Tens of millions of dollars spent and the new waste water treatment plant just doesn't work. Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman is doing all she can to spin this looming fiscal and political disaster.
"We're 99% compliant." "The WWTP is 'substantially' complete."
There are just a few problems Barrie. "Substantially complete" isn't complete. "99% compliant" isn't good enough for Ivory soap, much less the Maryland Department of the Environment and the EPA.
At Tilghman's press conference today, she knew that she couldn't put enough lipstick on this pig by spinning those lines, so she pulled the same old tricks out of her old, shabby, tattered bag - she blamed it on the "blogs" and smeared the only two members of the city government that give a tinker's damn about the city's taxpayers and water and sewer ratepayers.
Without naming them directly, Tilghman implied that councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen violated privilege by "leaking" information about the city's Rube Goldberg WWTP and the fact that the city cannot meet it's state mandated May 1 permit deadline to those dirty, nasty blogs (like the one her son writes for). As usual, the facts don't support Tilghman.
Stay tuned sports fans. We'll have more (a lot more) at 8:30 AM.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

Tens of millions of dollars spent and the new waste water treatment plant just doesn't work. Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman is doing all she can to spin this looming fiscal and political disaster.
"We're 99% compliant." "The WWTP is 'substantially' complete."
There are just a few problems Barrie. "Substantially complete" isn't complete. "99% compliant" isn't good enough for Ivory soap, much less the Maryland Department of the Environment and the EPA.
At Tilghman's press conference today, she knew that she couldn't put enough lipstick on this pig by spinning those lines, so she pulled the same old tricks out of her old, shabby, tattered bag - she blamed it on the "blogs" and smeared the only two members of the city government that give a tinker's damn about the city's taxpayers and water and sewer ratepayers.
Without naming them directly, Tilghman implied that councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen violated privilege by "leaking" information about the city's Rube Goldberg WWTP and the fact that the city cannot meet it's state mandated May 1 permit deadline to those dirty, nasty blogs (like the one her son writes for). As usual, the facts don't support Tilghman.
Stay tuned sports fans. We'll have more (a lot more) at 8:30 AM.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

and uh is all i heard her say about it on the news so i guess uh the tax payers know just as much as she does about it
Gary and Barrie are the irresponsible ones. If you know the plant's in trouble, do you tell everyone things are great?
That blowhard ought to withdraw from the mayor's race.
She's becoming delusional -- like most dictators in their final days in power.
Harrison should have called it Wastewatergate!
Can't wait G.A.
It's no secret what has been happening over there. What took you so long. I'll admit the outside consultant wasn't known. but who is going to come in and make the changes for compliance and how will they be paid for is the story to watch. MDE should not and will not pay for the repairs and you are delusional if you think the engineer will be paying.
Surprise! The online version of the Daily Times doesn't have any stories about the Waste Water Treatment Plant. I guess they are waiting to get the spin from the Mayor first.
In todays paper she stated that she would not take disciplinary actions against Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. Campbell. Are you kidding me!
The Mayor is accountable for this failure and should be fined or disciplined.
I'll bet that she's hungover as hell this morning! I think that criminal charges should be brought against the mare and her cronies! I loved how she stuttered through her whole poo speach!
LOL@Poogate! You crack me up!
I bet Caldwell, Winslow and Messick were up all night! I'm sure the mare slept fine, another day in Dingleberry?
"PooGate"...That is hilarious!!!
Can't believe she said she won't be charging Debbie and Terry. She's the one who needs to be charged for so many things.
We'll probably never really know just how many illegal things she has done while in office.
Hey Joe, when's your court date with the pooqueen. I wanna be there. She'll be out of office long enough that she'll be looking like the hungover woman we already know she is. Announce the date again for those of us in your Hundred Dozen. I bet she tries to find a way to have the date changed again.
Face it PooQueen, your day is coming. I sure am glad I'm not in your shoes. You think it's bad now, wait until after your out of office and you find out just how many people hate you.
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