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Monday, October 12, 2009

Deceiving The American People

It is starting to hit close to home. Two dear friends of mine just lost their jobs. One of them voted for "change."

We cannot blame Bush anymore for this economy. Obama took a trillion dollars of our hard-earned money and applied it to his so-called Economic Stimulus Package. Here is the problem: it was not an economic stimulus package. It was a Gift of Worship for Mother Earth:

I have friends who are Oystermen. They have informed me that part of the Obama's Economic Stimulus Package was to provide them with $100 a day if they started the engines of their boats, motor out to the bay and return WITHOUT DOING ANY OYSTERING. I expect Van Jones and the other environmental pagans were happy about this deception, which actually SLOWED the local economy. No oysters being harvested meant no one being paid to shuck them, and no one being paid to package them, and no one being paid to sell them to the grocery stores, and no one being paid to ship them to the stores, and no one being paid to display them in the stores, and no one
being paid to cash out the customer who otherwise would have purchased them. This is criminal.

I wanted to ask my dear friend who voted for "change" if he is still happy about it, but I just didn't have the heart to do so.

How long will we Americans tolerate the lethal combo of Obama and a democratic congress? This lethal combo cannot not succeed--with healthcare or Cap and Trade or anything. America won't survive. Do something!


Anonymous said...

And no oysters going to the restaurants, where nobody got paid for cooking or serving them, and where no tax was collected on the sale.

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo, how's that Obama thing working out for you?

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends ,
Obama has set his plan and I'm sorry for the people who voted for this idiot. It is too late now , he
has brainwashed too many people.
Save your confederate money , the south shall rise again. Lock and load!

Anonymous said...

They voted for change and that's what they will have left , change , pennies and dimes etc.

Anonymous said...

Obama is destroying this country.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any proof of this other than "my friend said"?

Anonymous said...

but remember like the lady in detroit said recently,
gunna get me sum obama money!
you voted for him, you deserve what you get! for those who didn't vote for him and are suffering, I truly feel bad for your situation!

Anonymous said...

Hogwash. You were trying to blame Obama for the economic situation before he even got elected.

Anyone who thought this was going to be fixed and all better in under a year is out of touch with reality.

That said, Obama needs to tell the big bankers advising him to pound sand. Sad thing is, McCain would have been led by the nose by the same ring.

This country is a hostage of the banking cartels.

Anonymous said...

11:39 is hogwash.

Soon people will realize that Obama's plan is to create desperate economic conditions in order to ram through more socialist policy.

Governments can never spend their way to properity. If O actually intended to improve the economy he would have institued proven policies and actions to do so.

However with his leftist idealogies and leftist fringe 'advisors' its full ateam ahead to transform this country socialistically. Too bad they haven't noticed that those failed governments are leaning toward capitalism.

Anonymous said...

To 9:15. Do I have proof of this? Still you liberals are unwilling to believe the truth. Remember when the Acorn scandal was a rumor? How about Van Jones? How about Bill Ayers? How about Reverend Wright? How about Obama damning America while abroad? How Obama providing $2 billion for off shore drilling in Brazil?

Grow up!

Anonymous said...

to 11:39.
Goldman Sachs gave over $900,000 to Obama's presidential campaign, more than three times as much as it gave McCain's. The banks might be too powerful, but Obama promised us that he was different. What gives? I'll tell what gives--He worse than all the others ever were. Obama, Acorn, Wright, Ayers, Jones and the rest are sewage. Period. Go ahead and keep eating it, blind liberal.

Anonymous said...

12:40 -- what proven policies? Those of George Bush? I agree that we are all held hostage by the banking industry and unless we completely revamp the capitalist model, the middle class is doomed. The economic mess is not Obama's fault. The deficit was massive when he came into office.

Obama is not trying to make the poor rich and the rich poor, he is trying to decrease the incredible discrepancy between the richest of the richest and the rest of us. Unless you are in the highest 1%, you will benefit. America is no longer a capitalist nation. The banks cry and cry about free market until they don't have any money and then they cry for government welfare - ironic...