With crime recently taking a major spike upwards, (not that it hasn't been bad enough being the 9th Most Dangerous City in America for violent crime) and a very violent murder less than two days ago, Chief Webster has become a major topic in the City of Salisbury. I wouldn't be fair if I didn't mention Mayor Ireton's role in being accountable for allowing Webster to continue but here's the deal.
Do you believe Chief Webster should stay on as Chief of Police or do you believe Mayor Ireton should terminate him immediately and find a new Chief of Police for Salisbury?
He should have been FIRED along time ago.....before it got this bad!
Give him his walking papers today.
Two thumbs down
Webster either has to go or has to be held accountable for whats happening. When he was sworn in as Chief he SWORE to protect the citizens of Salisbury. Good job Chiefy, you FAILED!!! Maybe if he emptied out that 3rd floor and put more people on the street we wouldnt have half these problems. 6 officers to a shift isnt cutting it. Not when its a known fact that some days Saisbury officers are servicing over 120 calls in an 8A - 8P time period.
Abdul Choudrey, the man murdered in his store Monday night, was a wonderful person. kind hearted and lived for his stores. He didnt bother a sole working to raise his kids and give them a life that wasnt offered to him growing up.
Eden will miss him dearly.
I do not know Chief Webster personally, however I have lived here all my life and have NEVER seen our city so violent without it getting under control. He has been there a long time and shows no signs that he can do the job. On the other hand I have known Jim Ireton for many years and he is a wonderful person. He however is not doing the job he was voted to do. He may not be able to fire Webster without the councel but he can make his life miserable enough he would leave and Mayor I say you need to be getting on the stick because those that voted you in are getting a little disappointed in you. We need leadership that these thugs understand plain and simple!!!!
I think he should go! NOW! I understand he is on his honeymoon and yet people are getting killed in his city! Where is he when all of this is going on? He is well past his time!
New Chief, now!
Fired no doubt sooner the better! But it is not that simple. The Mayor must have 3 city couoncilpersons to vote with him. I think he has the three.
IF I were the chief I would be totally ashamed to be called chief when such a bad job has been done. I would be ashamed to depend on the state police and sheriffs office to do my job.
Its time he retire and go some where anywhere.
Its TIME, make a change now please!
Terminate immediately, if not sooner.
He has managed to keep Salisbury in the top ten nationally for violent crime. What an achievement! I guess the new Mayor is just like every other politician, full of HOT AIR. Tell the people what they want to hear, get elected and then go hide in a corner and collect your money. Come on MAYOR, get a pair and do your job. Fire the guy, pay off his contract and get somebody that can take control of the SPD and move us into the top ten of the safest cities in America.
He needs to go. Morale is way down and there's way too many Chief's and not enough Indians. That's my opinion and I want Chief Webster to know it.
Say all you want. The mayor is the only person who can dismiss. Then, only when he has documentation of wrongdoing over a period of time and has been disciplined repeatly, then can the mayor dismiss with or without grievance. So, you are beating a dead horse.
The chief is not the only thing that needs to change. A new chief and his replacement should be a local proactive chief that is willing to fight to get more officers, money, and equipment to do the job. The new chief needs to not tie the hands of his officers. If officers seizue drug money from drug dealers...once adjudicated and forfited...buy equipment for officers to better fight crime. Dont stick it in the city general fund where it gets used for street signs and things of that nature. Have someone writing grants for other than computer stuff to keep spd up to date with technology or even buy it with the seized money. Many other agencies do this, and thats what keeps their agencies on the edge of fighting crime. The city council needs to honor thier word and give the pay raises and the new officers to spd AS THEY HAVE PROMISED and not come through with for years. Then not only will you have a leader in charge that will be eager to clean up the streets, not just be retired on duty; you'll have the new technology to do it with, as well as proative instead of disgruntled officers. It's a multiechelon change that is needed. Only one aspect being change is a bandaid to a deep wide gash
Oh for crying out loud, fire the SOB!
Let him sue the City. I personally believe the Mayor has a far more responsible role in assuring the public safety of the Citizens and Webster has proven he not only can't crunch numbers, he's in complete denial.
I will not risk my life nor the lives of loved ones of saving Webster's A$$ simply because he has a contract.
Sheriff Lewis would NEVER allow this to continue under his LEADERSHIP. Webster refuses to work with other Law Enforcement Agencies simply because of their affilaition with Joe Albero. Now if that isn't childish, stupid and completely irresponsible, I don't know what else to tell you.
