A Salisbury News Exclusive
(Reposted by popular demand)
Salisbury News has learned that the President's Office of Economic Stimulus, in conjunction with the Office of Homeland Security and the Maryland Fire Safety Administration will soon formally announce an award to the Salisbury Fire Department of a grant in the amount of $3.6 million to be used for “augmentation of fire equipment necessary to perform its full and expanded duties.” These funds, should they be accepted by City Council vote and mayoral approval, are to be specifically and solely used, say the grant's administrators, to purchase a vehicle officially catalogued by government fire officials as an Air Suppression Craft, Rigid, Overhead Transport, Mark IV, Firefighting, though usually referred to by its acronym, ASCROTM-4F.
Hailed by SFD heads and some city leaders as a long awaited and much needed asset to extinguish threatening and difficult to control blazes, the craft will join other state-of-the-art equipment in Salisbury's multi-million dollar stables, ready for action if circumstances call for its unique uses. When asked what those circumstances might be, Interim Chief William Gordy explained, “For as long as I can remember, the area has been the site of dozens of potentially devastating marsh fires every year. These are hard to control from the ground because of their remote locations – our hoses just aren't long enough. And we usually don't have a very good turnout of volunteers because they (the fires) somehow usually happen on weekends in the summer and fall. Sometimes in the winter, too, usually right during deer season and the playoffs. All these problems can be overcome by having ASCROTM. It will also put us snug tight in the driver's seat in the whole region, making us the desired mutual assistance asset for the hundred-plus departments within a 100 mile radius. We'll be the ones wearing the pants on this one. Once we get it (the program) unzipped, we're going to be huge and long range. We expect to log in about a thousand hours a year in mutual aid calls, which is going to be a national, if not a world record for a department of our size. It's going to be really big. And the requirements will be stiff. Other departments will want us, but inside, they'll be secretly wishing they were us.”
Fitted with eighty four delivery jets on each side of its 320 foot length, each capable of delivering fire suppressant foam, powder, or water or any combination of the three at a rate exceeding most ground-based equipment, the rigid, lighter than air craft also boasts state-of-the-art communication equipment including WiFi, two 52 inch plasma displays connected to four real-time, downward-looking high resolution color cameras, infra-red cameras, DirecTV with NFL Ticket, PS3 and Wii, a fully functional galley, sleeping quarters and baths to accommodate sixteen, a small but gracious fire blimp museum, a small sundeck, Corinthian leather lounge and cockpit seating surfaces and hardwood floors throughout. Marble countertops were considered, but Gordy said that appliance-matching stainless steel was chosen for its savings in weight and easy care, meaning an extra nine hundred pounds of fire suppressant chemicals and better health department regulation compliance. Kevlar skin over a Nomex insulation layer over a magnesium alloy frame offer unparalleled strength and protection from the elements. Interior and exterior color schemes will be inspired by SFD's newly adopted red and black motif. Fitted firing ports will give those who sacrifice precious deer season hunting hours to their firefighting duties opportunities to bag one or more trophies from the air, with near-effortless pickup of quarry by designated ground support vehicles. Optional full-length JumboTron-like HD screens at both sides of the craft are said to be under consideration as useful public fire safety education devices.
Helium serves as the government-advised gas of choice to lift the craft from its elevated moorings and keep it aloft, but some local fire officials say that helium might not be the best choice. In fact, hydrogen is thought to be the more ideal choice by SFD heads because of its end cost and ease of access. SFD Assistant Chief Rick Hoppes is currently filing an application for a federal government grant to purchase a ground-based, stand-alone high-tech hydrogen generator, which removes hydrogen from plain water, a plentiful commodity here. Said Hoppes, “Yes, once we get this generator, the gas we pump into our ASCROTM will not only be almost painless to the public's pockets, it will save tons of room where the helium tanks would have been stored. And then there's the oxygen that's left over from the process. We were thinking of just letting it escape to the air, but then someone thought we could use it instead of our current compressed air cascade generator system, as concentrated oxygen will last a whole lot longer in a firefighter's tank than plain compressed air, if I'm not mistaken. Lots more room saved there, too, with more of those bulky tanks gone. I have to give credit where credit's due on this one and point to Councilman Gary Comegys, who, as we all know, is not only an accomplished engineer, but a man who is deeply committed to saving the taxpayers' hard earned money and the environment. Thanks go to you, Gary. I'm happy to report that we have determined that the savings will be so great that we're considering making all of our fire equipment hydrogen powered, including the firehouse itself. We'll be scheduling some fact finding trips soon.”
