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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Black History Month? White History Month?

Black History Month
A month devoted to African-Americans. A month that is well deserved. Some White people get angry because Blacks get a month all about them. Well, they really shouldn't because White people get all the rest of the year. In school, we learn about history. They should just rename is White history, because that is all we learn about. White people. I think that if someone is mad that Blacks get ONE month, they are very selfish. Black History Month is just the price that Whites have to pay for their ancestors being racist! (Urban Dictionary)

White History Month
Occurs during the month of April. This is White History Month, not Anti-Black History Month. Said event promotes equality, not discrimination. And no, White History Month is NOT 11 months out of the year, American history is. The fact that 98% of this country's history was, founded, laid out and written by white US citizens DOES NOT make it "White History". Our history just happens to be laid out mostly by white, landowning males. That's just the way it is. Do our textbooks say George Washington was "the first white president of the United States"? No. Just because there are not many blacks in this country's long history, doesn't make it "White History". It just means blacks didn't step up to the plate until later. Like I said, it's not like we're there to stop them from making history with a "Whites Only" policy. If Black people get a history, then so should the White people. (Urban Dictionary)

The month of February is Black History Month. America is racist. America is hypocritical. We want America to see NO COLOR, yet we still celebrate black people every February.

Let the comments begin.


Anonymous said...

"It just means blacks didn't step up to the plate until later." Are you serious?! I'm white and even I know just how much black people stepped up to the plate to build this country and make it a better place under unbelievable circumstances. History is written by the victors, meaning most of our history was written by white people about white people because that's what society said was important and those were the people society allowed to go to college, have public careers and listened to. How dare you say blacks didn't step up to the plate until later. Look into black history and you'll be both amazed and ashamed.

Anonymous said...

"Black History Month is just the price that Whites have to pay for their ancestors being racist!" (Urban Dictionary)

That part is a load of "Pelosi" (am I the first to us that?

What our white ancestors did was allowed by blacks that sold their own. That is how things were back then, we can hold no responsibility for it. The world operated with blacks selling blacks and whites buying them and putting them to work in a much better place. They were fed, although they had to work. Look now things are better for them, they are fed but don't have to work!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah? Stepped up to the plate, huh? How bout the fact that they were forced to come here and then forced to bout that? It's not that they chose to work, they had to be forced to work. This was not an option for them and neither was being forced to come here via transport/cargo ships in terrible conditions. And now they STILL have to be FORCED to work and even that's not working!

Anonymous said...


I think the real problem is the un willingness to work which still exist today. Anyone that understands that "if I work I can benefit from it" would be much better off. You shouldn't have to force anyone to work, I agree. They should want to do it for thier own good. They are just creatures that don't favor labor and paving thier own way. They would rather blame and dwell on the past.

glendonboy said...

Let's look at recent black history, especially since the "War on Poverty". Over the last 30 years blacks have committed 52% of homicides in the US while only 13.5% of the population.

Anonymous said...


Although I am not sure about the "stats" I do know your comment to be true. This is directly due to the fact that they dwell on the past and have no desire to work and get themselves off the streets.I own a business in SBY and haven't had a black man fill out and application but once in ten years. That is not a stretch that is a fact. I actually hired him but he brought the "issues" with him and that didn't last long. I gave him a chance. You get tired of the three to four "baby mommas" calling looking for him on fridays too (pay day).

Anonymous said...

I agree that there should not be a black history month and black only colleges for the simple fact that there could never be a white history month or white only colleges. It's also ok to have girls only colleges but you can't have boys only colleges. WTF! This world is crazy.

Anonymous said...

I'm staying out of this, it's a post inviting hate. Come on, let's be better than that. What would God's comment be?

Anonymous said...

Let's see here it's funny how all I hear is we (blacks, African Americans, whatever) all always screaming racism all the time or it's cause im black. But ya know what you get away with a lot that White Americans cant such as the united Nigro Collage Fund... Yea lets see you put up a United Whitey Collage Fund (That’s Raciest) or BET Black Entertainment Television you let there be a WET (That’s Raciest) and the list goes on and on and on. I’m just saying that every time I hear something about raciest its the Blacks that are complaining and are the ones that are raciest. I’m not saying all are but there are those of you out there like that and yes there are whit people out there like that to but there are a lot of black raciest out there too. Oh yea The Black Panther’s...yea just like the KKK but not looked at as the same but just as racial.
P.S. I didn’t think you were African American unless YOU were from Africa, just a thought.

Unknown said...

Hey 9:25 state your name and business your an a**hole to make a statement like that I hope no one would work for you. Yes I am Black and no I don't need a Black History month because it doesn't pay the bills, but take it out of the curriculum and see how much Black History is taught out of the old text books. Give every student a laptop and the Internet and teach on.

Anonymous said...

God's comment would be

"Earn yuor keep"

"do your part"

Anonymous said...

9:31 I am GOD! Get me the statistics on welfare recipients and I will be happy to answer with my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I can't take one of these postings everyday for the rest of this month. I agree with 9:31, that it brings out the best in us. How can you resist participation in this though? Atleast so far, it has been ok and just plain honest opionions.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of this PELOSI (am I the 2nd one to use it?).

