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Monday, July 13, 2009

Trash Your MONOPOLY Board Game

Game of Obamopoly

Like it or not, you are a player.....

The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism by having the government take over everything!

Tokens include a bus, a teleprompter, a sprig of arugula and a waffle iron.

Wanna play? No??? Too bad, you're already playing... and quite frankly, in this game, nobody wins!


Anonymous said...

Bankers do.

Anonymous said...

so do politicians

Anonymous said...

Where's the space where it say you must apologize to other countries for being the best nation in the world?
How about a card that says "Teleprompter broken during town hall meeting, have to actually answer questions. Go back 10 spaces due to not knowing the subject matter"

Anonymous said...

So true it would be funny if it wasn't so true. It is so sad to see our Great Country going down the tubes via Obama.