While several SFD members are licensed to fly small private aircraft, none is currently rated to pilot a lighter than air craft. Chief Gordy said, “This is not a problem. By the time our ASCROTM is delivered, we'll have all the qualified people we need inside it to move it around.” Excited prospects to captain the ship can currently be found in the SFD lounge at all hours of the day and night, where on the big plasma screen, Microsoft Flight Simulator has at least temporarily replaced VS, Spike TV and reruns of “The Sopranos.”
Response to the grant announcement by non-SFD City officials, which obviously came as a surprise to some, was mixed:
Mayor James Ireton stated, “You just never know what those people over there are going to do next. I know I don't.”
Council Vice President Gary Comegys, a retired SFD (with pay) volunteer himself, said, “I think this is a important addition to the fire department's equipment. It keeps all of us safe and it'll keep others safe in our region. Some will say that we don't need ASCROTM. I say we do. And with the grant paying for every penny of the whole thing, ASCROTM is a bargain we can't afford to pass up."
Council President Louise Smith went on record by saying, “At this time we have an opportunity here at this time. If it was offered and we could have gotten hold of ASCROTM when I was a young woman in 1886, Salisbury would be a much different place to live and work and play today.”
District One Councilwoman Shanie Shields said, “If we don't get it, somebody else will, and then it's our loss. You know you got to get this stuff while you can. They're not giving it away forever. And we thank Obama for it and all of the other free stimulation money he's been giving us. We each of us knows it's all going to get better.”
Councilwoman Deborah Campbell seemed neither composed nor well-informed by her council peers when she said (from Salisbury News recorded transcript,) “What?! A blimp??!! Where did you hear this? Are they nuts??!! How can we afford a blimp? What do we even need a blimp for?? Do those people know what this will cost? Just off the top of my head, at least $150,000 a year in routine maintenance. A lot more if they dent the fenders, and you know they will the first week and then they'll have to ship it to the factory for repairs. And just where is the factory? Do you know? Vancouver? Washington State. (pause) (audible sigh) Typical. What?! Vancouver, Canada??! (long pause) Just incredible. And $100,000 for insurance, $250,000 for flight school and maintenance training every year. And where are they going to park it? Of course, wherever that is, they're going to want a 300 foot tower with an elevator, and a terminal building at the bottom, and the land to put it on. What's that going to cost, another two million, three million? And who's going to sell the land to the city? Like we don't see that one coming. And then there's going to be maintenance on the building and grounds and tower, too, and several full-time employees to man them, and they'll have to be blimp qualified, too, and.... and.... and......(long pause)
No, no, no and no.
Absolutely not.
Excuse me, please. I have to make some phone calls.”
Councilwoman Terry Cohen seemed similarly surprised: “You're kidding, right? A blimp? Wait... you're not kidding? Holy ****. Excuse me, I have to make some phone calls.”
An official announcement is expected to come soon at a Salisbury Fire Department Headquarters press conference and tour of the ASCROTM-4F itself, which will be on display through the end of November at a site as yet to be made public. Until then, ASCROTM is scheduled to be hovering some 200 feet above Salisbury City Park on successive Sunday evenings, where its port and starboard 90 by 160 foot integrated high definition video screens will present several popular motion pictures, among them Gigi, Roadhouse, The Sound of Music and Tootsie, all perennial Salisbury favorites. A midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show is, awaiting Salisbury Police Department approval, tentatively scheduled for Halloween night. Light refreshments will be served at all showings, courtesy of Gordy TigerMarts and the Salisbury Volunteer Auxiliary.
