While many have wondered where the notorious Mayor Barrie Tilghman of Salisbury has been this past year, Salisbury News has the answer. She's been in hiding because she knew something none of you were aware of.
Ladies & Gentlemen, what you are about to hear is by far the biggest cluster, (you know what) the Eastern Shore has ever seen. The Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant could be a massive SCAM, costing Salisbury Taxpayers more than $40,000,000.00! That's right, it doesn't work and over the past 6 months your Mayor has known the system wasn't going to work!
Mayoral Candidate Gary Comegys prides himself on voting yes to a "Proprietary System." Here's the thing. Under accomplishments on his Campaign Website it says, " New Waste Water Treatment Plant (many years in the planning and design)" During debates and forum's he's constantly taking the position of just how proud he is on the new WWTP and how he was instrumental in the process, yet he has known there were some very serious issues at hand with it and kept it quiet.
This proprietary system has NEVER been made before, other than a model, (whatever that means) it has never been proven to work. It's a patented system, (so we were all told) in which, should ANYTHING ever go wrong, you can only rely on ONE company, (the company that designed this pipe dream) to fix it. Guess what, they can't fix it either!
At this very moment the company that was handling the OVERSIGHT of the Contractor has in fact been suspended. This is NOT good Folks. I have documents below proving the system will NOT work and your Mayor and Gary Comegys have known about this problem for quite some time. This is not the kind of people you want running your City, that's for sure. They want ALL of this to slide by all of you in the hopes of getting it past the election and then start pointing fingers later.
However, while Salisbury News has been aware of this situation since late Friday night, I held off exposing it so it would gain the biggest impact on Monday. To put it frankly with all of you, YOU'RE SCREWED! Mayor Tilghman sold you snake oil and Gary Comegys was the Vice President.
The Tilghman Administration has in fact contacted the MDE and have asked for yet another extension. Even though Mayor Tilghman stated we'd all be on line last September, even though she recently went so far as stated we're on time with the WWTP, SHE LIED! Her own State of the City Address said, it "was substantially completed in 2008." This was said on March 13, 2009.
A Consultant has been hired for the sum of $20,000.00 to come in and help figure out what has happened and what they currently have. In his letter dated 3-13-09 he stated, "It sounds like your treatment plant has been plagued with both process and physical/mechanical problems since start up." He goes on to expand on his rates both for engineering AND litigation. His litigation fees as an experts are $400.00 an hour, not included in his $20,000.00 fee. When "I" read litigation fees, someone is getting sued! Read between the lines Folks!
In a memorandum to the Mayor and Council dated 3-16-09 Mr. Messick states that "the City's engineering consultant, O'Brien & Gere Engineers, has been unable, after 6 months, to start up the new WWTP processes for compliance with the NPDES Permit Limits which are to come into effect on May 1, 2009." He goes on to say, "The City has selected another Engineer / Operations Expert (suspending O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc.) to assist the City in wastewater-treatment-process engineering, functional operations and adjustments for the upgraded and expanded WWTP processes and facilitate compliance with NPDES limits within the remaining approximate 1.5 - month time period, to avoid enforcement measures from MDE and EPA and prevent a non-compliant discharge to the environment from the Salisbury WWTP."
Just how much more of this crap are you people going to take. Here you have Comegys and Tilghman agreeing to pay out $40,000,000.00 for a system that has never been proven. They told you this thing would do things no other Plant could achieve, yet they never researched a finished product and now it will not work.
Ladies & Gentlemen, ANY good business person would NEVER hire a company to install a unique product for $40,000,000.00 that has never been proven! This is not a simple mistake. The Mayor, (through these letters) has been well aware that the system is NOT WORKING, yet she says nothing. The system was supposed to be up and running last September, it is not. Now, through Salisbury News you are learning for the very first time that things are not just bad, they're very bad.
This Mayor should be impeached immediately as ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! The images below are the recent series of letters going back and forth on this matter, proving what I'm saying is accurate. You can click on these images and enlarge them and read for yourself just what's going on.
Gary Comegys rubber stamped far too many items as a Councilman. Developer reimbursements, the old mall, Sassafras annexation, the WWTP, can someone please tell me what this guy has done right? Muir Boda challenged Debbie Campbell for voting "NO" too often. Hey Muir, Debbie voted "NO" on most of the WWTP items too, what say you now?
