures of banks with yellow police tape and pictures of police officers searching for suspects with pictures of the bodies of thugs lying in the street, stopped by a citizen protecting themselves, a message will be sent. Criminals now have no fear in Salisbury/Wicomico County.
4. I know of two families who choose not to relocate to the area. Their decision was largely influenced by crime statistics. As this continues, property values will continue to decline, lowering tax revenue, equaling less funds available for law enforcement.
5. DEMAND accountability from all elected officials. Council members have a fiduciary duty to protect the rights of citizens; if they can't, remove them from office.
6. STOP relying on local law enforcement. They can not protect you and your family. I would and will rather justify my actions than be a victim.
7. Todays news headlines-arrest at a local school, 2 armed robberies and a possible man walking with a gun. If you didn't live here, would you want to? It's past time for the citizens of Salisbury/Wicomico County to stand up, demand accountability from elected and law enforcement officials, and take back their communities.
If not action is taken, there is no one to blame but yourself, again the victim!
Don't worry folks, Webster will be on the job now with this lawsuit pending. He has to make himself look like he is making an effort. Notice the number of arrests in the city after the mayor had his come to Jesus meeting with him in Sept?
Now he wants to play nice with the other agencies after all this time of refusing to work cooperatively with WCSO, MSP, FPD, DPD. He's a loser and no amount of arrests are going to change the crime stats of the past 10 years.
Major Livingston was a good cop under Coulbourne Dykes. Now all he is doing is biding time until retirement. Webster has a way of taking the life out of people.
Oh no! More racial profiling going on. The poor black man really didn't rob the store, a white man was outside making him do it. Change we can believe in.
Continuing to blame the SPD chief is a waste of time! All elected officials who took an oath to serve the community and are now standing on the sidelines doing nothing are just as guilty for taking no action!
If you wait for someone else to protect you, your family, your possessions, your very way of life, you will become a victim!
Now is the time for action- Take back your community!
We need a countywide military style surge. A General Petraeus Iraq style surge. Combine all LEO's and sweep the areas. Round up everyone hanging out on the streets and corners, sort them out later. Do this often enough and the criminal element will get the message and move on to become someone else's problem.
6:50 its more than just Livingstone. There are other officers who were once "good cops" but the fear of Webster has forced them to become "yes men" so they won't squander their retirement. I know one officer who is literally counting the days until they retire.
8:13 I know you are right. Sadly they chose to compromise their integrity for the sake of money. They could have cashed in their retirement and rolled it over elsewhere after accepting a position elsewhere. They could have gone county or state or private sector. They chose to sell themselves out. Very sad indeed. I don't know how they look at themselves in the mirror or look their kids in the eye while trying to teach them integrity. I hear it all the time how so many are biding their time. I would skip naked and peck sh*t with the birds before I kissed anyones backside for the sake of a job. I almost pity them.
Major Livingston is not as lily white as you think he is. He has done Webster's bidding - many times unethical - without batting an eye. If that's how he works - stay and participate in questionable acts - then he is as worthless as Webster. Sucking up taxpayer money and does nothing but play games online. Who do you think started the mess with Debbie Campbell? Livingston was there then and was knee-deep in it. Livingston is and always has been worhtless.
Ruark is on the way to dismantle, disrupt and destroy. His words, not mine.
I turd in a box marked "Great honest and fair cop" is still a turd. You cant glorify a POS. Webster, Livingston, Kemp, Meinshine and Parisano. All POS and check collectors.
Kemp is a loser. Isn't he from the tree farm family in somerset county? He couldn't solve a crime if he was the victim. I tell you the way to fix it, is to it all over to Mike Lewis. Mike is on the job night and day and has a true passion for it. If the rest would put their big head ego's aside and follow his lead we will see astonishing results.
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