Salisbury News will keep readers up to date with further developments as they unfold.
It's assine stuff like this that makes this site a joke! You will never be taken as a place for serious news just bull.
Is this a joke? It sure sounds like one.
IS this a JOKE!!!!
with pay Ha Ha. you forgot to say he was asked to retire. Big deal with pay look at things that led to his retiring.
will the crew members be throwing up like they did on the $5,000 fishing trip?
Was that supposed to be funny? Wow, must be stretching for posts today?!
9:04 - Then why do you bother getting on the site? A$$hole.
9:04 is this a little to close to reality. This is so funny, but sadly pretty close to truth. Did you see the agenda for Monday night with the Fire Boat award. I'll be there to speak.
Absolutely hilarious!
I love stuff like this.
I laughed out loud numerous times.
Thanks for perking up my day!
BTW it will be frightening to see how many think this is true.
9:44, I pronounced it A$$ $crotum. Worked for me.
This is sickeningly close to the truth.
But I laughed 'til my A$$ $crotum hurt!
No offense to the two good ladies cuz it captures what the buzzards say about them.
This has to be a joke.
I would like to say that this is some creative writing (and it is), but unfortunately it doesn't seem that creative when you know that it's not too far fetched for SFD to propose something like this...good Post, I like it! lol
BTW, google ASCROTM and it comes back saying, "did you mean SCROTUM?" LMAO!
If you didnt think this was a joke you are a joke!
Great post and very funny!
You scared the crap out of me at first. I thought it was real. As I read, it was obviously a joke. Sadly though, I can see this happening.
OMG this is hilarious. ASCROTM-4F
A rejected scrotum ahhahahahahaha this is to funny.
Waaay too funny!!! I laughed so hard on this one the tears made me stop 3 times! 1886 was the big one! Hil- freakin' larious!
joe, this is priceless. extremely well written. i love it. sure looks valuable to me. we cant do without it another day. thanks sjd
Probably should purchase two, allowing for repairs, break downs, training, loaning to other areas.
Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy have to go. The sooner the better.
Speaking of a JOKE Richard Hoppes appointed Dru Bragg as the Acting Deputy Fire Chief and Mayor Ireton allowed this to happen. Bankruptcy, Homewrecker and a Deadbeat Dad!!
Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
020300028252003 Bragg, John D Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT BANKRUPTCY 06/09/2003
22C06001242 Bragg, John D Plaintiff Wicomico County Circuit Court Divorce-Absolute Closed/Inactive 09/08/2006 Bragg vs Bragg
22C89000336 Bragg, John D Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Civil Non-Support Closed/Inactive 10/03/1988 Faith Bragg Vs John Bragg
I think it took a lot of Balls to report this story !!. Obviously it took extensive Undercover work and In Depth research !!
lmao......too funny.
I didn't even read the entire thing. When I got to the part about marsh fires I stopped reading it and came to the comments since there were so many. Now I know it;s a joke. Pretty funny once you know that, but it wouldn't shock me to find out it was true. I was hoping the news of OB winnnig the nobel peace prize was a joke. Sadly it's not
Do you think the SFD could use this for fishing too and not do the Fireboat upgrade? On the other hand, I kinda liked the look of outriggers on the fireboat instead of an airborne platform.
You can't be serious.....
Another joke appointed as a fire officer by Hoppes and Gordo! Do you think Daddy will try to get little Gordo off on this one?
Case Information
Go Back
Citation Number: 000000EU33856Case Status:ACTIVE CASE
Violation Date: 09/17/2009 Violation Time: 05:00 PM
District Code: 02 Location Code: 03
Officer Name:CROCKETT, C
Officer ID:1179
Defendant Information
Address:613 MANOR DR
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
Drivers License: G630402887974Issuing State: MD
Schedule Information
Trial Date: 12/09/2009Trial Time:11:00 AMRoom:01
Reason: CaseTrial
Charge Information
Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:301Para:ACode:
Location Stopped: LAKE/RT 50
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 90
Vehicle Tag: C54850 State: DE Vehicle Description: 05GMC
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
Dead beat dad = dead beat grandfather.
i smell another fishing trip.....come on boys....get yer rods ready....