If you want the entire Eastern Shore laughing at the City of Salisbury because the citizens were so stupid they actually voted this guy into office as Mayor, my God, give Gary Comegys your vote. If you want to wise up and throw these bums out of office once and for all, make a stand April 7th Ladies & Gentlemen and send these people the right kind of message, vote Jim Ireton.
Clearly this will be all over the local news by 12:00 today and if it isn't, well, then you'll know just how much power Barrie Tilghman has over the media. The documents I have provided clearly show this has been an issue for at least the past 6 months and nothing was said to you. The cover ups are over. The election is over. Get this woman out of the way because Jim Ireton has a lot of work ahead of him. Shame on you Barrie Tilghman AND Gary Comegys!
WoW! Good work, Joe.
i am on hold right now with Dept of Works.. see what they have to say about it
Requests for hiring YET ANOTHER consultant???
No need. Just step outside and SMELL the air and you know the thing isn't working.
Way to bust it wide open Joe!!! The Daily Slime is quaking in their boots saying "What, he beat us at another one? We are done, Darn that Joe, Darn him to heck!!!!! "
Figured I'd keep it clean so you could post.
This is so big, engineers and politicians, what a disaster and waste of money. IMPEECH her butt now. Throw her out and let her take that idiot Bubba with her.
I had my doubts about whether this would be a blockbuster. Well, it was. Good work, Joe, Let's see if the MSM pick this up.
Didn't the City already have a special watchdog consultant during the construction: "Pitzagalli" (or something that sounds like that?
Their fee was about $1 Million as I recall.
If there was an Eastern Shore Pulitzer, you just got it Joe.
Wow--good job, Joe! Want to bet that the Daily Times will not cover this story? they are too busy going after Jim Ireton to do any research whatsoever on Comegys' claims. This is absolutely ridiculous.
This won't make the Daily Slime before the election -- count on that!
Scandalous! What a waste of time and money. I'm so glad I don't live in Salisbury city limits.
Good going, Joe. Ireton just won this election.
As for how much power Barrie has over the press, anyone who has been reading the paper with even a semi-open mind for years now should know that. The most recent example was just yesterday when the online version of the letter to the editor praising Campbell was mysteriously pulled after a few hours. (It's still there, but the link to it was pulled, so it may as well not be.) I bet someone at the Times caught hell for putting putting that letter in the paper.
Now THIS fiasco. Even after 12 years of Barrie's BS, I still can't believe my eyes on this one. Too bad stupidity isn't a crime. If it were, she'd have been in a cell years ago.
THANK YOU MRS. MAYOR FOR LEAVING US WITH THIS PILE OF S**T TO CLEAN UP. I can't call you a disgrace at this point because you would have to work yourself a long way upwards to reach being worthy of that title.
Now this is REALLY scary:
I hate you Barrie Tilghman. I hve invested my whole life into Salisbury and you have destroyed it. Gary Comegys is a bum.
9:33am. Gary Comegys is a bum.
Why insult the bums?
It's time to flush the dirt (Barrie & Bubba) right down the drain!
It's all your fault Joe! ROTFLMAO
Seriously, great reporting. This is what happenes when you don't have an experienced city manager (MAYOR) at the helm. It's so much more than deciding what color the curtains should be and then going to cocktail parties and telling everyone how you made the big decision to chose the RED curtains. Maybe if she put a bra on, she could see past her boobs (Comegys included) and look at what has fallen apart during her reign. MDE doesn't play around. The litigation will be with them.
BOHICA!!!! Bend over here it comes again! How much more can she screw us? Cant't she be held criminally responsible for any of this? You need to leave town Barrie!!!!!
Seriously, Gary Coegys is an upstanding citizen. He cares about the people of Salisbury. We need to overlook his child support problems, and his poor voting on these important issues. Why? Because he is the ONLY person who can possibly lead us to the promised land. He is so smart! I can tell he is extremely intelligent just by looking at his picture. There is not one ounce of inbreeding there. No not one. He is a pure bred eastern shore native - and he is the one for the job. Can't you guys sense it?
What we need is a couple more high tech pieces of fire department equipment. Then, we can simply wash the waste water onto Dorchester County's land.
Funny stuff, I have moved from Salisbury a couple years ago. I have many friends there and love them, but you could not pay me to move back.
I miss the OLD Salisbury, that was posted on the site a few weeks ago. Tilghman, you got what you deserved for running people out like Dykes and others that opposed you.