Webster is a liability to YOU. Oh, you'll listen when it hits close to home, you'll see. I say, do NOT wait. Mayor Ireton needs to give the man his walking papers and get someone in there like Ernie Leatherbury, (sp?) or someone else in the State Police Department that speaks the same language. Webster needs to go NOW!
He should at least be made to move to the Salisbury area. How can he be the chief of police in Salisbury and live in Crisfield. He cannot possibly be available when needed on short notice. Salisbury should require that he live in the Salisbury area and if he would not move, he could be terminated.
9:44 is wrong. "Cause" can include incompetence or inefficiency. If Chief Webster were doing a competent and efficient job, we would not keep have fast-food like turnover in the police department.
If Ireton won't can or bust the Chief to private and if the three incompetents of the council don't support them doing it, get rid of them all.
How many people have to die before somebody in this town will get serious?
End the honeymoon now! I'm sure the other guy will understand. You are needed back at the ranch dude.
Joe, I can't believe you wasted our time by asking this question. (lol). What INFORMED citizen would actually want him to stay? What officer, other than Mark Tyler, would want him to stay? Come on - an argument can be made that to some degree (probably a high degree) Chief Webster is directly responsible for our high crime rate.
His lack of tactical deployment of personnel, his ego-based decisions on promotions and command decisions, his unwillingness to reach out and partner with other law enforcement agencies, his unwillingness to grasp the influence and prevelance of gangs and meth & heroin in Salisbury, his unwillingness to adopt a zero tolerance policy of criminal behavior by SU students, his lack of respect from the community, citizens, businesses, but most importantly, his OWN officers.....damn, Joe, how much longer to you want me (and us) to go on??????
I sure had high hopes for our new mayor but he is going to mirrow the same situation in Pocomoke where the "new" mayor was going to "change" things - and ended up just as hapless and semi-corrupt as the establishment. I hope the younger generation can step up and take over for the older farts in this town who are either too meek, too intimidated, or too stupid to fight the fight.
People, you don't fire a person for failure. We need to form a commission, then agree to spend some more money, and then encourage Chiefy to use the money to "correct" the problem. Simple.
We might even need a regulator.
I read with a great deal of interest every day the bashing of Webster and it may be justified. However as hard as MSP, SPD, WCSO, etc work, they are being constantly impeded by the judicial system. I will bet that when the perps are caught that killed the C store owner the other night, that it will be found that they have extensive records and probably should not even be on the streets. As long as we have the AClU and the mindset of the courts, criminal activities will continue to grow. When caught and incarcerated, they are fed, receive medical attention, cause outlandish, inane legal suits and in many cases live better than on the outside. It is time to raise hell with the aforementioned courts etc and keep these offenders in lockup. Love to see a penal system maybe on Bloodsworth Island or another remote place and let the repeat offenders live together in isolation. Deliver the barest of necessities once a month and that would be it. No canteen, no law library, no television, etc.
Seriously tho, the biggest problem lies with the judicial system. As an ex LEO, we used to say the perps were back on the street before we finished the paperwork.
I suppose he'll say, "See? I leave town for a few days and looks what happens. Salisbury just can't make it without me."
Yeah, right.
anonymous 9:59, we don't have time for a commission!
Webster needs to go and if he were a man he'd recognize he can't hit a home run any more or kick the ball through the goal posts. Real Men Step Down and if they don't they get fired. Fire him and get it over with. If he wants to sue, challenge it just as soon as Ireton hires a new lawyer. By the way, word has it Ireton will introduce his recommendation for a new law firm next Monday night.
Why hasnt anybody mentioned that the trailer park behind the Shell Station is The Sheriffs territory, probably where the suspects came from. Chief Webster can't be held accountable for everything that happens. I think he should stay. Furthermore I think the Sheriffs Office should be merged with SPD with Chief Webster in command. Compare his credentials with Mike Lewis and Webster wins hands down. Making a few big drug busts on the highway doesnt cut it!
as donald trump would say you are fired chief
can we start a petition to have him removed? What steps can the CITIZENS take to have him removed? Is it solely up to the mayor? We elected the mayor, so WE should have say, contract or not, whether Webster stays or goes, yes??
Then since Anitra Pyrkle was abducted at the Tasty Freeze in Salisbury, yet killed on her way to Wicomico County, the murder/crime should be considered Salisbury, right?
You only ASS UME these murderers came from the Trailer Park and quite frankly that's just a stupid statement.
