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Monday, March 23, 2009

Salisbury Crime Statistics

Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports FBI Crime Reports
Click on link above to see more information.


Anonymous said...

Hey, crime is down says Barrie Comegyes! Soon Salisbury will be as "good" as Baltimore on a per capita basis. Let's celebrate the improving crime rate!

Anonymous said...

Shanie must not have done her research because in today's Daily Hachett Job quoted Shanie saying "Crimes not as bad as Baltimore, Philly or DC," Violent crimes are higher per capita here Shanie please wake up!

Property crimes double than Baltimore per capita! Agrivated assault level with Baltimore. I guess the FBI just makes this stuff up? I don't think so, I'd trust the FBI over Webster anyday.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I saw this first on Cohen and Campbell's website. Great chart. Your timing is perfect. Shanie's article in the Daily Times, she says we're not as bad as Baltimore.

Look at this, we're worse!

Anonymous said...

HEY CHEIF! Wake up. Can you explain this. Crime is down? Can you explain why we are more dangerous than Baltimore. Everyone else, besides you, sees Salisbury has turned into a slum!

As soon as Ireton is elected, you will be out on you but anyway.

I hope you go off into retirement knowing you are a failure.

Anonymous said...

Yup per capita Salisbury's crime rate is higher than Baltimore's in every area. I trust the FBI. Webster can't even find his own A** without two hands and a road map.

Hey Baltimore! Our crime is betta dan yo crime DOH!

Anonymous said...

Jim still says he will work with Webster. Jim please stand up like you have a set and tell everyone this CHEIFY is history. Dont let the golden goose get away. Make Gary Baker the head of the Salisbury police.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, it is time to dig deep and if you have a few bucks (even $5), send it over to the Ireton campaign so they can make a last strong run at beating these people. Gary is pulling out all the stops for the final two weeks,we cannot have him as our next mayor.

Anonymous said...

What idiots we have running this town!! Cannot Wait for Barrie and Bubba to hit the road and Mr Ireton to be running things. I am from Baltimore and would prob feel safer living there again the way things are around here. I love this town's slogan, The Crossroads of Delmarva. Hell, Should be, Welcome to Salisbury....Duck and Cover!!!

Anonymous said...

I am from across the bridge (born and raised in PG County), and have noticed these numbers are a little misleading. I work for a law enforcement agency here in town and know we are a LOT more stringent is who we arrest than I ever was across the bridge. Over there, a lot more is overlooked, or the perp is given a slap on the wrist and a warning not to continue the actions because there are so many bigger fish to fry. Over here, it is a much smaller place, much less going on, so many more arrests are made than in the big cities.

Anonymous said...

9:19, Has Shanie EVER done her research on anything? If she has, I must have missed it.

The woman is illiterate, incompetent, and more times than one I've seen her get lost as to exactly what the vote under consideration is about.

If she gets reelected, District 1 deserves whatever comes their way - and you can be sure more crap will.

Anonymous said...

Crime is crime dont try to rationalize it.

Anonymous said...

Doug Wilkerson, I don't know that Jim Ireton says that.

What I got from what he did say is, he'll be discussing "new standards" with all the dept. heads. In my speak, that means, "If you don't measure up, buh-bye."

Jim isn't going in with a rash of political firings the way Barrie Tilghman did. If people go, it'll be because Ireton will have a real cause for giving them the boot.

Anonymous said...

Well if this isnt a cause, its all bull-shot. You cant sit on the fence when the barns burning, know what I mean. Stop playing it so safe, shows weakness. Webster deserves it and the citizens deserve better.

Anonymous said...

All department heads must live up to expectations, that's why they get paid the BIG BUCKS! If their department is failing, they got some splain'in to do!

Anonymous said...

I am a Law Officer and I would never live in Salisbury City! I use to live in the Baltimore area and would feel safer living in a row home in Baltimore City, rather then living in home located within the city.

Do you find yourself adjusting your schedule so you don't have to venture into the city after dark?

In fact, my wife and I are entertaining moving an hour away, for the saftey of our family. I don't want my kids going to our gang infested schools, filled with city thugs.

I am astonished by the crime that occurs in a small city.
FOP 111 should conduct a vote of "NO CONFIDENCE" against Webster and Top staff!

I don't live in the City, and shouldn't care who wins mayor. But I do care becasue City Crime affects County residence!

GOD Speed Jim Ireton!, get these Good old boys (and Tilghman) out of Office~!

Anonymous said...

Joe posted this weekend that Ireton's going to talk about his plan for crime tomorrow. Maybe now the Times will report what he says instead of what Webster and Barrie run to them with every other day...

Anonymous said...

What a legacy Barrie Tilghman....

Anonymous said...

i honestly felt safer wandering the streets of cancun, then i do in salisbury. if anything, the state department should issue a warning for those in salisbury.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:45
I love this town's slogan, The Crossroads of Delmarva. Hell, Should be, Welcome to Salisbury....Duck and Cover!!!

Ok that one really made me laugh. How about we change it to. Welcome to the CrossFIRE of Delmarva.... Please Duck and Cover

Anonymous said...

The answer for the problems in Salisbury come in two words: Sam Workman.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55 said...Jim isn't going in with a rash of political firings the way Barrie Tilghman did.

Jim firing those that have taken up space and drawn a salary is nothing like what Barrie did. Barrie fired good people and replaced them with her good for nothing puppets. Jim now has to go in and fire all the good for nothing puppets and put good people back in place. Start with Pam Oland and replace her with Roger Baskerville. Next get rid of Paul Wilber and offer Bob Eaton his position back. Get rid of Webster and start the search for a cop that is not afraid to SERVE & PROTECT.

Anyone that was hired by Barrie Tilghman should have sent their resumes out in December when she announced she was getting out of the game.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chief & Mayor, IT's great being numeber one. You have so much to be proud of to tell people when your butts are kicked out.

Anonymous said...

Be hard to get a job in government using Salisbury as your main reference!