Comegy's well you have always been a joke, I remember when you bashed the paid crew for years when you were a volunteer, but when your house caught on fire you were screaming send the paid crew.
Its Unfortunate, but I dont think Salisbury can recover from this for MANY years. If I did ever decide to come back, I'd move to Delmar. Atleast Chief Sailor is still around.
Same old, Same old!!!!
Are you saying we need some HAZMAT opertaions out at the Waste Water Treatment Facility?
Karma has brought you your legacy. I find it really really {really} humorous that in addition to your overall shatty management of the city for over a decade-yours' will forever be remembered {mocked} as the administration that tried to emit a ton of crapola upon their citizens, but finally got jammed up when the "untruthful turds" you tried to pass wouldn't flush through your fancy new over-priced "toilet" properly.
I am in complete shock. The documents do seal it though. I'll see you at the Camden meeting Mayor, you can count on that. I'm madder than hell and I'm not going to take it any more.
SBYnews deserves a Pulitzer for breaking this.
Not since the Watergate proceedings has anything this big happened to our Cheseapeake Bay tributary.
I hope the FEDS are brought-in on this action.
SBYnews is the real deal. I've always known it but this just shows to confirm it.
Now Now citizens. Let's not get all excited here. I mean, its only money. Don't act like there is a call for real political action or anything extreme. Like, don't go out and boycott the wrong-doers business or anything. Don't go out an stand at a protest or block traffic, or anything extreme. Don't act like it is a big deal or anything. don't actually get angry. Just vote for some other ring-wearing introvert to fix all of our problems and then everything will be nice again, and we can all go back to sleep. How about no more secret society types in public office?
What is it with salisbury??? Same ole s--- different day! Don't forget people, if you vote for Comegys thats exactly what you'll get!
I want this woman out of office now!
Geeee.... Barrie are you reading all these comments from your adoring fans? I'd love to see your face right now not to mention your blood pressure reading. What goes around comes around.
Ok, so we have an engineering firm who has been on the job for 3 years now and they can't get the thing to work. What makes you think someone else is going to figure it out. It's a stall tactic. I want to know where all the money went. I want an auditor to dig deep and find every darned penny spent. There's no time to waste on this.
Joe, it's all your fault again. If you would stop releasing facts, we could keep the people blissfully ignorant while they continue to vote for me and my cronies. I look forward to the future with my favorite men - Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.
Sad but not surprising. When you give people jobs to do that aren't qualified, such as the mayor and public works (I know what I'm saying, I have the scars to prove it), you're asking for shoddy and substandard results.
The only thing the voters of SBY can do to top this is to elect Comegys and Shields again. IF you do, you've sealed your own fate.
Let's start the "don't get mad -- get even" with Bubba/Barrie at tonight's City Council meeting -- attend and make public comments.
Well FOX news is now aware of it, lets see if they care to report what Joe Albero has reported. Lets see where it goes from here. Everyone go to fox tip line and explain.
You mean the design company made a model out of Lego's? Holy CraPP BatMan~!
Good job Joe, this story needed to be exposed before the election!
public comments? You mean, actually participate in local politics? Actually stand up to these criminals? What do you think will happen after that? We will be persecuted that's what will happen.
Folks don't let them trick you into public demonstrations. Don't ever give your real name, etc. These maniacs are criminals. They will find you and your family. Just keep on buying your beer and forget about these problems.
We owe Joe a debt of gratitude. If this hadn't come out, Gary Comegys just may have become our next Mayor and the schemes would surely continue. This was a cover up and Joe busted them again.
I challenge the local news and the Daily Slimes to report this REAL news. TV might, the Daily Times...I doubt it! IMPEACH HER NOW!! You can bet your sweet a$$ that I will be at that meeting and she had better be ready!
Just reported it to the Washington Post as well.
Shoulda hired GMB. Probably have to get them to fix it now.
I cannot believe all the anonymous comments on this blog. Do not understand why people are reluctant to post their names. Maybe they do not know how to do so????? C'mon, own up to your statements
WMDT, WBOC and the Daily Times still don't have anything up.
GREAT JOB Joe... lokks like this is Barrie's last gift to the city!
Because the6y don't live in Florida like you do Jack. The retaliation from this Administration is just unbelievable. Now let's stay on topic here please.
Does anyone else think that ramming through those 6 foot diameter "stormwater" runoff pipes was done to divert sewage as well? Where are the tree hugger Chesapeake Bay people?
