Today, Sunday at approximately 12:00 PM Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy got on the radio and asked for the location of Tower 16 and Engine 2. Then he told them to meet him at Connolly Mill Road. My guess is he meant to say Gordy Tiger Mart. Then it was determined that the brand new fire trucks were to be in the Delmar Parade. I guess he wanted to show off "his" new fire trucks in his old stomping grounds. Now if I remember correctly there is a major recession going on in this city as well as the state and country. Now that is the case and the Mayor of Salisbury has gone back to revisit the original budget for major cuts. Now since the city of Salisbury is hurting for revenue then why in the world is Bill Gordy allowed to take two major capital pieces out of service just to run them through a silly parade in Delmar Delaware. This is totally rediculous, absurd and uncalled for. This man has wasted way to much money and manpower in Salisbury he needs to be run out of town.
Note to Mayor Ireton: Capitol Fire Apparatus has to be approved by you before it is allowed to leave town unless it is on an emergency run. Did you or did you not give Bill Gordy and Rick Hopper permission to take Tower 16 and Engine 2 out of the city limits for a parade in another town/state?
How much did this cost in fuel? How much did this cost in man hours? How much did this cost in wear and tear on capital apparatus? This is positive proof that Bill Gordy bought these new fire trucks just to show off and use as parade pieces. The leadership of the Salisbury Fire Department are thieves and need to be treated like criminals.
Someone needs to be held accountable for these insubordinate actions of Bill Gordy and Richard Hoppes. Jim Ireton if you ignore this situation you are derelict in your duties as the elected city executive. Do your job and put a stop to this NOW!!!
Oh my God, get off your high horse, yes we are in a recession but for as long as I can remember firetrucks have always been in parades in neighboring towns. I would have wondered why Salisbury wouldn't have showed up in Delmar, 2 miles away. A parade is a free activity and so what if it costs $20 dollars in gas money to run that far in these vehicles. You can take that money out of my tax dollars. Thanks for participating Salisbury FD.
Wait...when there are parades that celebrate events on other towns...don't area towns normally participate? I seem to remember very clearly ALL area fire departments participating in local parades. I guess next you will be telling the children in high school that they can't march in Christmas parades. Really...let's pick our battles.
If your asking Ireton to micro manage this dept and you continuously ask of him to micro manage the PD then what does he need any of his dept heads for. Should "Lay them all off" and run the whole show by himself. Like them or not these men have been given the job to make these decisions. I'd much rather see them in the Delmar parade then at Rita's 3 times a day.
The more important point is whether the required authority to take the trucks was obtainedfrom teh Mayor by the SFD leadership. Jim Ireton is the mayor, not Gordy, Hoppes, Webster, Pick, Oland, etc.
If You are that concerned about it then Send an E-Mail to the mayor or call his office or send him a letter in the mail or stop by and see him, maybe even start a patition..I mean do something about it if your gona stir the pot. Do something productive insted.
It is productive to write on this blog. After all, you read it.
This person has a right to their thoughts and feelings on this subject. However, did the writer of this email/post send this to Jim Ireton too? If not, it needs to be done. Don't rely on Jim reading the blog. If you want results go to Jim Ireton first, then go to the blog if you get no results or satisfaction.
It really is that simple.
Anonymous said...
A parade is a free activity and so what if it costs $20 dollars in gas money to run that far in these vehicles.
8:48 AM
Oh my what are we thinking. $20 isn't much money. Why don't you sign your name and show where you sent a check to the city of Salisbury for reimbursement.
Anonymous said...
This person has a right to their thoughts and feelings on this subject. However, did the writer of this email/post send this to Jim Ireton too? If not, it needs to be done. Don't rely on Jim reading the blog. If you want results go to Jim Ireton first, then go to the blog if you get no results or satisfaction.
It really is that simple.
11:20 AM
Thanks Chuck. By the way I did call him on his cell phone and he didn't answer it. That really gets old.
lol ireton any politician no matter what the people say they do as they please nothing changes look at the federal goverment lol has anything changed nope never will
By looking at the comments on here that think it is a good idea is obvious Gordo and his small fan club saying it's a good idea to continue to waste tax dollars. I also agree with the commenter that stated Gordo should be charged with insubordination for taking the new fire apparatus out of the city without the authority of the mayor. Gordo and Hoppes definitely think they are above the law.
12:44pm You're definately right in saying "They think they"re above the law!" And----something really needs to be done about that. Hopefully the Mayor will be looking into the matter. $20 here, $20 there,----It all adds up. Everyone is having to make sacrafices with the economy the way it is------No one is exempt!! Including the "Pretty Boys"
well well well dont you all have any thing eles better to do. my god we were in a parade. We will be in fruitlands next week for there station anniversity. And actually we had eng 2 truck 1 and tower 16 and all 3 pieces done a great job and looked good.You shouldnt really put us down cause when its time to save your ass youll be glad were there.we have always did parades for as long that i can remember and for the count we dont go to as many as we use to and we should to show support of other towns. grow up get a life.
joe you are an idoit. you need to get off gordys back. he is a volunteer. volunteer. turn the page. fire trucks are in every parade in the country, they get people interested in the fire department, come on turn the page. it seems you have it out for the guy.