I told you so long ago.
Who cairs.
i saw mayor ireton talking to officer weber last night, and on several different times.
Based on the statitics Webster should be fired. Several other heads of police agencies should be fired as well. When its not working you have to make changes.
This is a State, County, and City issue.
Anon 9:53 - good call! Make him live on Church Street. That'll light a fire under his butt!
The Mayor is looking for new legal council. The best lawyer is Lee Clark. He is a bull dog and would fight til the end. Thats what we need people with b@lls and not afraid to use them.
Hes not from the Shore, he doesnt care about the Shore, he should leave the Shore. We dont want you here anymore Webster, your a horrible Police Chief, your men think your a joke, the people think your a joke, and your job performance is a JOKE. Do yourself and all of us a favor and resign. Your time is up here, the writing is on the wall. Take your new bride and start a life somewhere else. Good Luck, Get out.
Even if the economy picks up(?) and they start building and creating jobs again no-one will move here with this crime, murder situation. Webster is bad for economic growth.
its bad when you call the police while you are being asulted and it takes them 15 to 20 min to arrive when you only live 3/4 mile from the police station we need someone in charge that will take care of the people he was brought on to . but ill tell you now i wont wate for them any more ill take care of it myself and face the music latter
Maybe the people in Iran are not the only ones that should be taking to the streets.
If the AG;s office would ever get off their a$$ and release a report on the Somerset county sherriff, maybe Webster could run for that position. It pays well and he would do a better job than Jones and Webster lives in Somerset.
Hit the road jerk and dont come back no more.
Ireton was voted into office specifically on this campaign promise. Mayor Ireton, have the integrity to live up to your promises and lead this city to a better, safer place.
Get Jim the third vote!
Fire him.
Webster is so stupid he can't even realize Ernie, Jr. wants Chiefy's job. He is working real hard. Hey Chiefy, you are so tight with Ernie why don't you resign so he can have the job.
They need more police in Salisbury. They need to stop buying all these toys and find a way to pay for more police on the street.
It wouldn't hurt to have a true leader for these new police either.
Has the mayor or any city counsel member issued a statement about this crime or crime in general?
Someone needs to say something real soon! The mayor needs new legal counsel. The City Council needs to make a statement - Louise, I think that's you!!
A much more important question: Does Ireton have the guts to can him?
Mr. Richards:
Your attempt to cover up the policing situation in Salisbury by directing attention away from it is ridiculous to anyone who still lives here.
Hope that you are enjoying Florida!
9:59 said...
People, you don't fire a person for failure. We need to form a commission, then agree to spend some more money, and then encourage Chiefy to use the money to "correct" the problem. Simple.
We might even need a regulator.
People get fired for FAILURE all the time, including government employees.
9:58 a.m. had a great laundry list of Chief Webster's failures.
With all due respect, Jack Richards, although you are right that the justice system is a big part of the problem, Chief Webster is too. What criminal will quake in fear about committing crime with a police chief that just walks around modeling his expensive suits!?!?!?
We need a Chief that SHOWS he's serious, in thought, word and deed!
I think the chief should be required to live within the city limits (and not Crisfield). When you don't live in the area, you don't have to feel the effects as much as us who live in the areas with the crime. Maybe the chief needs it to hit home a little more!
The chief should be fired. Ruin his reputation on paper, SO anywhere he applies to, he would have to answer why he was terminated. Lets see him try to get a good job with termination on his sheet. What a loser. He took a good officer off the street, (Kramer). I am willing to help with the petition or whatever.
Mayor Ireton, need I remind you the chief of police has had 12 years to prove his incompetence and inefficiency? What more do you need, a dead body on your doorstep?
It wasn't that long ago citizen and activist Jim Ireton stood before the council pleading for better policing after the home invasion on New York Ave. or the shots fired in his neighborhood.
The police also need to stop running to every shoplifter call and let these store security guards haul them in to the commissioner themselves. I think SPD and FPD have far more serious things to do than provide security assistance to Walmart, Lowes, etc
Weigh his accomplishments and
his failures . No problem there ,
he hasn't accomplished anything.
Maryland is an "at will employment"
state. Please read about this. Then , just fire him.
I think the city cars will look quite nice painted black and white.
& how much would we save $$$$
Read the CHARTER our former mayor lined up. Layers and layers of protection from being fired. If he could be fired easily that would have been done already. Trust me.
