It was yet another kick in the teeth by Jim Rapp and one of the many reasons he's no longer working at the Zoo today. Fortunately for the animals at the Zoo Jim has been replaced by a new Zoo Director Joel Hamilton.
Word on the street is, the Zoo is getting prepared for yet another AZA Inspection in September and everyone is squirming to try and make things nice again at the Zoo. There's also talk about breaking away from North American Animals and they'll be working on a new Australian Exhibit soon. For those of you working there, I still get a lot of information as to what's going on there regularly.
In fact I heard the bear has recently had some sort of surgery which was done at the zoo. During the surgery something was needed that the Zoo didn't have on hand. A Zoo Official had to leave and go to a nearby clinic to get this item.
I also heard the Zoo is expecting Brazilian Ocelots. Something about, they haven't arrived because of the Brazilian Government holding them up.
Anyhow, anything is an improvement over Jim Rapp and the drinking buddies he hired while he was Director. Joel is a breath of fresh air. To Mr. & Mrs. Harris, THANK YOU! Some of us have not forgotten your unconditional and kind donation. You've brought a lot of joy to those visiting the Salisbury Zoo. The Otters happen to be my favorites there.
I must say that I took my nephew to the Salisbury Zoo about a month ago and that place was absolutely filthy. Trash everywhere,landscaping was decrepid. What a total shame and very embarrasing for any visitor.
With all due respect Joe, the bear's dental surgery was in the Daily Slime with a great picture. Didn't hear about the needed missing item, though. And the Ocelots were in the paper online, too.
I, too, am glad to see Rapp gone. Joel Hamilton I hear is nice to everyone. Rapp was only nice to those he liked and nasty to those he didn't, a la Barrie Tilghman.
Jim quit. He got a new job making $21,000 A YEAR MORE.
Close down the zoo it does nothing for Salisbury.
The otters are my favorite too. They are fun to watch and they always look like they are having such a great time. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Harris!
Anon 9:08. I can't be sure what the zoo does for Salisbury, but I can tell you it pleases many thousands of kids and adults from all over Delmarva, as well as many vistiors from other states, and more visitors than you might think from foreign countries. If you don't like zoos, that's ok, but if you don't understand them, that's something else.
I understand money, how much does it cost to operate, how much does it bring to the local economy. Personally I dont think animals should be kept in cages.
anonymous 9:51, this is exactly the problem I have with some of you Zoo Fans.
Rather than being more inviting, you come off as if you're some kind of elite group of individuals in which the normal Joe would never understand.
Try being more inviting and ask if there's any questions you can better help answer.
The Salisbury Zoo is losing more and more support, that's a fact. Just look at the donations boards and that's a clear sign in itself.
Like it or not, Ron Alessi and some others need to go. Times have changed and we need to learn to embrace the newer generations and not shove our "old ways" down their throats.
Anyhow, I'll stop there. Hopefully you get my drift.
I wouldnt say anything is an improvement over Jim Rapp. He worked long and hard to get the zoo accredited, and then the city fathers crapped all over him and he left, just like all young professionals tend to do, ala Tim Sakemiller when the dirty politics of Salisbury wear them down or frustrate them into submission, it makes me embarrassed to live here at times
Ryan, with all due respect, Jim Rapp had absolutely nothing to do with the Zoo getting accredited. That was MANY years before his time.
I think it needs to be mentioned that Salisbury is truly lacking in activities and places for the youth to go. I understand that it may not be making money for the city of Salisbury. I understand it is tied up in some serious city politics. Aside from all of that, you cannot deny that it is one of the VERY FEW remaining things for parents to do with their children in this area.
To 9:55 - I also would love to see all animals live in their natural habitats. However, it's grossly naive to think that there are no animals in this world that would be dead if they weren't in a zoo. Many of the zoo's animals have been rescued and are being used to help eduate the public (i.e. the small owl who has only one eye due to littering). Some of these animals are being used to teach today's youth valuable lessons on the care of our wildlife.
There are pros and cons to everything. Maybe some constructive criticism would be the better option for those of you with all the answers.
If its self sufficient fine if not put it in the bin.
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