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Thursday, October 01, 2009


How ironic that today's Democrat party celebrate Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson as their founders. They hold an annual fund raising dinner in their honor and then proceed to do the opposite of what these men stood for. Both the third and seventh Presidents of the United States, believed in State sovereignty and a less patriarchal federal government. In those days, in the distant past, voting was far different. Minority voting blocks had yet to be discovered and power for powers sake was not as important as was ideology. Jefferson and Jackson favored a smaller, less powerful judiciary. Washington and Adams, particularly Adams, favored an expanded more influential judiciary.

It would be appropriate for Democrats to celebrate George Washington and John Adams who favored a stronger central government and rule by the elite. Perhaps, the reason is that the elite is harder to define today. Who is the Democrat elite? The patrician John Kerry, the wealthy Nancy Pelosi, John Corzine or the tax cheat Charlie Rangel? The political world has turned upside down. It does reveal, however, why it has become so difficult to determine what a candidate truly believes when all they seek is an influential job, with a good pension.



Anonymous said...

Joel, I think you hit the nail on the head when you defined the motives to seeking political office. That is why I believe our current system will never work as originally intended. Do you have any ideas on how we can circumvent fulfilling such motives within our government or can you define a system of governance that does not pander to the wealthy seeking more power than their money can provide?

Anonymous said...

Joe, that last sentence applies to Dems. and Republ. so get off your conservative high horse

Joel said...

My criteria for supporting a candidate has narrowed over the years. I disregard what they say and focus on potential conflict of interest. I rule out any candidate from a profession or business that could benefit from legislation. Any candidate that has voted the party line 90% or more is out.
That applies to candidates from both parties and does not guarantee a honest official it does make me feel better about who I vote for.

HXLVR said...

Joel wrote:
"In those days, in the distant past, voting was far different."

No sh!t, ya think? Is that a ham-handed reference to the fact that neighter women nor blacks had any rights whatsoever, let alone the right to vote?

But beside that, also consider the 10th Amendment battles of states rights. Large states (VA, NY, GA, MA) weren't happy that small states (DE, VT, NH, CT) could be getting the same power in a representative government.

joel said...

HXLVR, it goes much further than that, if you did not own property, you could not vote. Obviously, the founding fathers sought to balance the differences in state size with two senators from each, but a representative based on population.
While womens sufferage and equal voting rights were vital to the growth of the country, there were other things the founding fathers did not forsee. Things like the two party system that would divide the country into competeing camps, largely by appealing to voting blocks. If you think this is a good thing, I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Modern day Dumbocrats are enemies of this country.
Anyone who votes for one of these Dumbocrats dingleballs is a fool or just plain stupid!

Anonymous said...

Joel, are you serious? They couldn't foresee the two party system?

Hello! Did you forget the two parties of England, aka Whigs and Tories? Or that our government is well-based on England's Parliament? That our democratic republic is based on that of ancient Greece?

Thank goodness our Founding Fathers were a little better read and educated than you are.

Joel said...

7:04 PM, The founding fathers were divided into two camps. One favored a strong central government and the other state sovereignty. Washington warned of how the two party system and how it could come to divide the nation. You Sir, are a prime example of the failure of our education system.

Anonymous said...

Why must you put a label on everything. You stereotyping of any group is not right. Im sick of some of you saying Liberals are not good people or even patriotic. Some of us are even honorably discharged 2 time Iraq War veterans. We just care about others. Its called being a "Citizen" in what so happens to be the greatest Nation on Earth.