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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

March For Life

Did you know that Maryland is one of the most un-regulated states in the nation, for abortion?

What does that mean?

It means 'ANYONE' can do an abortion, ANYWHERE, for any reason!

No, you DO NOT have to be a doctor or even a nurse!

There is no informed consent.

Girls and women are not told of the devastating consequences of the physical and emotional aftermath of their choice. BUT in Maryland, parents, MUST sign a paper to have an ASPIRIN given to your daughter, but she could go to school and have someone take her OFF SCHOOL PROPERTY for an abortion and you would never be told and may never know. Does it even make any kind of sense that an invasive procedure could be done on a minor without a parent's permission? A procedure that always causes heavy bleeding, but can lead to the DEATH of your daughter!

Additionally, the father of the unborn child does not have to be informed of the woman's choice to end her pregnancy

It is especially terrible when so many of our legislators are voting pro-choice.

My name is Leslie Dean and I am the Regional Coordinator for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, here on the eastern shore of Maryland.
I am forwarding this to you in the hopes that as many of you as possible will attend. We have a bus, thanks to the efforts of Cookie Harris, and it will only cost you $12 which includes tip. You may call me if you are in Maryland and I can take your reservation. My phone # is 410-543-2660 or you can write to me at this email address. If you are not in MD and would still like to come, please come support us.

If you can't be there at all, could you PLEASE help us get the word out by copying and pasting this letter and PSA and sending it to as many people as possible in your email address book? You would be doing a huge favor for us and for the many women and babies that need to be reached with the truth.

Numbers are important so please come out. Let's stop the insanity.

March for Life.

March 9, 2009
5pm - 8pm

"Maryland needs to see the truth of the devastation of abortion. Annapolis can be the starting point as we fill the streets for the Maryland



Anonymous said...


This is propaganda.

The law does prohibit abortions after the first trimester in Maryland by certified MD's.

Maybe your "doc's" are the same one selling script's to our kids.

I am a pro-choice Republican. Maybe you should focus your energy elsewhere..or "adopt" all the fetuses.

This holy-roller crap really irks me!

Marie M.

Anonymous said...

I knew I liked Maryland for some reason ; >

Anonymous said...

I'm pro-life and this is still untrue crap.

Anonymous said...

Marie. My hat is off to you that you can still support a Republican platform {and not be anonymous} and respect the woman's Constitutional right of choice. Education and pragmatic, compromise/teamwork {across "party lines"} are the only ways we all come out of this self-imposed death spiral as a relevant nation. Good for you. I pray we can also start to take off our blinders and make better progress, pronto, with stem cell research that has been collateral damage/taboo ground in the fight between the extremes over when life begins regarding the abortion issue.

Anonymous said...

and when those unwanted children shoot you at the atm, will you still feel this way?

regardless, much of this post is simply untrue. i wish joe would check the facts before slaps stuff up.

Anonymous said...

To follow up what Marie M. posted:

"Only a physician, including a doctor of osteopathy, licensed by the state to practice medicine in the state may perform an abortion. Md. Code Ann., Health-Gen. § 20-207 (Enacted 1970; Last Amended 1982), Md. Code Ann., Health-Gen. §20-208 (Enacted 1991)."

People, like Leslie, that post bogus information to garner support for their cause should have their computers, paper and pencil taken from them.