Everyone drop what you're doing, Mayor Barrie Tilghman has called for an emergency Press Conference to wish me a Happy Birthday. No, seriously, she's called for a Press Conference TODAY at 3:45 at the GOB in room 306 referencing the Salisbury WWTP. Oh, this is going to be soooooo good! Mrs. I take full responsibility will find a way to blame this on the Blogs, you just wait and see.
I caint do 3:45. How 'bout tree-fiddy instead?
More lies, coming to you live from the GOB
Will this be on the local channels?
Joe, please tell us you are going to the press conference!
She's trying to stop the Titanic from sinking. Too late, Barnie. We will be showin up tonite at the meeting, so be ready for an earfull.
can somebody PLEASE get down there and video tape the ENTIRE speech and place on Youtube.com so joe can post it here??? this is the only place we will see WHOLE TRUTH.
HEADS WILL ROLE, I bet her headlights will be on High Beam today! LOL!
Yeah, the drunken sot is trying to stop the Titanic from sinking. But you know what BPT?? Just like with the first Titanic, there just ain't enough lifeboats to go around this time either. Prepare to swim in some icy cold waters, you whiskey soaked, braless, brainless wonder!
Joe will get it no doubt in my mind
I didn't think she stop drinking long enough to realize there is a problem with that plant...
Allow me to go ahead and save the Daily Times the trouble of writing tomorrow's article: "Mayor Tighlman once agains proves what scoundrels Debbie Campbell and Jim Ireton are, unlike the smart and reasonable Gary Comegys. Campbell and Ireton, who both have been known to kick puppies and push old ladies out of the way, are in favor of polluting the river and our source can prove it. "I saw Jim and Debbie throw 10 used outhouses directly into the river," said our expert witness who does not live in the city of Salisbury. Jim and Debbie could not be reached for comment, but we are sure their answers would have been irrational anyway. Oh, and they both want to ruin the city, unlike Saint Comegys."
How about it, Daily Times? Will you hire me?
PAC-14 will not be there. Just got off the phone with them.
Ok let me see Emergency Press conferance Well it could be the pending sewer spill coming from her address. Either way how would we know about it if the blogs didn't exist. Ugh I can't wait for the four weeks to be over. Yes in case your reading this mayor or one of her critters let it be known I am working to get people to go vote so beware you will see change coming,
3:26. lol,,well said!
3:35, are you sure you aren't ALREADY a Daily Slime reporter? LMAO!!! You've got them down to a Tee...except that YOU can write a coherent paragraph that didn't have to be continued on page A76.
gotta be firewworks tonight.But the mare will not stay for any questions or responses.
I can't wait to hear this one. It'll be everyone else's fault but her own. Hope someone remembers to ask her about her last press conference about saying it was almost completed. What exactly is almost completed...writing the checks, or maybe being out of office so it won't matter to you any more, or maybe TODAY finally getting caught.
3:35, wow. You do sound exactly like their stories.
She keeps putting more and more loops in her noose. Think maybe she finally hung herself! Ding Dong the witch is dead,the wicked witch,the wicked witch. Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead........
Yeah, the wicked B***H is dead. Maybe she'll finally get off her broomstick and quit flying over Salisbury skywriting "Surrender Debbie". Well, well..what say you, MAYOR? Tonight we're gonna use the Tin Man's axe to chop your door castle down and rescue Salisbury...but unlike the movie, there ain't no Cowardly Lions among us. Just lions.
Bet she's a no-show tonight.
You know, I LOVE this picture of our Mayor. It's the only time in memory she was honest about something. She's showing us her IQ - uh, sober IQ, that is.
She sh*ts up everything she touches. The Mare that is.
She and Louweasal were like cats on a hot tin roof tonite. This is just the beginning of the end of her shenanigans.
She's a lame duck she should just stay home everyday.
Caption: "My "IQ" is this many!"
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