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Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama Targeted By Gay Rights Activists


Anonymous said...

Gays are trying to make a violent power grab they don't deserve special treatment for a life style choice people need to rise up and tell them NO this is not acceptable !

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:04!
It is a CHOICE they have made. They knew when they made the choice what the limitations would be.
I'm sick and tired of "special" groups always wanting more, more, more!

Anonymous said...

It is not a life style choice, did you choose to be straight? It is not special treatment, just want the same rights you have.

Anonymous said...

It certainly is a CHOICE and they do want special treatment.
They don't deserve the all of the same rights I have!
They DECIDED they didn't want them when they chose to be part of the gay community.
I'm not against gay people as a whole. Some of them are fantastic people. But this is just another way of them forcing their lifestyles onto the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

As if it's really a choice? The attraction is as natural as it is for straight people. Gays don't CHOOSE orientation like you choose a flavor of ice cream. "Hmm, let's see. Do I want to be attracted to men or women? Damn, I don't know. What the hell, let's go with men." Only a totally ignorant dumba$$ thinks it's a choice.

Anonymous said...

10:06 They are forcing you to be gay? It actually doesn't affect you to let people have their rights.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure you would have used that same argument for segregation back in the 60's.

Anonymous said...

You like what you like. It's animal. Homosexuality is as old as the hills. Trying to control or curb it would be like telling the hetersexual male species not to allow a female's "soft" features to affect them.

Anonymous said...

10:06- I can't believe that such stupidity exists. It just can't be true. I hope that you have not spread your DNA to create another dumbass like yourself. You don't choose your sexuality any more than you choose your race.

Anonymous said...

Interesting out of 9 comments, 3 con, 6 pro. Time for conservatives to get on the right side of this issue. I know so many gay conservatives but they are shut out of the republican party. How is that working out for you as your membership keeps shrinking.

Anonymous said...

While gays should have their rights, they need to sit down and shut the F-up. Whether you like the Pres. or not, he is dealing with the economic meltdown, war in TWO theaters, continued protection of the US against terrorists, trying to fix healthcare, and attempting to tackle environmental issues. All of these preclude you getting married (something that affects less than 5% of the population) so stop trying to force yourself to the #1 spot on the priorities list.