In a long-awaited decision, the Maryland Attorney General has ruled in favor of the Wicomico County Board of Education’s request to approve the transfer of $2 Million from a Board of Education school construction surplus fund to the county’s general fund.
The Board of Education made the request last summer at the strong urging of Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr.
The approval of the transfer will enable the county to meet its Maintenance of Effort requirement for the Board of Education for Fiscal Year 2010. The Board will receive approximately $4 Million in state funding because of this approval.
“The real winners here are our school children,” said Executive Pollitt, “this assures us that critical state funds will continue to be available for our educational system. I’m obviously delighted that we were able to come up with a plan that passed legal muster. I also heartily congratulate the Board of Education and the County Council for making this happen.”
The county must use the transfer funds to pay debt service on school projects.
The Attorney General did not rule favorably on similar requests from Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties.
Wow, that's good news for county employees, taxpayers, and students. Especially good news for
Wicomico, seeing as other counties were denied similar requests. Kudos to the team at the BOE & county for putting forth a petition that passed!
Interesting that this good news hasn't attracted the usual number of comments we see when BOE & county finances are discussed.
anonymous 6:42, the post went up late last night and it's still early in the morning yet. Give it time, I'm sure plenty will chime in.
wow..good news and for who???? not the kids... the kids will see none of this... the new super deff will... huh more lavish trips...paid fancy dinners a new car... and so on.. the employes maybe.. but the teachers deff wont either... sad to say but the new super will waste it away... he does NOT care about the kids.. he is all self..self..self... watch and see people
You are an idiot and it sounds like you are a teacher. I advise you to get out of the system now! We don't need people like you.
This is a great victory for the BOE and the county. All the haters criticized this happening months ago but now you can see that it was all legal.
So deal with it!
This article makes it sound like the WCBOE was in favor of giving back the $2 Million?? WRONG! The BOE fought this tooth and nail and fabricated the decision of the Attorney General to stall time and hope he would rule in favor of the Board. What a joke!
Beg to differ.
The AG is Maryland's biggest Democrat political wannabe, and the three rulings are intended to bolster his prospects for statewide office (Gov., Senator). In Monty and PG Counties, the electorate is very pro education, unlike in Wicomico., so its plan was approved and their plans shot down.
The outcome makes a travesty of the maintenance of effort concept that the General Assembly adopted as the law. If it is not a good policy then it should be repealed by that body, not by the AG, who sees O'Malley as vulnerable and is rallying the troops to deep six Marty.
I bet they did fight this tooth and nail..wouldnt u for free money that was going to get u nice things???
If you people think for one min that the children or anyone other than the SUPER will see this money..FAT CHANCE!!!!
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