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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama Health Plan: Rationing, Higher Taxes, And Lower Quality Care

President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats are rushing to enact legislation that would overhaul the way health care is financed and delivered in the United States. It would dramatically increase the role of government in virtually all aspects of health care. Such an initiative should be carefully studied to determine whether it actually solves problems in the health care arena or makes them worse.

National health plans similar to what President Obama is proposing have been adopted in other countries. They always start out promising universal access and free or reduced-price health care. But they end up with massive institutional bureaucracies whose purpose and function are to deny health care and medical services. Often they fail to control spending despite resorting to withholding care to politically weak groups.

President Obama insists that his plan to fundamentally restructure health care is needed to reduce costs. He has touted a report from his Council of Economic Advisors that specifies exactly how that would be done. That report, however, elaborates a policy of thorough government health care rationing achieved through government control of the financing and delivery of care.

This study will explain how the health policy changes President Obama and Congressional Democrats support would cause millions of Americans to lose their choice of doctors and insurance coverage, require that access to care be strictly rationed, and cause the quality of care to deteriorate. Despite all this sacrifice, nationalizing health insurance in America would require major tax increases, slow economic growth, and increase the national debt.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Obama needs to change, "America the Free" to "America the Dependent". We no longer have political liberty. We continue
to lose freedoms and our capability to choose.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would actually support this crap idea for socialized medicine is either stupid, or looking to get something for nothing.
Why would you willingly give away your freedoms for some false promise of heathcare for everyone.
Remember, make a deal with the Devil and the Devil will own your soul!

Anonymous said...

By devil do you mean United Healthcare?


E.P. said...

If you are ideologically opposed to government-run health care, then I'd like to hear your explanation of how and why America would be better off without Medicare.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like plan to me,just what
the libs want they don't know whats really going on anyway

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal BS. In 1993 Clinton told us the ceconomy would crash if health care was not passed. In recent years they forced sub prime mortgages on the country to bring down the economy. Now they are blaming it on Health insurance again.
As for Medicare, there was never a choice given and in case you didn't notice it is bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

The people are faced with the question: Do our govenment officials really CARE about us (we the people)?

Are they going to look out for our interest, or the interest of large corporations?

The answers to these questions will tell us whether or not to support their efforts.

I believe most Americans realize the elected officials work for large corporate interests and not for the people who elect them into office. Actually, the problem is the money from lobbyists of the large corporations is what gets them elected. Americans realize the government has become hopelessly corrupt and is quite beyond repair. In which case, we are better off with less and less government intervention in our lives. Government can only do harm to our freedoms and lifestyle.

Tee said...

E.P. said...
If you are ideologically opposed to government-run health care, then I'd like to hear your explanation of how and why America would be better off without Medicare.

Is that all you libs know? (medicare)
Of course it is because that's all olbermann says.

The wonderful program called "medicare" has been broke for years, the government cannot manage a program that the people paid into their whole life, what pray-tell makes anyone think the government can manage a "medicare" program for all?

I know, because your messiah says so and olbermann back it up. sheese

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:01

If you don't like a certain insurance company then change to another!
When the communist and chief passes government health care, you won't have any other choices! IT WILL FORCE ALL PRIVATE INSURANCE OUT!

B.T.W. I can smeel that you are an A.C.O.R.N. Troll!
Taxpayer money funding A.c.o.r.n. is paid organized crime!

Anonymous said...

Just wait til you are under the Big Brother health care plan from Obama. When you want to express your views about the quality or quantity (or lack thereof) of the care, you will be met with the same expression of concern as the Dumbocrats expressed at the town hall meetings.
Look at the chicken-sh*t a$$holes like Durban that won't even face their constituents because they know that government healthcare is not wanted by ANY freedon loving American, and only wanted by the Marxists and the lazy slugs in this country.

Anonymous said...

Tee, do you think we should get rid of Medicare?

Anonymous said...

