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Monday, October 05, 2009



Anonymous said...

It seems you're about 6 months late.

Anonymous said...

I say pay up or disconnect. Why should we subsidize SU?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice the multiple grammatical errors? I would have expected a letter from a University official to have been proofread.

I'm wondering as to why they have never paid this fee before? I wouldn't be against the city waiving it for educational use, but clearly providing cable television to resident students is not merely educational. How long have we been subsidizing SU student's entertainment?

Anonymous said...

bust them up. They should pay like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr John Pick,
I too request this waiver concerning any fees for the comcast outlets I have. I too teach my children from the history channel,TLC, animal planet and such. UNLIKE SU...I dont make a billion dollars each year from the services I offer, nor government grants throught the backdoor. Fact is...I dont get a dime for my services, being a good role model and teaching my children not to rape and pillage your neighborhood. To respect their neighbors rather than promote drunken parties, loud music, knock down drag out brawls in the front yard, throw timbers threw your front window or car windshield...ect!
IN FACT, from here on out give this waver to ever home whose child has not been warned or cited by the SPD. After all...this is the year of "share the wealth" isnt it John?

Anonymous said...

3:52 I too was stunned by the grammatical errors. This does not represent SU very well.

Ironshire said...

3:52 Annon... Re: errors... I sure did... no wonder our public educational institutions turn out morons!

Craig Theobald

Anonymous said...

Wow. Sounds like SU is at least 15 years in arrears. How is it that Comcast failed to bill and report these fees? Sounds like Comcast is on the hook for a lot of money. Time for them to pay up for their prices that keep increasing on the normal people!

Anonymous said...

This request is as bad as the writer's grammar. Let's hope that he's not a "product" of SU!

doug wilkerson said...

Maybe he had himself a couple of adult beverages befor he wrote it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that SU has many "fees", do they waiver them for anyone? I guess they feel special and deserve breaks they do not give anyone else!

Anonymous said...

It appears that Joe and everybody posting doesn't understand the letter.

Salisbury University is not trying to avoid paying subscription fees. They are trying to avoid franchise fees; there is a huge difference. SU has one line coming in and it goes to 100's of outlets. They are distributing the cable service for a fee because they are "renting" the dorms to students. It has nothing to do with service fees.

S.U. is not reselling the cable service in the opinion of Comcast; if appears that Comcast requested the variance as well. This all boils down to the fact that S.U. is technically not reselling the cable service, they are not a "franchised" dealer, they just have many outlets off of one feed.

Before trying to discredit the University, you should first understand the letter, and more so, understand the significant positive impact on the city and county. Example: who do you think paid for a large percentage of the new ladder truck? Let me give you a hint- S.U.

Anonymous said...

And, while you are at it SU, have them waiver my high comcast bill as a homeowner. I work hard every day taking care of my family, home and other responsibilities your students don't quite have.

Anonymous said...

For starters, I'm curious as to how SU paid for the new ladder truck?? Students do not pay city taxes. Most profs don't live in the city. In addition, the University is busy spending state money itself?!?! I just think it's ironic that the school is asking that a fee be waived to begin with. I went to SU many moons ago, at which time all students paid an "intramural fee," a "facilities fee," and so on and so on. I'm sure they'll just pass the comcast fee along to sutdents as well. Call it something creative like "educational broadcasting fee."

Chimera said...

Why didnt they just disconnect the cable when they didnt get paid?I watch alot of Discovery channels,like D-Science Channel and ID(true crime channel).Those are educational so I might just hit up Directv for a freebie......

Anonymous said...

TO: Janet Dudley Eshbach

No Way!

PS - get a lackey who knows good grammar.