Why send 3 pieces of equipment. If the Tower is soooo darn important, how can it justifiably leave the city to go to a parade? Why didn't they only send the truck that isn't in service yet alone. I hope the mayor sees how many things are going wrong with the current "leadership" in the city. It is time to cut out the bs and only worry about fire calls.
So what you're telling me is someone drove truck 1 from the pierce shop in middletown delaware to delmar and back to middletown so it could be in a parade right?
Gordy and god are two of a kind
Anonymous said...
So what you're telling me is someone drove truck 1 from the pierce shop in middletown delaware to delmar and back to middletown so it could be in a parade right?
3:18 PM
That is correct. That is over an hour drive each way. WTF!
Where is it written that only the Mayor can approve Fire Trucks leaving the City? And can this document be posted? Doesn't sound like a normal practice to me.
Hey 2:05--
I'm glad that getting a high school diploma doesn't factor-in too heavily when it comes to fighting a fire, because obviously you don't have a high school diploma! Proof read, PLEASE!
At about 2:00 P.M. I saw the fire truck (big sucker) pull out from Kohl's. I wondered what it was doing up there!!!
About 5:40 PM the Salisbury Fire Department was dispatched for a service call to assist the Hebron ambulance at the hospital to lift an obese patient. Isn't PRMC the biggest employer on the Eastern Shore? You mean to tell me the lazy nurses, doctors and staff at the emergency department are to good to send out two or 3 people to help them? That poor person had to wait in the back of that ambulance for over 10 minutes longer. Who helped put the patient in the back of the ambulance in Hebron? The fire crew from the Hebron Volunteer Fire company did. Do you mean those lazy fireman couldn't ride into the hospital with their own ambulance to assist in unloading their patient? How much is Hebron billing that patient for the ambulance call? Is the Hebron Fire Department going to reimburse the city of salisbury for it's use of the fire engine crew? How much did that lifting assistance call cost the tax payers of salisbury? So the city pays fireman to sit around and wait for ambulances in the county to call them for lifting assistance at PRMC? Who in the world authorized this? It is time for change in the city. Someone is abusing the system!
I believe Truck 1 is presently in the City not Middletown, DE. Joe you were out of town anyhow. We looked for you to smile at the camera to keep your blog site running.
For Pete's sake they were participating in a parade of a neighboring town. Wouldn't be much of a parade if it were just their trucks. Those that are irate over this are just being ridiculous.
Anonymous said...
joe you are an idoit. you need to get off gordys back. he is a volunteer. volunteer. turn the page. fire trucks are in every parade in the country, they get people interested in the fire department, come on turn the page. it seems you have it out for the guy.
2:49 PM
Jeremy Gordy you should have finished high school and learned something while you were at it. You are the epitome of ignorant FARMIN. You are an embarrassment to all that serve. Hopefully the new mayor will get rid of you and your father along with Hoppes.
While it may be hear now it wasn't sunday.
joe you are an idoit. you need to get off gordys back. he is a volunteer. volunteer. turn the page. fire trucks are in every parade in the country, they get people interested in the fire department, come on turn the page. it seems you have it out for the guy.
Ummmmmm I can’t resist commenting on this brilliant statement. Alright let’s take the parade out of the equation and focus on Gordy being a “volunteer”. Ok so he is a “volunteer”. First let’s define the word volunteer and its intended use in this matter. “Volunteer” - a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking or a person who performs a service willingly and without pay. In order to keep this short and sweet are you saying its ok for Gordy to break the bank simply by him being a volunteer?
Bill Gordy is dangerous in trying to manage volunteers or for that matter career fire fighters. He and his following have single handedly distroyed the rich tradtion of the SFD. Your mayor was not much when he was on the council before. If i remember right he turn tailed and went across the bay. I think we should ask ourselves if Salisbury can be saved from this power structure that is in place now. poor Salisbury..
That would have been truck 2 at kohl's!!So you can't tell the differance but yet you get on here and post crap.Fire trucks have been in parades all over this country for over 100 years in good times and bad.When fire trucks go to other towns it represents the department as well as the town there are coming from.Also while tower 16 and engine 2 were involved in the parade they were also covering Delmar coverage area.When you people don't have the facts or even know what you are talking about it makes this site look stupid as well as yourself and I can bet some idiot will get on here and say something stupid of what I have posted.So to that I say BITE ME!!!!
6:02 pm:
The hospital staff are not allowed to do ANYTHING outside of the building... If a person falls in the Emergency Department parking lot they will dispatch a Salisbury Ambulance to pick them up and transport them the rest of the way across the parking lot...
Anonymous said...
For Pete's sake they were participating in a parade of a neighboring town. Wouldn't be much of a parade if it were just their trucks. Those that are irate over this are just being ridiculous.
7:49 PM
For Pete's sake Bozo it is a parade for the town not the fire department. It has nothing to do with the FD, it is for the Town of Delmar and it cost to much money in these bad times of budget cuts. It is also a wear and tear on multi-million dollar equipment. It is an inconvenience to the people from Salisbury that have to staff that equipment. It is time taken away from their families. For Pete's sake Bozo get a life. By the way do you pay taxes?
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