I've notified WJZ.
I hope many people show up at the council meeting. Demand answers for this. Afterall, it's your tax dollars that's being flushed away.
Don't forget the fast one SEE & GORDY are trying to pull either.
Joe, great job once again!
She probably won't show up now cuz she knows it's going to be a fiasco. I'm sure she have plenty of police there. This is crap. I can't wait til she is out of office. She has destroyed Salisbury and now this. Guess that's why she is leaving. There's nothing else for her to screw up. Thanks Joe. Your reporting is always top notch.
10:37, Why do you have to be labeled a "tree hugger" to care about the quality of the river and life in and around it?
What's really strange is the the local enviro-lunies (Groutt, Pretl and pals -- who don't live in Salisbury) support Bubba Comegys for mayor.
It finally bit them!
For starters a fixed media and trickling filter system doesn't work in this climate (it's too cold); that plant should have been torn down and an activated sludge plant built!
They hire nothing but their "fellow christians" over experienced people; it's no wonder they need training. The operator interviews should be some kind of fiasco....LMAO!!!
The supervisor has quit and been re-hired numerous times. Chief Operator doesn't know waste water from kool-aid. Another shift supervisor doesn't even have his license. Midnight shift is a sleepathon!
This place needs cleaned out from the mayor to the janitor and put people in there that know what they're doing!
Soooo, just how long has it been that we should have known that there were some "difficulties" at the WWTP? Before John Jacobs, the previous department head, self-terminated? That would mean about three years anyway. Way to keep a lid on it, Barrie! And telling us all that time that it was coming along ahead of schedule.
There's a point where huge ego and lack of ability conflict, just as with most tyrants from world history. You have probably reached it.
There goes my property value again.
Jim Ireton needs to be our next mayor. I'd like to spit in Comegys face.
Impeachment is actually too noble {and costly for the taxpayers}an action for her. Let's just ignore her, and Marty Moose as well, {like in military circles where the shamed have to walk past a line of their peers with their backs turned} until she eventually rots from the inside {like all the infrastructure she allowed to atrophy during the last decade} while the city and it's citizens begin to experience recovery under the guidance of a new administration. When one chapter ends...another begins. Cheers to a "new beginning."
Well that explains why it has been stinking like an outhouse for months. The smell has been a daily guest in my neighborhood and nobody could explain it. The fire department has chased the odors frequently and even they didn't know. What a scam. $40 million worth.
thanks again joe, you were on top of this one.
Tired of Incompetance Yet??????????
Maybe you should have obscured the poor consultant's cell phone #
I'll be REALLY surprised if Barrie shows up tonight. As 10:44 said, she'll probably have plenty of cops there. Oh well, it always lightens my mood to see Salisbury's version of the Keystone Cops a.k.a. the 20 minute men. Hey maybe even Chiefy will be there with a shotgun pointed at anyone who dares speak out.
Put on a bra and c'mon out to the party we're having in your honor tonight MAYOR. On 2nd thought, leave the bra off...you're riding the Titanic and will need those things handy as flotation devices when you jump off (leave office).
Oh, and please leave Jim B and Jack D in the car and use a breath mint before you come in...IF you come in.
Hey 11:14...LMAO..sounds like a fine idea! The only thing wrong with Comegys face is it shows.
This DJ on Froggy 99 Radio Station, MIKE, made a few comments this morning about Jim Ireton coming to his door on a Saturday afternoon at 4:30 to ask for his vote...He made fun of him and wanting to clean up the wicomico river...I directed his attention to this site..and suggested he be informed voter before shooting off his mouth about a candidate caring enough about Salisbury to go out and ASK for someones vote. Maybe after reading this blog he will be informed!!! He let his ignorance show and on public radio.
The city needs to bring some form of experts to figure out this mess, wether we like it or not. At least give an honest assessment of wether it has ANY chance of working or should we start from scratch!
wow, someone should alert the activists so they can picket and bring attention to all of this. As well as all the federal agencies (EPA, etc) that need to know what's going on. Not just the news agencies. They will catch wind of this (no pun intended) soon enough. let's get someone in here with some authority to do some damage to those who made these incredibly poor decisions. someone has to be held accountable for these actions.
ANON 10:54
Remind not to drink their Koolaid.
