Back on July 8, 2009 we wrote this story referencing the Daily Times manufacturing a story about Town Commissioner Frank White. We also provided this story on the same date.
We are now providing ALL of the documents PROVING Frank White did absolutely nothing wrong. I have been well aware of Frank's innocents but considering I know Frank personally, I refused to publish anything on this matter until a full investigation was complete.
More than two months have passed and two investigations were conducted on this matter, both of which clear Frank of any and all charges.
A "Concerned Citizens Group" referencing this matter have been determined to go after Mr. White and one of their unofficial members of this group is none other than Liz Holland, reporter for the Daily Times. I contacted Mr. Greg Bassett back on July 8th expressing my concern towards Liz as she has been after Frank White for years. I spoke directly with Liz on the morning of the 8th and I said, so you have someone who claims they saw Frank at Outback several times at Happy Hour, a resident of Princess Anne? She replied, yes. I said, that's funny. A resident of Princess Anne travels all the way to Salisbury on a daily basis and hangs out there at Happy Hour. She hesitated and said, yes. I said, Liz, I'm NOT buying it. Turns out, she was wrong!
Mind you, she may have someone with a bug up their A$$ for Frank White, willing to say whatever it takes to get him out of Office but what everyone tends to forget is how overwhelmingly Frank was voted back into Office. The other issue I had with all of this was the FACT that Frank & his Wife were going through a divorce, what perfect timing for the Daily Times to get the "SCOOP," right? WRONG!
They should have been more careful, especially during these times. Anyhow, I was clearly upset with Mr. Bassett at the time for allowing such fabricated information hitting the headlines day after day and one quick review of the above documents clearly proves Frank White never did anything wrong.
As I had stated in the past. The Credit Card issued to Frank White is the same Card used to purchase ALL of their Office Supplies, Memberships, you name it. Spin this any way you like Daily Times, you owe Frank White a HUGE apology, as well as ALL of your readers. You were wrong, you were aggressive and you failed to tell the truth. $675.00 spent on meals, spread over 25 meetings!!!!!!!! Liz, you made a HUGE mistake.
We have seen this kind of aggressive reporting far too often from the Daily Times, who claims they have to get all these sources to confirm their stories. It's all BS Folks. They're downsizing each and every day. They're short handed and overwhelmed and rather than being the professionals they used to be some years ago, now they'll go after individuals like Frank White, Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, whomever they pick and choose at the time, including Jim Ireton when he was running for Mayor.
I am not spinning this story. I figured I'd provide the Official Documents and let them tell the whole story for you. Mark Tilghman is the Town Attorney for Princess Anne and quite frankly one of the most honorable gentlemen I have ever come to know, especially here on the Eastern Shore.
The last document comes from Mrs. Brenda Benton, acting Town Manager for the Town of Princess Anne. Again, they don't come any finer than this wonderful woman who has been with Princess Anne, well, I'm not even going to tell you how many years as she has been there longer than most of you have been alive.
Shame on The Daily Times, a Gannett Publications. Shame on Liz Holland as well as the Managers and Editorial Staff with the Salisbury Daily Times. My only hope is that they come clean, apologize for creating such false information and clear Frank White's name for the record as it's the right thing to do.
No, this isn't the "Good Ol' Boys" Folks. If it were anyone other than Mr. Mark Tilghman I might agree but this guy is as straight up as they come. Full investigations were done. Frank White has been cleared and let me also assure you, (as I stated this to Frank personally) if Frank had done ANYTHING wrong, I would have been all over him like no one else ever has. Frank knows one thing about Joe Albero. DON'T YOU EVER LIE TO ME. I appreciate my friendship with Frank and I'm proud to call him my personal friend. I would also like to publicly thank Frank for the service he has provided for many, many years to the Town of Princess Anne for peanuts.
While tens of thousands of people come to Salisbury News each and every day, my only regret here will be to the few left that buy the Daily Times and do not access us on line, if the Daily Times doesn't retract their original articles, they will not be aware of the fact that Mr. White was cleared. So I'll ask you to spread the word as best as you can. The Daily Times can no longer be trusted as they are desperate to sell papers simply to stay afloat. This goes for Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Cohen for the grief the Daily Times has also caused them over very stupid things like the recent video tape thing. Come on now, it's absolutely stupid.
That newspaper needs to be called the National Inquirer-Salisbury edition.
Ha, Ha, Ha. LMAO. It doesn't matter if you subscribe to the Daliy Times because half the time (and yes I mean 1/2 the time) you don't get it and are paying for it. Maybe this will burst their bubble and stop their lies.
If he lost his job over these shenanigans, can't he sue? I would hope the amount of that suit would put that paper DOWN!
LIZ Holland is an ass and will print anything.
The supermarket tabloids are more credible than the Daily Times. Really desperate to sell papers only three pages thick.
Hey JT, I know it's just about impossible for you to actually read more then two sentences in one sitting, (probably because food is more important) but please, do me a favor, stop visiting Salisbury News and trying to comment. Your curse words and personal attacks, simply because you're washed up and now a pre-criminal is of your own doing, not ours. You wanted attention, you got it. Say hello to Chiefy and old Mayor Tilghman. we saw her Downtown today with all those children. I hope she kept them away from you.
Joe , I'm glad you have got this issue straight. Salisbury News is the best. What the hell is wrong with the MSM anymore? Lies , lies
and more lies. Wayne
Frank White & his ex-wife Melissa & 2 boys have been friends of my family for YEARS, and i couldnt wait to see you post a story proving all the stories about him wrong!!! way to go Joe, i knew it would come out eventually, Frank is a good man & never deserved that! This is the reason i love sbynews. :)
I haven't trusted a word printed in that paper for several years now. Yes, they will print ANYTHING to make a buck.
Liz, your a has-been.
Frank, I knew you were in the clear. I went to school with your ex. I know the type of person she is. If she married you, you had to be someone good. Don't ever change.
Good job Joe. I just called and canceled my subscription after 14 years.
Always remember that the truth ALWAYS comes out. Sometimes a little slower than it should, but it does. Let this be a lesson about judging others. Great work as always Joe.
I know Frank White... For some reason (gee, maybe because he's a republican) people and the press take shots at Frank just for fun. I trust Frank... maybe some of you should to.
Craig Theobald
the daily disappointment gets a tax waiver for their equipment, hence they will only publish what makes the people who approve their tax status happy!
I hope that if the DT doesn't devote as much front page space and veracity to the story that Frank did nothing wrong that he'll sue the "print" off them.
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