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Thursday, August 27, 2009



Anonymous said...

You've got it. How many of us would like to go on a date night in New York City and a weeks vacation on Martha's Vineyard - quite a few I would guess, but no we get to pay more taxes and stay home and forget all of the above and just keep coping.

Anonymous said...

Pres. Obama is rich. He got rich from utilizing his talents (solid education and popularity of his books). Isn't this the capitalism that you guys always praise. And he knows that every tax increase he passes, he is passing on to himself just along with the other rich. Get off the man's back.

And if you're going to critique the costs of his trips, critique every other president for every other vacation they have ever took. Find something worthwhile to critique the pres. on!

Anonymous said...

He is rich. But he will keep his wealth and take from us. The rules he is make do not apply to him.

Anonymous said...

Is that all you hypocrites got??? You might want to check your facts. President Obama pays many expenses out of his own pocket. If you bothered to check you would find that he has been the most frugal spender of all Presidents in the last 70 years.

The English Language said...

Anon 9:20,
I don't know what I have done to deserve this treatment from you. Whatever it is, I apologize and would appreciate it if you would treat me with a little respect.

The English Language

joealbero said...

Yeah, come on guys! Do you actually think Clinton was getting FREE oral sex in the Oval Office!

Anonymous said...

That terrible Obama. The nerve of him to go out and get an education, work hard to be the best in college, then go make himself a millionaire.

Anonymous said...

Obama paid out of his own pocket for his Martha's Vineyard vacation...

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:19 - I agree with you. What is wrong financial enrichment? I have six years of post-graduate education and worked two jobs while going to school full time. I am self-employed and work a minimum of 65 hours per week in a very high stress environment. I deserve to be paid well, yet I am under paid compared to many of my peers. I serve the public and I am expected to be without fault. I do have a nice house and a nice car however I also have a mortgage and car payment to show for it. At least 50% of my income goes to the government and this is a conservative estimate. Who am I?
I do not have a problem with anyone who has worked hard to advance their socioeconomic status. However, I do have a problem with the present socialistic government that wants to take from those that have succeeded in life through hard work and give to those who would rather sit on their lazy asses with their hand out. Mr. Obama and his communistic cohorts are systematically dismantling capitalism and will ultimately destroy our republic. Obama and Nancy "stretch" Pelosi are hypocrites pure and simple. I am not saying that the republicans are any better. I can only hope that the legal citizens of this country will wake up and realize what is going on and put a stop to these bastards. Obama is for everything our founding fathers were against. He needs to be stopped and I believe that he will be stopped. My children will not grow up in a society where they will not be given a chance to realize their hopes and dreams only to work for the betterment of the collective.

Anonymous said...

12:58, you can't be working that hard if you have time for this tired diatribe

10001110101 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Now you see it now you don't.

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal socialist do as I say not as I do . I don't personally care what he does as along as he is removed before he wrecks the country worse than he has already. Obama is the worst President in the history of America.

Anonymous said...

3:48 I do not what else to add "But Impeach Obama Now"

Anonymous said...

9:27-you're a moron!! Running up a $10,000,000,000 deficit and he's frugal??? Seems to me he should be in Washington learning HOW to be frugal!

Just another example of blind, gutless, moronic simpletons following along behind the chosen one with no thought whatsoever. Must be a shame to be you!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't trust any politican but I especially don't trust the ones like Obama and Kerry who want to impose extra taxes on the rich (read themselves). That doesn't make sense and they would exempt themselves from everything. See Ted Kennedy's fortunes are inherited and in trusts so he doesn't pay as much in taxes as those on Wall Street earning all those bonuses and they aren't worth half as much as he is.