Reminds me of that Austin Powers movie " This taste like ***T Basel,
It is ***T, Austin.
you've covered a lot of stuff but I think this outwieghs them ALL
Who's feeding you all of this crap. Is is Campbell? What does she know about WWTP? What do you know about WWTP? What do you know about permits, inspections, construction, design, etc. NOTHING. 65 comments, who do you have feeding them! I don't want to know. You are a pitiful joke. What do you make yourself so ignorant? This comment written by a former administrator of the Sanitation Department of my government. Go Blow!
This is unconscionable. If true, it requires a Federal investigation for fraud.
This is from Barrie Tilghman's "State of the City" speech on March 12 -- the same day as the discussion with the City that's mentioned in the first para. of the letter to the David Winslow from The Stover Group regarding its services to address the problems with the upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant -- i.e. she had to know about the debacle in progress when she said this:
"The largest project in the City’s history, the upgrade and expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant was substantially completed in 2008. Now we enter a demanding period of working through the first year of operation and ensuring that the Plant is able to meet the new demands of the NPDES Permit."
No mention of the failure to get it up and running after 6 months of trying to do that or replacing the project engineer, O'Brien & Gere! And how could something like that be "substantially completed" if it does not work?
Barrie is that you?
12:14. What can I say. I think you have a dynamite sound; but along with those captivating, yet hauntingly psychotic, lyrics, you are going to want more cowbell, baby!!
12:18 is right on the mark.
The city council meeting should be quite entertaining tonight. I only hope that the people of salisbury go and demand the answers that we deserve. Please tell your family members and friends to attend tonights meeting. We need to show that we won't put up with this any longer. The only way to do this is to ban together as citizens of salisbury and show up with a crowd! This can also be shown as a deterrant to any incoming mayor and city council member that we won't cower to them anymore. Please try to be there and show your support for citizens of a better salisbury.
12:25 What's a cowbell?
Jack I have stated before that I grew up with your son Scotty, the reason I can't use my real name is I've already been targeted by this mayor and have suffered retaliation.
Jack, as former law enforcement officer though, Jack I ask you do you trust the FBI numbers on crime or the city police chief? Just a question I respect your opinion much. Peace
You mean the design company made a model out of Lego's? Holy CraPP BatMan~!
Good job Joe, this story needed to be exposed before the election!
12:14 PM, I just hope to God it IS Campbell feeding him this crap. Only...ummm...it's not crap. He's got the documents right there to prove what he says. At least you must be telling the truth about being a former administrator (assuming you're not Barrie). You can't even get through the second sentence of a post without screwing up the spelling of a two letter word. "Is is Campbell?" BWAAHHHHAAA. I hope it IS Campbell who gave Joe the info. Maybe it's time for a little payback for jerks like you Nazi boot licking Barrie lovers to get a taste of what it's like to have YOUR life made uncomfortable. I mean, you know...the same way you've tried to make Campbell uncomfortable all this time. It's never been enough that jerks like the joke Mayor you seem to love didn't do anything but damage Salisbury, oh no. Not good enough. They had to constantly come after Campbell, one of only a SMALL handful of people in the city who was looking out for the taxpayer.
So whether it was Campbell or not, just know that your time has come...you who have destroyed the city I invested my life in.
12:25 A cowbell is something the mare wears between her utters.
first of all, i am a little insulted. i know that that socialist america idol has tainted your brains, but I remember the finer days of rock, and/or roll; when fine men and women were needed to pound the triangle, cowbell, tamorine or tangerine {you know-the one you don't eat} y mucho cymbales. i played lead cowbell on the old rock & roll orchestra "Blue Oyster Bar Cult" hit "Don't Fear the Reaper" under THE MR. Dickenson's management. i also did contractual gigs and bar y bat mitzvahs with "The Ohio Players" and "Earth, Wind and Fire" before i was eventually deemed permanently disabled after eating crappie i cawt myself out of the wikomiko river.
Worcester County is watching this election.
How could these fools hire a guy over the telephone. Just goes to show you how poorly they run this business called the City of Salisbury.
When and what does it take to put these idiots in a cell.Do not
collect $200.00 go directly to jail. The lies and BS that the city has to put up with!Impeach
the mayor and Comgey , oh yea
Shanie also. The gleasom three some.
I say fire them all; if you people only had a clue of the clowns that run this wastewater plant you'd form a mob and run them all out of town!
In the words of Mayor Barrie Tilghman, "I take full responsibility." Step down now Barrie. What about the $47 million dollar lawsuit she won't talk about.