Sweet! I love The Sound of Music!
I would like a copy of this masterpiece! Phronesis, please tell Joe that I want a copy when he's finished with his present family business. Too funny!
There are a lot of DEADBEATS in the Salisbury Fire Department. Rick Hoppes, Bill Gordy, Dru Bragg, Bunky Adams, Jeremy Gordy, and the list goes on and on.
The sad thing is Jim Ireton is right in the middle of this mess.
Well it's 10:30 AM on a Saturday morning and the volunteers at Station 16 on Cypress Street had to be re-alerted for a call. Well Gordo and Gordo, JR. so much for your theory that the volunteers can handle all the calls after 5 pm during the weekend and on the weekends. LMAO
This was brilliant. Just in time for the fireboat scam. Joe, you should post this again on Monday.
Tuesday evening is the fireboat vote at City Hall! Everyone should be there holding up pictures of this blimp!
@1:46 The council meeting to vote on the fire boat is MONDAY night at 6pm in the GOB.
Wow, some people are really dense. It's called satire. It's a common thing, really, often used to ridicule real articles.
Bravo. I like this stuff.
I'm really amazed at how many people are wondering if this is real. Seriously. It really speaks wonders for the readership here.
Joe -
Post this at the top on Manday morning, please!!!!!!!!!!!!! This boondoggle is on the council agenda for Monday night. Remind folks to come out and speak up. Don't forget to sign in to speak and indicate that you want to address the matter of the fire boat. I learned that from experience.
Glad you posted this again. Everybody in Salisbury needs to read it and see that it's really talking about stupid spending. They get grants for dumb stuff like this and sometimes have to match the grants to get it. And then, but they didn't tell you about it before, comes the news that they need a whole bunch of other stuff to be able to use the grant toy, and that things like simple maintenance will put another drain on the general fund. And we wonder why we get tax increases.
WHERE WAS this piece of equipment doing the California fires???
Grammom and Grandpop Bragg. When the 2 of them get married will they be allowed to work in the same department?
To All Commenters Who Seem To Think This Is Real -
I'm really disappointed. Of course this is a put up.
I wish I knew who wrote it. It took a lot of time and talent to come up with this. This is Salisbury's own version of Swift's A Modest Proposal. The author deserves a huge round of applause.
A dinner of fattened Irish babies, anyone?
Anonymous said...
A dinner of fattened Irish babies, anyone?
6:01 PM
OK, Speaking of Gordo, let's look at this case and play "Connect the Dot's."
Hint: Look at all the key players and see if you can come up with something. See how many connections we can come up with.
Circuit Court of Maryland
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C03001132
Title: Erskine vs Gordy, et al
Case Type: ContractFiling Date:09/05/2003
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Stipulation/SettlementDisposition Date:12/15/2003
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Erskine, Jeffrey
Address: 503 Douglas Road
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Duvall, Esq, Richard M
Practice Name: Duvall & Duvall
Address: 112 W. Main Street
P.O. Box 4077
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Gordy, William E
Address: Terrie Court
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Business or Organization Name: J Wm Gordy Fuel Co
Address: N. Pennsylvania Ave
City: DelmarState:DEZip Code:19940
Address: Terrie Court
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Name: Cockey, Esq, Robin R
Practice Name: Cockey, Brennan & Maloney, PC
Address: 313 Lemmon Hill Lane
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Id like to know how many of you are going to whine and complain when there is an incident on the river or lower bay and there is no boat to respond. Get over yourselves.
Also how are Jeremy and Bunky deadbeats?, neither one has kids.
This is really humerous and so close to reality its scary. The money keeps flying out like they're printing it in the back room and nobody is stopping Gordo and his boys. The satire represents the bigger picture of whats going on and how the "BIG RED MACHINE" rolls. This bubble will burst someday soon and it wont be so funny when the volunteers are left holding the bag.
Anon 8:40 PM does the definition of deadbeat state that one is required to have children? I don't think anyone mentioned deadbeat dad for your 2 buddies? Idiot!