Pretty sad that the Chief doesn't even want to live in Salisbury!!! He is a P.O.S, toss him to the curb!!!!
Actions speak louder than words. So far there hasn't been any from the Chief or the new Mayor to make changes. Until then, the headlines will stay the same. The Mayor has my full support but we are not in a situation where procrastination is the form of dealing with this. Something needs to be done NOW and do whatever the hell it takes to get it done. I'm tired of seeing innocent people dying at the hands of thugs. Ruark needs to go too. Too many slaps on the wrists of all these criminals walking the streets, quickly becoming repeat offenders. Like the Iranians, I'm ready to take to the streets to raise hell to hopefully get the message across.
In my opinion, both Mayor Ireton and Chiefy Webster are people who want the title, but not the responsibility or the work. Mare Tilghman put Salisbury in the toilet, and it was the hope that Ireton would help the city crawl out of that. Instead, Mayor Ireton has been present at every photo opportunity, and held an open house last night. Oh, and lets not forget trying to get Salisbury an "All American City" award again!!
Give me a break!! These two people have done NOTHING towards doing the job they were asked to do. Crime is rising drastically, the city infrastructure is falling apart, and these two goons are just going from photo op to photo op.
The mayor is listening and working on it. He is making it right so that Webster has no claim against the city. Even if he would lose the suit, a suit still costs the city a lot of money.
The person who stated that the old mayor made layers and layers of stuff to go through to fire the chief is right. She set it up to be hard. She owes webster her daughters freedom from criminal charges.
Citizens need to put pressure on the council, the task of firing the chief would be easier for them.
Citizens need to keep complaining to the police/council/ and mayors office about issues with policing. Give them all more ammo to fire Webster.
To the person who said let him run for Sheriff, why would you reward this failure with another place to destroy. Somerset people come to salisbury to commit crime, so we need an active fighter there also.
Morale is down at SPD, but not because of the Chief's ability to fight crime. Morale is low because they don't get paid jack, and they were turned down additional offers. This has to do with the city council and mayor.
I am so sick and tired of Sheriff Lewis this and Sheriff Lewis that...if you talk to any deputies, who don't spend time polishing mike's shoes...he is an a self centered jerk, and morale is low there as well! Mike Lewis is all about Mike Lewis.
Anon 12:13 PM
Hit the street on July 4, 2009 from 9 AM - 12 Noon - GOB downtown and sound off.
Please, do you think someone will be there?
They are off party party, im not wasting my time on the 4th, they wont listen anytime.
Addios Amigos !!!!
There's got to be someone to step up and actually take the lead for the sake of Salisbury and its residents. We need a change and we need it now!!!!!!!
Chief Webster either does not possess the leadership traits and characteristics essential to being an effective law enforcement officer and chief, or he really does not care. Either way, at the very minimum, he should be should be reprimanded and put on probation for his unsatisfactory performance, and if no improvemnet results, his termination should ensue.
The first thing Ireton needs to do is get rid of Wilbur so he can get some good legal advice. Wilbur would most likely tell Webster what is going on, so he needs to go first. Then get rid of Webster ASAP.
Webster needs to go and I also agree with 12:13 that Davis Ruark needs to go as well. If Ruark can waste his time organizing groups against graffiti he should be more involved in organizing against violent crimes.
We need to put some under-cover (armed) cops in some of these stores.
How many of you live in District one and did NOT vote in the last election? If there are 4 of you, then it is YOUR FAULT that Webster is still here. Had Shanie lost that election, Ireton would have 3 votes on the council, which he needs to fire Webster. You all want Ireton to go against the Charter, but you'll scream when the lawsuit happens and we have to pay $30,000 to defend the firing of Webster.
Look in the mirror, folks--unless you voted in the last election, you have no right to complain. Turnout was pathetic in District 1 and it could all be different now if the citizens had done the right thing. remember this when Gary is up for election--give the mayor the tools to really get change.
Fire him!
Dump the Chief. He's more a liability than an asset. I sure would hate to have him as my bos!
Webster & Ruark both need to go...say what you want about Mike Lewis..we see the results daily of his hands on, aggressive style of police work..the City Of Salisbury needs the same approach, and stop whining about the cops not making any money..who is? They know the salary when they take the job...If that's the excuse for not solving or preventing crimes, we don't need police officers with that attitude patroling our streets, and we should be looking into a county police force who would do what they're SWORN to do. As news comes today of an arrest in a string of burglaries, I'm thinking how much safer this city would be if an arrest was made in the Shell murder..maybe Lewis will have to solve that one for them too!
