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Monday, August 10, 2009

One Man's Opinion

20% of the vote for Obama was patently parochial. There is nothing we can do to convince these voters that they might have made a different choice.. Do not try to change their minds. Their faith in their candidate is rock solid and unshakable. I guess if we had elected an Italian, let us say Ruddy Giuliani, I would be just as parochial.

However, 40%, Middle America, voted for Obama because they were sick of Bush......and I can not really blame them either......Bush and his cronies were no bargain....they enriched themselves at our expense....He made many egregious errors in judgment, least of all taking us to war on the specious claim of WMD in Iraq. Bush's eight years were at best a lackluster performance, like his speeches . His Patriot Act, while necessary, was constructed in such a way as to severely ignore and impinge on the rights of American Citizens.

Obama promised change and after eight years of Bush, many of us were ready for change, any change. So about 40% of Americans voted for the "New Face" of a "Non-Beltway Insider" who sincerely and effectively promised "Change". To Middle America, this did not seem unreasonable.

Voters no longer trusted the Republican Party. This is the same attitude that ushered in the Reign of Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer, after the people became disaffected with President Nixon and the Republican party back in "77".

When Obama campaigned for the office of President, he spoke like a "Middle of the Road Centrist". Upon being elected, much to the chagrin of the voters that supported him, Obama shifted hard to the left.

I believe that that 40% is now, in the light of the last hundred days, having second thoughts. This website is for that 40%.

Please pass this on to those of the 40% that voted for Obama and now are having second thoughts. The website is aptly named the " I'm sorry I voted for Obama" website.. Pass this link along to those who voted for him and may now feel different. This is the part of the electorate that is changeable and may decide to vote against him in 2012.

Tony Passaro


Anonymous said...

Joe, how about we leave it to 1 man's opinion? I don't see you EVER posting articles like this that are pro-Obama.
You are simply stirring the pot. You are bitter that your candidate lost and the only way you can cry about it is by posting others thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the world with McSame running the show! Iraq would now be an official US state.

Anonymous said...

Don't think so Joe. The only 40% is the 40% that continues to talk to themselves like you. By the way that 40% is shrinking by the day.

Anonymous said...

8:31, we would be at war with Russia over the Georgia conflict and probably "Bomb, bomb, bombin Iran" for not voting how we liked it.

I guess this guy's opinion is based on some hard-hitting research and statistics.

Joe, it would be great to see you post some informative articles not just right-wing propaganda

joealbero said...

First of all, let me make something more clear, for those of you who didn't see the name at the bottom of the article. I DIDN'T WRITE IT.

Secondly, IF you want to send me an article to post for the "other side" or opinion I'd be happy to post it. For now, we'll post what we get.

Anonymous said...

There are no legitimate "pro" Obama reports that are true. His Chicago thugs have killed jobs,killed small business, and intends to create a Fannie Med that will enrich a few corporate conglomerates of Insurance/Pharm cronies.

Anonymous said...

He will win big the next time too!