With the recent announcement of Salisbury being the 2nd Most Dangerous City In America for violent crime, clearly things are getting worse. We listened to Mr. Mark McIver and Debbie Campbell on the Bill Reddish Show this morning where Mark stated that next year will more than likely be even worse. Could we be #1 next year? A simple yes or no answer to this survey would be fine.
Yes: The Police Chief needs to go.
No: The Police Chief shouldn't go.
New Posts will follow below this one.
Yes. We need a county police agency. Someone like Mike Lewis - a real police officer not a "suit" needs to be in charge.
28 y/o F
Yes, by all means-enough is enough. This town has gotten so far out of control. Sheriff Mike Lewis and his men cannot do all that is needed alone. Mike is also a resident of of this county- as we all know, the Chief of Police is not. Can anyone tell me or your readers, just what has he done for our town and the outrageous amount of crime that now resides here. I wonder how the City of Salisbury officer's feel... are they too as frustrated? Mr. Mayor, you were elected for "change"- do what needs to be done before the town of Salisbury becomes a "ghost town" with all of the residents scared and ready to re-locate. I know I am...
yes - I can't believe you are even putting up this survey.
yes we should have a new chief. also where di you get your info that we are second?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
anonymous 10:43, the information comes from a yearly report put out by the FBI. Mr. McIver represents the Chambero of Commerce Crime Task Force as well as being on the Crime Task Force Team with the City of Salisbury. He crunches the numbers every year and they are what they are.
The info came from the FBI.gov website. Look under the UCR link. Unbelieveable.
Where is that HELP that was on the way? Did it get up and go with the election or what?
Duh...that's a no-brainer...YES!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, did I say Yes,
And the Major and half the admin, we need a new LEADER.
NO way.
I think if he had a shred of dignity and self respect he would resign.
Doug, I couldn't agree more. However, Webster is a self centered a-hole who likes to sue anyone who disagrees with him. He'll be crying like a baby once he gets wind of this, crying blue bloody murder that it's not true. He'll then telll the rest of the Press that McIver doesn't understand the numbers and has it all wrong.
No Chiefy, YOU were in Internal Affairs and no nothing about being a Police Chief and GUESS WHAT, the numbers do NOT lie and you look like a complete a-hole because you are a complete a-hole.
Do the manly thing and step down. How many more people have to die in this City only to become yet ANOTHER one of your Cold Cases because you refuse to give out information early on to catch these criminals. What, did you get a tip from Baltimore that you should keep everything away from the Press and that's why no one is aware of what's really going on?
Nevertheless, your time has passed, you are no longer welcome and it's time to pass the torch to a real man who is willing to wear a uniform and be one of the TEAM. Not someone in a suit and tie who is above anyone and every one else. Think about it Chiefy, VIOLENT CRIME! How many had to suffer because YOU SUCK at what you do?
yes Absolutely.
1025 and 1101 must be the chief and the CPT over there at SPD. I vote YES
Yes. The is a marked difference in the way crime in the County is handled as opposed to that of the City. I dont feel safe anywhere these days and thats not the way it should be. There are obvious signs that lead to criminal behavior that go unchecked by SPD. The Thrift Travel Inn and the entire area around it is one example and its business as usual today. The Chief has got to go and Mayor Ireton needs to make it happen.
Like we needed a new mayor? Nothing will change.
We got a new mayor? I thought Barrie had a sex change. Nothing else has changed thats for sure.
YES times 17 - for me and the people I know personally that have been mugged, burglarized, vandalized and robbed
yes and a new mayor, recall him
No, Webster is doing a great job and we would be #1 if not for him.
Yes and we need a new mayor if Jim doesn't do his job.
sure do (that's a yes)
I quess Jim would rather play on his imploded blogg.
Yes, and we need three new City Council members who are focused on funding policing rather then accepting contaminated land with a mortgage! There are three that represent tax and spend. Time to reign in the crime and the rest will take care of itself.
Yes, and what is Jim's imploded blogg?
I get why everyone is saying yes to a new chief! However, I am telling you right now, unless wallets are opened and these fine officers are paid more the results will be the same! They get paid crap! What's that saying...you get what you pay for??? As long as they don't have the funds, they will never attract the kind of officers needed to clean up the streets. It can't be done with a new chief and the handful of men and women at SPD that actually do their jobs!
Yes and I disagree with 1241pm it can be done with a new police chief.
