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Monday, October 12, 2009


Dr. Charles Krauthammer has written an eight page article, appearing in, the Weekly Standard, that is sure to inflame the ultra left, liberal element of our society. The title is, Decline is a choice, The New Liberalism and the end of American ascendancy. As most people either wont or can't read more than a few paragraphs, I will attempt a summary. Please try to read the entire article.

The fear of China or India is overblown. As we feared Japan in the eighties circumstances will prevent their dominance of the world. However, our current retreat from world leadership by apologizing for being the leader of the free world, is a self inflicted decline. Rather than promote our society, we present America as being corrupt. When we tell the world, we are an imperfect nation, we are in no position to dictate our professed values to others around the world.

The operational consequences of voluntary contraction are already evident. Unilateral abrogation of our missile defense arrangements, indecision on Afghanistan, backing a Chavista in Honduras removed from power by the legitimate organs of the state and don't forget prohibitions on drilling for oil, thus keeping us dependent on foreign sources.

For all our concessions what cooperation have we received from Russia, North Korea, Iran, the Arab states or even our European friends?



Anonymous said...

An excellent article.
It can be read here:

Moon Willow said...

We have no business "dictating" (as in shoving it down their throats) our values to anyone. That is not democracy.

Anonymous said...


You are correct -- what Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are trying to shove down our throats is not democracy.

However, what America does in its foreign policy should benefit America, not other nations.

(BTW, we live in a Republic, not a democracy)

Anonymous said...

"When we tell the world we are an imperfect nation..."
So instead tout the US as God's gift to the world, deomonize those who state otherwise, then stand and look stupid when other people don't like us or worse, actually want to fight us when their loved ones are killed by our actions. Great playbook Repubs.