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Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Palin Really Resigned

And I can't say I blame her for wanting to get paid...

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The former fiance of Gov. Sarah Palin's 18-year-old daughter says he thinks he knows why the Alaska governor is resigning _ concerns over money.

Levi Johnston, 19, whose wedding to Bristol Palin was called off earlier this year, says he believes the governor is resigning over personal finances.

Johnston says he lived with the Palin family from early December to the second week in January. He claims he heard the governor several times say how nice it would be to take advantage of the lucrative deals that were being offered, including a reality show and a book.

"I think the big deal was the book. That was millions of dollars," said Johnston, who has had a strained relationship with the family but now says things have improved.

Palin has a book deal, but compensation details haven't been disclosed. The governor has said she is facing more than $500,000 in legal fees.

Johnston made his comments at a news conference Thursday at the office of his attorney, Rex Butler.

Johnston came forward, Butler said, because Alaskans want to know why Palin has decided to resign. She made the announcement last Friday.



Alex said...

Not sure how much we can believe the 19 y/o, but article makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Why is Pelosi hiding from the questions about the CIA where is the investigation into her allegations.

joealbero said...

Good For Her! This is America where, (thank God) we have the ability to better ourselves financially.

If Palin is in fact leaving to make more money and NOT stealing it from the Taxpayers, wouldn't that be a real TWIST for Democrats like Two Sentz!

Just like this Post, it's hard for these people to understand how to do things the honest way, especially when they can more easily take it from you and I without asking.

Go Sarah Palin!

Anonymous said...

Yes that is fine. She should go for the big bucks. Does not say much for her commitment to the public good. Can not say I would invest much in the opinions of this guy. He looks like an up and coming slime ball. Should have his own talk show in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Yea we have the right to better ourselves financially at least until this administration who believe that you should give your earnings to those who choose not to better themselves or work harder to improve their situation !

RFGAIN said...

Boy, Oh Boy...The left and the right don't know what to think. A conservative who isn't afraid of the media! Or her so called Party! Someone not afraid to speak her mind! Not afraid to step out from the politcal box to do things a little differently. A loose cannnon you might say??? No, she is difintely the ONE!!!

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. It's the Republican way....sell out your country for greed.

joealbero said...

anonymous 12:36, you are clearly a flaming a-hole.

chuck said...

oh no!

If she's the Republican candidate, then Obama is SURE to lose in 2012. We wet pants Liberals are terrified of her and her "I quit for a book deal" strategy!

Please don't nominate her! Please!


Anonymous said...

A clearly delusional a-hole !!!

Anonymous said...

Johnston doesn't know how to use a condom. Do you really think he has a clue as to why "baby grandma" is quitting?

Anonymous said...

I am trying to remember when the Prseident said I should give all of my money to everyone else....trying.....trying.....trying....trying

Anonymous said...

Joe you need to tuck Chuck in for another nap is grumpy again.
I guess they just expected her to stay in office and go bankrupt right? Shes doing what she HAS to do to keep her family fed because you jackbutts want to keep trying to shut her up with all the law suits. Which one of you libtards would stay in office and continue to rack up legal fees? Would any of you stay at a job that was costing to work there instead of getting paid?

chuck said...


"jackbutts"? "Libtards"?

Can Conservatives put forth an opinion without resorting to name calling? With each passing day, the answer is looking more and more like "no".

Anonymous said...

Libtards? That's a good one. Too bad people living in conservative states suck off the teat our liberal taxes. On average we make more money than you, have a higher education than you, and use less government resources than you do. Without us, you are Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I she is going to run for senate.

Anonymous said...

2:22...An inconvenient truth. Well said.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention Mexico. That's what the country is turning into anyway.
I have seen people that have the highest education and they really have no common sense at all. You can have all the money in the world and it wont make you happy and Obama is going to take it from you now that you have mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

I am all for her leaving her government position for more money or any other reason she may come up with... as long as she stays gone.

10001110101 said...

RFGAIN 12:30....Kudos! Typical Politicans do not know quite how to deal with loose cannons who refuse to be pulled into the traditional political paradyme and chooses to dance outside of the box......a little too scary for them.....especially if that person is female. A little too much loss of control...hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Yea and add to that she really is crazy and probably can not spell paradigm

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz you truly need to stop with the Palin bashing obsession and start focusing on the real issues--how Obama has reniged on almost every campaign promise and how he is weakining our national security. Please, it is time for rational thought.

Anonymous said...

All the Palin haters on here are the crazy ones. You are afraid of the governor of Alaska? You are afraid of a female who you say can't speak but manages to draw in crowds of tens of thousands. If she's sooooo dumb, you have nothing to worry about but yet you all continue to attack her. I've read the full transcripts of her interviews on CBS with Katie -no one watches me-Couric and they made her look bad. You've won and Obama is elected and he's so much worse than the Alaskan governor that he can't even speak without a teleprompter. She's a quitter because she resigned from a job she wasn't doing anyway because of all the bogus ethics complaints, but Obama is brilliant for not resigning from a job he wasn't doing anyway to run for President-logic completely eludes the haters of Palin. Grow up and get Congress to STOP the SPENDING. It's not Obama's fault or Bush, that we're in the crapper, it's their fault-The Congress-they hold the purse strings and they've been to the Bunny Ranch in Vegas, to the liquor store in Detroit and alot of other bad places like drunk Chinese hookers. Come on libs, you can do it, you can open your minds to the fact that not all Dem's have your best interests at heart and spending like drunk sailors at a foreign port will get us out of a recession.

dinosaur said...

I give Sarah Palin about as much creditability as I give Michael Jackson--both of them over-rated.

10001110101 said...

7:02 And also add that she knows herself and does dare to be different. By knowing oneself is a way of being true to one's self. As to being true to one's self gives way to be true to others. Therefore, She would make a fanastic leader.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to see he's looking for his own fame. How can he be believed?
Gov. Palin would not inform him of her reasons for stepping down or any plans she has for the future. Why would she?
Her financial reports have shown the Palins to be very "savvy" where their finances are concerned and NOT in the need described by Levi.

Anonymous said...

You sound just like me...lovinit.

Anonymous said...

Palin is a MORON and and a quitter. What scares me is there are actually people who respect her. The thought that there are people in the USA that would vote to put her in the Oval Office is enough to make me consider moving to Canada.