Thanks to the DOZENS of Republicans of Kent members who were able to attend the Kratovil event in Rock Hall this afternoon. I would estimate that there were over 200 people crowded into the steamy meeting room. The Congressman spoke for about 15 minutes, then took questions for about 20 minutes.
A number of times, he reminded the crowd that he spend 16 years as a prosecutor, so he pledged that he will prepare for the health care vote like he did for his trials by "reading every word of the health care legislation" before making up his mind and casting his vote. During the question period, he asked the crowd how many would support a public option. About one-third of the room raised their hand. The crowd then demanded that he ask how many opposed a public option. About two-thirds raised their hands, whistled, and stomped their feet. For a 16-year veteran prosecutor, he forgot one of the cardinal rules of the profession: never ask a question for which you don't already know the answer. I bet he wishes now that he had never asked that question!
I can't help but think he came away with the strong impression that his district's voters do not support the Obama/Pelosi/Reid efforts to pass a national health care plan. Time will tell whether he will vote in a manner that reflects his constituent's views or whether he will tow the Pelosi line as he did when voting in support of the Cap and Trade legislation.
I was also amazed at what appeared to be a crowd turnout generated by the “Organizing for America” group, the arm of the Obama/DNC machine. They had identical signs printed on home computers that had obviously been emailed in an organized effort to show support. My impression is that many of these folks weren’t even from Kent County. In fact, I snapped the enclosed pictures of one of their vehicles. I’ve never seen this contraption on Kent County roads. Have you?! Notice the sticker on the back for "Sutton for Sheriff". Not in Kent County. In fact, last election our Republican Sheriff, John Price, was unopposed!
In any event, I think those opposed to the government's health care plan made our voices heard. A number of us will drive over to Towson University on Monday afternoon for Ben Cardin's Town Hall meeting. If you are interested in car pooling, please reply to this email message.
Joe Holt
"I do not recall you asking my permission about posting my car license plates on the Internet since the Healthcare Reform Town Hall disrupters have a record of violence. Are you trying to make me a target of political violence?"
My Reply:
If you believe I am in any way, shape or form trying to bring political violence upon you, you're nuts. Secondly, have you looked at the bumper stickers on your vehicle???? How dare you ask ME if I'm trying to bring something upon you. Get a life.
Thanks for that update Joe! Looks like they sent out the Obama mob after you.
FYI Cardin will be in Salisbury on Thursday.
Senator Ben Cardin's event:
Thursday, August 13th from 10:30 to 12:00 noon
Grey Shore Meeting on Health Care Reform in the Wicomico Room in Guerrieri University Center at Salisbury University.
This is an approved reservation/invitation only event. Questions have to be pre-submitted for review and if chosen you would be allowed to stand and ask your question.
Please call 410-546-6001 to see if you “get approved” to get in to this event.
They're trying to discourage large crowds from showing up and they are NOT representing US by only allowing one or two hours per meeting.
Here's the deal Folks. Vote every one of the people out of Office. obama drew everyone in for his cause, now let's draw everyone in against Health Care, Cap and Trade and quite frankly for all of them being crooked, knowing We The People do NOT want this BS.
It's not over yet but it will be shortly. If we let these wet pants liberals pass all of the crap this administration is pushing, America is Dead as a Country.
I'm starting to believe many knew that's where we were headed and their all lining their pockets before we hit rock hall bottom.
Sutton is running for Sheriff in Cecil County in 2010.
I have not seen that car driving around here in Cecil, but will surely recognize it if I do see it.
Kratovil is getting an earful everywhere for his vote on cap and trade. The back-pedaling isn't going very well. I'm not even sure if a vote against Obamacare would balance out the cap and tax vote.
We voted Gilchrist out for not voting for his constituents - now time to do the same again next year.
Actually, I was there and I think the room was split 50/50 for and against the public option. I also had the impression that most people in the room did not understand what a public option is or how it differs from a single payor system. The most vocal of the crowd were obvious Medicare recipients, who don't seem to understand that they are already part of a public option plan. The most telling comment in the room came when Rep. Kratovil was addressing illegal immigrant use of hospital emergency rooms, and how ER MD's can't just let people die. One member in the crowd yelled out, "Why not?". Unbelievable.
That'll take the paint off.
thats why im supporting Grady Romblad for Congress hes not Pelosi puppet or running for two seats at the same time. We conservatives will show them "GrassRoots" Easternshore style
July 30 Kratovil's D.C. office claimed additional Town Halls were being scheduled for Somerset, but as of Friday, Aug 7, they were still working on it.
Since Kratovil refused debates with Andy Harris due to fear, he's probably had enough of constituents' opinions.
Was that hangman from Salisbury there?
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