4:43 - Listen to me Mr. Freedom lover... When I bought health insurance for my wife and I two years ago, I shopped for the best coverage that I could afford ($2500 deductible, 80/20 coverage). In the past two years, we've been to the doctor ZERO times, yet our premiums have risen nearly 70%. Let me tell you how good it feels to be paying an arm and a leg to an insurance company, and still not be able to afford to go to the GD doctor. Trust me there are no better deals out there. Don't you think that I've looked?

The public option will bring real competition to the marketplace, and it can't happen soon enough if you ask me.

I've got a lot more to say, but I think that I'll just keep things civil for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey E.T. - I'm not in ACORN.


Anonymous said...

Dear MD-Progressive:
Perhaps if your beloved congress would allow you to shop across state lines, you might find the competition would drive prices down. Guess how much Medicare and supliment premiums have risen. How about property tax and anything else politicans can get their greedy paws on.
Social security tax was supposed to be 1% and never taxed. It is now a combined 15 1/2% and up to 85% of it is taxed as ordinary income. The progressives are doing such a great job.
"promise them anything but give them horse pucky"

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. MD progressive (translate communist)
The so called "Public Option" will eliminate all choices except the government control health insurance and you knwo it!
Stop trying to hide your idiology, you are nothing more than a damn commie trying to ruin this country.
Why don't you get the f**k out and move to Cuba where they have free government health care!
You "progressives" make me sick!

Anonymous said...

I forgot, the "free market" is the answer to everything. If it were up to me single payer would be the way to go. I'd be for eliminating insurance companies altogether.

What is it that the insurance companies do anyway? What valuable service do they provide?


Tee said...

Anonymous said...
Tee, do you think we should get rid of Medicare?

More msnbc talking points...
why would we get rid of something that we paid for all our working lives?
It might be screwed-up via the government but it's at least a little better than nothing.
it would be much better coverage if the money had been invesyed in private insurance companies

You libs enjoying your kool-aide?

next question.. demwit;

Anonymous said...


The Republicans got their A**ES handed to them last go round. Elections have consequences. That is how democracy works (not communism).

How do you suppose a Palin/Limbaugh ticket would do in 2012? Why don't you give that a shot. Then we could see just how far out of step with America you guys really are. So keep calling me names. I love Kool-Aid, BTW. It's more economical than soda.


Anonymous said...

...and I never said anything about wanting free health care.


Anonymous said...

Try writing here without using MSM talking points. Both parties and the media are controlled by the corporations. If we use their talking points we will never figure this thing out.

Americans are smart enough to understand the problem. The corporations control the congress. They control the elections and what we think of the politicians through their media. The media lies to us. We know it but are so hesitant to admit it to ourselves. So we pretend the lie of the 2 party system still works and all we have to do is get out and protest! Get out and vote!

Use your instincts and common sense. The politicians don't care aboout us. The government simply finds more and more ways to justify taking more and more of our money. All the while the Fed continues to print more and more money, thus devaluing what little amount of money any of us manage to save. The longer you keep your money, the less it is worth.

Off the point. Stop bickering about each other's allegiance to one of these obviously corrupt parties. They aren't worth your time or money. Wake up America!

Join together. Discuss the issues with each other. Stop calling names and acting silly.

henry young said...

Why can't just those why pay taxes get health b'out that Obama and the rest of the health care reform starters??? NO seriously, this I could be in favor of, but not just letting any old person that comes to America, even the illegal’s to get health care and our taxes go up the roof???? No, sure, I will cont. to fight this...

Anonymous said...

Insurance companies need NOT to tell doctors how to practice medicine. Doctors need NOT to make the patients worse.
Maybe if there was not a guaranteed payment for services rendered, less elective (unnecessary) treatments & proceedures would not be done. If you had to pay for what you want rather than what you need, we'd be better off.
It's still just another business, gone awry.

Anonymous said...

those who don't pay, shouldn't get.