It's a lock that Congress will pass it; the real issue is the shape it will take
From all the attention focused on the rambunctious town hall meetings, ranting about “death panels” and repetitive shrieking against government health care on right-wing radio, one might think health reform is pretty much dead in America. Think again.
Health reform is a lock to pass. The only issue is in what form. You need to look past the noise, fear-mongering, misquotes, inconsistent claims, inaccurate assertions and political gamesmanship and pay attention to what is truly at issue as Congress gets down to the business of reform in the fall.
Why am I so certain reform will happen? Well, August is media silly season. Anything that can get you to look up from your beach or lake reading to watch TV tops the news. That is why creepy Michael Jackson, animal abuser Michael Vick and a few thousand angry old white guys, some packing heat, all yelling at Congressmen, dominate the airwaves. Summer will soon be over, though, and that signals a return to a very different world of politics and media coverage.
GO HERE to read more.
Well this is good news.
Health Care will pass because the elite want it to pass. Furthermore, it matters not what we wish or desire.
The lies the Republicans created caused them to lose this debate. All credibility was lost.
to 10:20, surely your being sarcastic. Don't be so sure this will pass- there is alot of pressure coming to bear against democrats-especially going into an election cycle this fall. Cramming it through now, they risk incurring the wrath of the electorate that put them in office in the first place. The major group is the independents who've clearly demonstrated they are against this bill and will take out their wrath on the very people who are in office. we need to keep the pressure on to defeat this bill that will destroy the remainder of the economy. I don't know how people can see the "paradise" they're being promised with national health care. It has failed EVERYWHERE in the world it has been tried. What kind of fool believes that our gov't can do it better?????
Besides, health care is not a guaranteed right-where in the constitution are you guaranteed health care?? And besides, everybody has access to health care, with the taxpayers already subsidizing those you can't/don't pay. So why the rush? no one is truly without insurance. there are much better and prudent ways to improving health care than letting the gov't do it.
Of course something called "health care reform" will be enacted. Obama will claim victory and so will the Democrats, even if they only achieved a few of their goals. That's how DC works. Presidents propose something ambitious, Congress scales it back and changes it dramatically, the President signs it and claims that was what he wanted all along. Anyone who doesn't know this doesn't know much about how DC works.
Anon 10:20
well this is good news.
This is a very uninformed and self centered comment. Did you read or do you not realize they will not take out the provision that this bill will allow the Government to take over and transfer money from your financial accounts and you can do nothing about it. You will be giving up all your privacy concerning your medical records to the Government and who ever else they want to share it with, "HIPA". As Barney Franks stated "you don't trust the Government". He is one of the biggest crooks in Washington DC. These are only 2 examples of many in this terrible bill.
Shoot them all.
11:26 excellent post!!!! but then again, when did liberals worry about the details??
to 11:09 "the lies republicans created" What a complete assinine statement to make. What rock have you lived under ?? You have no idea whats in that bill, other than its a "feel good" bill. Unfortunately, I don't have time or space in this post to rip you a new asshole for making such an erroneous statement, and obviously not taking the time to look at the democratic lies perpetuated on daily basis. you are pathetic!
Well Joe has PMSNBC as the source for this story. What else would you expect to see from the network that is in the pocket so deep for Obama that they even sell Obama bling in their store at network headquarters. That is why NBC is a bigger joke than the other two networks.
anonymous 1:07, that's funny because all of the other networks have it too.
11:48 I know there are no death panels, for one.
to 3:34 this is 11:48ah hold on-your WRONG. while the term "death panel" is merely a colloquialism and the words themselves are not actually in the bill, the purpose and intent of these panels is there.
Upon reaching a certain age, 65 I think, you have to be "counseled" every few years or so by the gov't. If your, say 75, and need a hip replacement or heart valve surgery-YOUR NOT GOING TO GET IT!!!. The reason is there is no cost/benefit in your favor. You've outlived your actuarial table. You'll be told to live with the condition and go without the surgery. Its fact that Obamas target group is 18-40year olds. So while the terms "death panels" are not actually in the bill (would you really expect that), the ultimate intent and consequences are there. DEATH to the old people. So your nothing but a liar yourself for perpetuating the story that there is no death panel in the bill. Besides, top level dems just last week said that language would be removed. So if the panels didn't exist in the first place, why would they have to be removed. You better wake up and figure it out before its too late-cause your definitely not understanding what is at stake here. There is no panacea in universal health care. It has failed everywhere in the world-what makes you think we can make it better??? Gov't has never improved the lives of anybody in that respect. So quit lying to yourself
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