This could work out. Picture the blimp with three supportive council members on board as it takes a one way trip away....
Hey 840pm, I'm not sure about you but I would certainly think someone with this much involvement with the Maryland Court System would certainly fit under the category of "DEADBEAT!" This guy was appointed Acting Assistant Fire Chief by Acting Fire Chief Rick Hoppes. This person definitely doesn't deserve to be a paid acting assistant chief for the City of Salisbury Fire Department. This person clearly has some mental and emotional issues and is a liability to the city.
I don't know how you feel, but I don't want these members of the Salisbury Fire Department coming to my house for anything. No telling what they would do to my wife and children.
Wake up Mayor Ireton!!
Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
22C02000620 Adams, John M Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Divorce-Absolute Closed/Inactive 05/16/2002 Adams vs Adams
020300067602009 Adams, John Merril Defendant Wicomico County District Court REPL ACTIVE 03/11/2001
020300040982004 Adams, John Merrill Jr Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 07/29/2004
0203SP005482009 Adams, John Merrill Jr 06/1966 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Domestic Violence CLOSE 07/01/2009
0I00013433 Adams, John Merrill Jr 06/1966 Defendant Ocean City District Court CR Closed 07/10/1996
00878808S0 Adams, John Merrill Jr 06/1966 Defendant Somerset County District Court NR Closed 11/24/1995
0203SP006242009 Adams, John Jr 06/1966 Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court Vulnerable Adult DV CLOSE 08/05/2009
020300009812006 Adams, John M Jr Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 02/14/2006
020300041282005 Adams, John M Jr Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 05/18/2005
0203SP004602009 Adams, John M Jr 06/1966 Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court Domestic Violence CLOSE 06/30/2009
3H00002481 Adams, John M Jr Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 02/06/1995
4H00051972 Adams, John M Jr Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 06/30/2009
6H00002603 Adams, John M Jr Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR Closed 02/20/1995
8:40, Uh, Go down to the marina and look in slip #1 right at the gate, and see that we already HAVE a fire boat.
having a scrotum has fixed just about everything except the massive number of fires we have along our Wicomico river.
Thanks! I get a laugh out of this each time I read it. For those of you who can't take a joke, well, your the real joke!
The fireboat vote is TONIGHT at the 6:00 City Council meeting. If you think that this new boat is needed just about as much as ASCROTM, then be there to tell the council about it.
Yes, we already have a fireboat, which has survived through several sabotage attempts. Funny how the thing could sink in its own slip (twice) and that it did so only after SPD officials found out that they could get a grant for a new and bigger one.
If they take care of the new boat as well as they do the current boat then they don't deserve to have a boat at all.
Definition of a boat:
A hole in the water into which you throw your money.
Definition of a new Salisbury fire boat:
A million dollar hole in the water into which others throw your money.
Bring this back to the top at 3:00 to remind everybody to go to tonight's Council meeting and laugh the farmin out of the building!
6:00 PM, Be there or Be square! This is your federal tax money they are spending foolishly on a boat we can't take care of. You don't need to be a city resident to be against this.
Anyone that doesn't know this is going to pass by a 3-2 vote, whether they show up or not has not been paying attention. This is the least important of what is on the Agenda for tonight.
Joe how about posting the agenda again?
Joe great reporting. LOl
I heard a rumor maybe you can confirm it.
A life long resident of Salisbury City told me that in the early 1900's any children born to educated people or parents having an I.Q. of 100 or better where hit in the head with a hammer.
I guess we see now what happend here. All the surviving children became Salisbury City Fire Fighters.
"This bubble will burst someday soon and it wont be so funny when the volunteers are left holding the bag."
Nice choice of words, "holding the bag."
We'll see at 6PM who has ASCROTM and who doesn't. To date the only ones with ASCROTM on the council are Campbell and Cohen.
Is anyone at the SFD Dog and Pony Show at the Council meeting to give us an update?
LMAO, Bubba Comegys admitted he wasn't a financial genius at tonight's meeting.
I wnat some clippings from Salisbury's money tree. Perhaps I can stsrt my own.
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