Yes - I've been a resident of Salisbury going on 39 yrs. What is happening in our community is unthinkable. Bank robberies, murders unsolved, total disregard for the law. No one respects or is afraid of the SPD and that's unacceptable in our society.
12:41 It starts with LEADERSHIP from the top. Look how fast the Sheriff's office turned around in Mike Lewis's first 90 days. Just like in business it starts from the top. I've already voted but YES
You have to play politics, want him gone? Get some dirt on the Mayor and pesuade him. Thats politics.
Yes, Webster is ineffective. We need a community based, inovative Police Chief. We sure don't have one now.
YES i do as well the delmar chief
Hell YEA!! SBY has really gone to S@%# over the past 5 years!
31 yr old FM
Yes, Yes Yes and Yes!!!!!
The real question is should we merge the County Sheriff and City Police with Mike Lewis at the helm. YES
No, make the best of what you have. I thinks surveys are usually ineffective and from reading news across the country, crime is up everywhere. Be careful what you wish for, it might not be as good as what you've got, especially if a new one ignores Albero. Stop wasting your time on finding so many faults with those who don't jump the hoop for you and see what you can do to improve the community.
YES..Then maybe a new chief will let his men and women be real cops and really police the streets..kick azzz and take names later...
C ya webster..go back to ur island where ya came from..Maybe run for the good old boy Somerset Co. Sheriff Position..Take over what Sheriff Jones has ruined over the years..I M sure U can handle THAT job...
Here's the link for the data!
YES.. Is he gone yet????
I worked with former spd officer cramer. The BS SPD put him through and he stood there all the way til they got ride of him. A few of us told him they are going to get ride of you no matter what. I saw the CFS during the time he was being observed. They destroyed him with calls. But the 3rd floor got ride of him saying he was (sub-standard performance). Cramer is one of the finest people I know. Want to start somewhere, start with him and the officers who left. Im sure he wouldn't mind bashing the bald headed creep!
Anon 136 how can we make the best of what we have when we don't have anything. Working with nothing is working with nothing. Webster is a big drain on the taxpayers wallet. He needs to go. Ireton needs to borrow someones balls and let him go.
Yes. I agree with anon 1:52
yes get rid of everyone
Definitely ... I've lived here 10 yrs and have seen things get worse and worse to the point that I no longer think it's a desirable area to raise a family.
The chief of police should demonstrate his commitment to the city he has sworn to protect and serve by wearing the uniform and living within its borders, neither of which has been shown by Salisbury's chief of arrogance.
YES - change is necessary.
yes and hell yes what a douche
Yes- Webster
Yes- Ireton
Yes- The 3 council members
Yes- Fire Chief
Yes- MD Governor
Yes- All of Congress
Yes- Obama
Yes, yes a thousand times Yes
Yes, like yesterday!
No. He is Salisbury's Finest and the best thing we have going for us in our plight to rid our community of crime.
YES!!!!!!!!! What planet are you from 427PM?
Yes, Incorporate the city into the county sheriffs office. Mike Lewis does a hell of a job!
Well if it isnt the old Mare herself.
First hand..he needs to go... I observed him and the ole mare... first hand how that group worked...
Yes Salisbury needs a new police chief and if he doesn't go then we need a new mayor.
Lets make it Marshall Law... Clean this S@%# up ourselves! LOL... Oh what fun!
4:27 I take your comment as sarcism.
YES! I moved here 10 years ago to escape the "big city" crimes like armed robbery, murder, etc etc. I thought Salisbury was a nice town but it's gone to hell in a handbasket in recent years!
(Posse anyone?)
Yes, considering moving soon!
Yes, someone needs to change things and fight for their people to get the benefits they deserve. This will result in keeping experienced Officers
YES! Webster needs to go. He has done nothing good for Salisbury but collect a check, ride around on taxpayers acting like a big shot. The officers deserve better as well! SPD and the citizens of Salisbury need a Chief of Police with a set of stugats (balls)...
The fire department needs a whole new command staff.
If Mayor Ireton can't deliver, then he needs to go.
In my opinion...YES, and NOW!
And can any council member that still supports the Chief.
He surely would be easy to replace !! Just draws a salary and rides the roads, but makes NO arrests. One of the former mayors cronies.
actually, joe your time has passed, you joe are no longer welcome, do the right thing and just leave
Yes, The present one counldn't catch a cold.
Hell yes!
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