ANNAPOLIS, MD (September 21, 2009) - Governor Martin O'Malley announced today
that he has granted the Office of the Attorney General the authority to
investigate, and if appropriate, prosecute conduct involving the Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
Earlier today, Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler requested the authority to
investigate allegations of the events surrounding ACORN. The Governor granted
the authority pursuant to Article V, §3 of the Constitution of Maryland.
The Office of the Attorney General is authorized to use all necessary subpoena
powers, to present to an appropriate grand jury any evidence and testimony
considered necessary to carry out this authorization and directive, and to act
with the full powers, rights and privileges possessed by a State's Attorney. If
criminal conduct is uncovered by this probe, the Office of Attorney General is
authorized to bring and to prosecute appropriate charges in any court of this
State against any and all persons and entities involved in or associated with
the crimes.
Good job keep this up and you might get my vote !
The governor is NOT interested in bringing down the house of nuts (acorn).
obama had directed all democratic governors of states where acorn was caught red handed to go after those who exposed the nuts.
If you do not believe me read the last paragraph of the govs order to the independently elected attorney general.
Nothing will be done , this involves afican americans. Need I
say more?
He looks like an insurance agent.
They will investigate, they will find that ACORN is an up and up organization that was the victim of a very few rogue low level people.
Why spend the tax money, we all know what the outcome of the investigation will be.
You want a real investigation? Find Ken Star!
4:37 Correct only after he was authorized by the white house. This will play well in his media boost
Acorn gets democrats elected. Democrats will not pursue an honest investigation into this corrupt orginization because it would cost them the next election. Haven't we had enough of the democrats yet. Next year can't get here soon enough for me.
the current governor is being manipulated by the white house on this one.
If he continues on his current path he will excide the arrogance and indifference of the erlich administration.
God I do dislike these arrogant bastards.
Looks like a real estate agent! Nothing will happen because they are all just being persecuted for the acts of 3 or 4. All other offices will be top shelf organizations... blah, blah, blah.
This is a white wash by the Annapolis regime directed by the White House.
Get out of our house!
They've now had more than enough time to clean their records...
They'll be sqeaky clean for sure
Yo Weezie! Can you go send the Fox out to check the hen house?
It will make the sheep in the yard feel better.
Yo! O! Can you authorize the Attorney General to look into Salisbury? Allegations abound! Voter fraud? Odd land deals? Police accusing councilwomen of stuff?
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