What does it matter where Joe got the information, the fact remains, HE GOT IT and now we do too. There is only one person on a Debbie Campbell witch hunt and he is as insignificant as they come. What would you think if I told you it didn't come from Debbie? Would you believe there are many people in the GOB and city departments that don't like what is going on? Trust me on this one.
Words cannot express the anger I feel right now. I wonder when any of this would have come to light if not for this blog. Joe I used to be an enemy of yours but this has far exceeded any petty squabbles of the past.
why 84 millin on top
2:04, Yes, you're damn right I would believe it; I have NO trouble believing whatever, and I DO trust you on this one. I only wish it had been Debbie for the sake of payback. But that's OK. She'll either be Mayor or (I hope) Senator one day..long after Barrie and the rest have been flushed down the toilet of history.
The slogan on SBYnews website says it all;
'You either love us or hate us'
You can't argue these facts as the evidence and the documents speak volumes about the WWTP.
What a mess. Literally. Great job SBYnews. You've made inroads where noone could ever penetrate.
I just returned from Town to retrieve a new starter.
The news is all over Salisbury. I mean it is all over every conceivable form of media in this Town.
I wouldn't go in the Wicomico River and encourage everyone to stay clear of this River. What an environmental castastrophe for our area.
2006 Debbie voted NO
What an amazing set of poor judgement by the City's administration! Great work Joe. Will someone of you attorneys that read this, let us know if we can get the mayor and her crew to court and hang them there for any of this? Seems to me, if I did such shoddy things, I'd wind up in jail or sued for big bucks?
Well, it's about time. WBOC just came on during their 2-min tease between shows announcing that at 6:00 they will have a story concerning the WWTP.
DUH! Everyone knows about it now, thanks to Joe!
Good good good. All is well.
I guess it is quite fitting that what goes around comes around, and it happens to be Sh--. I have to laugh. could not have happened at a better time. And be happy that some have worked so hard to uncover this mess, and finally it happened.
If Gary had had one thought of his own, at any time during his tenure, he would not be so wrapped in the toilet paper with the mayor in this mess.
Joe, I hope you'll put this back to the top of the page due to people who hadn't heard about it yet may need to find it after they see the news and the city council meeting. I'm hoping for fireworks tonight!
OMG! Louise called Debbie "Mrs. Comegys" tonight! What goes on in that sick mind of hers?
7:08 Yeah I heard her say it and almost choked to death. I would of had to slap her for that one...thats lower than an insult. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
Bob Taylor deflated Barries legal BS bubble at the council meeting. It was interesting hearing how she spoke with the consultant the day of her State of the City address. Got anything else you're hiding Barrie?
I've said it all along about Comegy. There is no way in Sam hell -(emphasis added)- can a person hold a full time job working for the following:
1. State Employment for State Highway Administration
2. Hold a position on the County Humane Society
3. Hold a Position on the Airport Commission
4. Hold a position on the Zoo Commission.
5. Hold a City Council position
And can make an informed decision on how to spend money on a multi-million dollar WWTP.
Comegy is an absolute DISASTER and a DISGRACE to the SALISBURY TAXPAYER.
I'm sure your all she's thinking about tonight, Joe. As red as she was at the press conference and again at the council meeting...I'm sure she's a few shades darker by now. Good job, Joe!
I remember this engineer was hired over a local well known competent group. Could it have been the local group were friends with a Barrie competitor? There probably isn't anyone over there at the plant that can operate a "fixed film". I can't believe that the MDE finance Dept has determined this startup consultant's fee's are eligible for 32% BNR grant.
Anyone know who the integrator is for this project?
Can you say kickback?
Stevie Wonder could see whats going on here.
The real story is on the kick backs and cash out the back door.
Just like they do it in Pocomoke out in the open.
Keep looking, the money trail is where its at.
Louise was trying to be a smart a$$! she's as big of a joke as gary berry!
I thought she called Gary "Mrs. Comegys?" ROFLMAO Senile in denial.
Did I miss something or was Dinglebarrie laughing and giggling during her update at the city council legislative meeting?
Ain't enough booze in the wrold to cover this up any longer. It's about time the TV stations covered the sceme team! A raping of the citizens. She blames a council person for leaking info due to litigation and in the same breath said she was going to inform the public in 2 weeks, a day after the election. I'm MAD AS HELL and we don't have to take it anyMORE!
The lawsuit started today
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