Ok you fire Webster. Than what are you going to do. You have a police force that is understaffed.. Top heavy to say the least and you are missing the point. Tell Comegy's,Smith and the other one enough is enough. Quit giving so much to the fire department and start building the police department . More officers, more pay and better equipment. Than if you want change the leadership. No good cop would take this bs on. Very simple...but it is going to cost the tax's payers money...
TERMINATED. That didn't use up any brain cells to come to that decision.
This post does not ask for another dissertation on how much some dislike this man.
Just answer the damn question please.
Go and don't let the door hit you on the derriere on your way out!
The audio from the Polk rial should be cause enough. How about posting that again?
Get rid of him! I see so many that say he needs to go, so why nothing is being done? Joe, what can we do? Im sure if you come come up with something, we all here will chip in and help get this POS out and or make it very hard for that quack.
One would think that living in the city (or at least in Wicomico County) would be a minimum requirement for a chief of police. How complicated is that? His disrespect for the law was seen at the Polk trial, and he should have been prosecuted for perjury.
Fire his bald ass!
It is time to step up. Fire Webster. Screw the legal consequences, we are talking about people's safety and lives here. Coulbourne Dykes would have DEMANDED the city council give him WHATEVER resources he needed to catch this juvenile Bonny and Clyde duo and reign in rampant city crime. He would have taught his officers how to use tasers, so a mentally ill man breaking into a house on South Park Drive last month while his family reported him missing at the police department would not be DEAD from a ridiculous fulisade of shots that continue to be hidden from the public. What the fuck if going on here?????? Get a professional chief of police, train the men in the trenches, or else just start calling us little Baltimore and let the killings continue.
I agree with 3:52, Webster and Ruark both need to go. It's a waste of time to catch a criminal if the prosecutor is going to ask for stet docket or refuse to charge. Why do we have a staff of 20 prosecutors with Ruark at the helm and so few prosecutions? It's time for change at all levels in Wicomico. Get rid of some lawyers and save some money if all they can do is ask for stet docket.
It's time for Webster to go but also understandable why morale is low in the department when so many criminals that are apprehended by the police are then either not prosecuted by Davis Ruark or given light sentences by the court.
Our city policepersons are NOT ALLOWED to have or use a taser. Whats with that.?
Na na na na,na na na na-hey hey hey-GOODBYE!
Fire Wilbur! He is no friend of progress!
Fire him! He won't live in the community he is paid to protect. He won't wear the uniform, he is not proud. Fire him!
I did not read all the comments nor do I live in the city proper. I am still "county". Anyway-even though I am not an Obama fan, just like with George W, it is time to give someone else a chance. This guy just doesnt get it. What would it cost to get Guiuliani down here?
Man Chiefy, doesn't look like you're too well appreciated around these parts.
Time to go old man. You and your yellow ties have worn out your welcome.
Mr. Richards:
"Your attempt to cover up the policing situation in Salisbury by directing attention away from it is ridiculous to anyone who still lives here."
You did not comprehend what I was saying either. Please read the following
"With all due respect, Jack Richards, although you are right that the justice system is a big part of the problem, Chief Webster is too."
If you had read my post, I stated that it was quite possible that Chief Webster is part and partial of the problem. I have been away from Salisbury for 14 years and really have only depended on Joes blog and it's postings. Not saying that these thoughts are erroneous, put I do not have enough info to make my own decision. I was expressing that the judicial system is the main problem and has been so for years so it is nothing new. Getting rid of Webster is not going to be a cure all if the courts will not put these perps away, etc.
The criminals are afraid to leave city limits these days.
Mr. Richards, 11:27 got your point.
And crime is a mixed bag of causes and solutions.
11:27's point was, as long as there's a chief that is so accepting of our crime levels here, so unthreatening to criminals, we'll continue to see this.
The man spent more time arguing crime stats against his future boss during the election than he did working to bring those stats down.
Fire his a$$ outta here. Right now.
I watched Datelins last week and their police dept/sheriff is very proactive & that's what we need.
Can him and replace with someone who lives in the city.
What a bag of poop. This dude needs to go. I was at the Wawa the other day and saw a SPD officer. He was walking up to pay for a drink and he got a call. You should have seen his face, it said more than words. He put that drink back and quickly walked out. These guys have it bad. You wouldnt know until you see it personally. I felt bad for him.
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