Recently was my mother's birthday. She indicated she wanted a pool. I went to Wal-Mart thinking that would be the cheapest place to purchase the pool. After I loaded this pool onto a flat cart that I found laying around the store I took it to get rung up, it was $263.00. I never thought anything of it, I thought what a good deal. A couple of days later I went online to walmart.com just to browse. I stumpled upon the exact pool I purchased for $199.00. I immediatly called the store manager and she said bring the print out and the reciept. I then went to the store within 15 minutes, after waiting 30 minutes for the manager I talked to on phone she said that she did research on the pool. She said it was different. I explained to her that pool was indeed the same. The "Documents Manager" then oveheard what was going on, she said that it was the same pool. Eventually I was refunded the difference.
I have learned that most if not all items are cheaper on walmart.com than what is listed in the store. If you order an item online and ship it to the store it is free. Would be kind enough to advise your readers that if they are looking to purchase anything over $100.00 from a Wal-Mart store that it would be A LOT cheaper to order it online and have it shipped to the store for free.
Most of the time they will not match their online prices.
not sure I understand the mean face in the picture.
but everyone complains about these types of stores and the service. but you are getting what you paid for.
and of course it is cheaper to buy online. a store has much more overhead. It is great that you even got a refund for the difference. you got to go in, touch and feel the product, and then got it for the price that someone who doesnt have that opportunity.
congratulations for getting a good deal!
dont you research your purchases before you go and buy? I would think the first thing you would do is check online, then goto the store to see what the product is like.
basically, you get what you deserve if you dont research what you purchase.
Well, when you buy from a big box store instead of a small family owned operation, what do you expect?
I'm always amazed at people who *think?* that just because WalMart has it...it has to be cheaper! They have spent BILLIONS making you think that...and like sheep, you all believe it. What a shame.
But keep spending your money on companies who send it out of the USA. You think it's bad now, just wait. But please remember one thing...you wanted it cheaper!
I ran into a similar situation. I was pricing a flat screen monitor and found one for 199.00 on Walmart.com Instead of purchasing it online, I printed it out and went to the Walmart store in Fruitland and found the exact same monitor. They rang it up for 239. I showed them the online price and was told they would honor it, but was warned that they did not have to honor it because not all stores charge the same price. It is better to shop online first!
Pools may look the same and even have the same manufacturer but they are different quality. Kmart offers pools with a much thinner liner and should cost less. If your fortunate enough to get a dumb Walmart manager they may match the price of a Kmart ad of the inferior pool. The one on line may have been of lesser quality. Why would anyone not do comparison shopping BEFORE making such a large purchase? It's a good thing it was Walmart because no other store would take care of you like that no matter what type of a scene you were making.
Just avoid Wal-mart all together.
I can't stand a company that has so much success from ripping people off and also their suppliers.
Prices tend to be different between the Salisbury store and the Fruitland store also.
most things are less expensive online. it is direct marketing.
That post must have been put up by one of those union grunts trying to organize Walmart!
They smear, lie, sabotage. All trying to kelp out the "working man". Problem is that those that work at Walmart don't want the corrupt union taking control over them.
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