The history of blacks that we were all taught, know it was written by white men. The same as the history of the American Indians again, written by white men. Would you be so quick to celebrate thanksgiving if you knew the true history of that time? Would the teachers dare to teach the truth of that time? Hell no they wouldn't. Like Jack Nicholson said, "You can't handle the truth", while we live with it, every day of life, every generation that passes, we live with it.

Like the blacks sold into slavery, no matter what continent they were sold, the wrong began with the buying and selling of human beings. Africans, like American Indians are tribal people. Being tribal does not mean being savage, it means having a deep sense of community, what it is to take care of their own. Hunting and fishing to be sure everyone had something to eat. Scouting to provide security for their homeland. Then when they are forced into an environment that is as foreign to them as tribal life is to the whites they are called savage or lazy. Beaten for not knowing the ways of the whites. Beaten for doing what came naturally to them. Beaten for speaking their own languages. Beaten for practicing their own religions. I could go on and on about the injustices served upon our people but it would serve no purpose. People still wouldn't get it. They'd feel a bit of compassion for a minute but they wouldn't get it.

It's ok for blacks and indians to fight wars for this country yet they were not allowed to vote until mid 20th century.

The history taught during the shortest month of the year is still Black History written by White Men. At least they get a whole month while we get one day, Thanksgiving, which is now a day of mourning for us, not a celebration.

Get off your high horses and take a look around you. If you happen to know any black women, ask them how many jobs they work. Most of the black women I know hold down 2 or 3 jobs. And if you want to talk about welfare statistics, you should do a bit more research. You will find there are more whites on welfare than blacks. Oh, the thugs you see on the street with their pants dragging around their knees and hoods pulled up over their heads, take a closer look at how many of them are white boys.

My grandmother was one of many Cherokees forced into Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania. I always tell people how the white man forced our people into their schools, the one thing they didn't count on that we could and would learn. The black people have done the same thing. THEY LEARNED! Does this frighten people? Yes it does. You fear what you do not understand or know. You fear that we would become educated, learn your ways and use it against you. That time has come. Don't blame the minorities, the blame lies with those that forced people into situations of unfamiliarity. Surprise, they adapted and followed your lead.

Casinos are an Indians revenge. We were taught knowledge is power. In these times, money is power. Now we have both. Those that choose to be bigots will reap what has been sown for hundreds of years.

Stop dividing people into groups by color. Color belongs in a crayon box.

glendonboy said...

It has to do with the destruction of the black family by the WoP not any ethnic issues. 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock. This was not the case before "the man out of the house rule" was instituted. Now it is an accepted part of the culture. Parenting is difficult enough without the resources to do it being cut in half. The WoP is liberals biggest failure and has destroyed generations with hopelessness and despair. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Anonymous said...


Souds like someone is holding has a lot of Racism.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Donna, I knew you could throw down a great post!

Anonymous said...

And that statement form 10:02 is exactly what 9:43 was/is saying again racism brought up by a non white and spoken with hatetred and showing they them selves still have racism in them.

Anonymous said...


Before you ask the business owner to show his name and business, how about your coward a$* allow your profile to be viewed. Are you black or a troll or both?

Anonymous said...

Donna, I hear you but conquering new lands are as old as the human race has been around. It is not just Africans and Indians but Greeks, Italians, Chinese, Turkish, Germanic ... Get the point. It is the history of all cultures on the planet not just the white mans.

Anonymous said...

If you feel that your people have had the short end of the stick i gusee you did not learn about World War 11 in school. I would think that if any one people had the right to complain it would be the Jews. I never heard of blacks being put into ovens and burned to death. I dont think you were starved in concentration camps, froze to death because of no heat, had no medical care. Do you hear them crying about there rights they did not have then? I think if i were to help any people that i thought needed it more it would be the Jews and the American Indian. They suffered more than any race i ever new. Think about that the next time you want to cry about history.

Anonymous said...

There should be no color on any months of the year. History is History and should be taught in the order in which it happened. Why does color even mater? I agree that the person who wrote this is obviously a racist, whether he or she is black or white. What our ancestors did has nothing to do with us, when they let go of the anger the country will change. Most "history" in schools is taught about white people because it is what it is. If you want most "history" to be about blacks go to a country that was founded by them. Like I said History is exactly that HISTORY, not a freaking color. Good Lord people. To the author you can't expect racism to change if you yourself are a racist.

Anonymous said...


Your guilt ridden treatise on how bad your ancestors had it just makes me want to cry.

I am so sorry your people have to work.

White people don't have it near as bad.

White people are rich.

White people don't work.

White people hate others that are not white.

White people are not compassionate.

White people are lazy.

White people invaded this country.

White people killed and maimed innocent natives.

White people are slave owners or descendants of such.

White people have done nothing to make natives and blacks prosperous.

White people are the true scourge that is destroying all the lives of the non-whites.

Ok Donna, we get it.

Did I leave anything out?

I'm sure you can come up with some more garbage to pin on our backs.

I guess you liberal twits will continue to use "victim hood" to slowly increase your power and influence over the wicked whites.

And then you'll have little utopias where all of you non-whites can grasp hands and sing Cumbaya and revel in your oneness with all things non-white. already have those places..they're called Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Chicago, New Orleans, etc.

With each passing day, I move farther and farther away from ever wanting to associate with any of you guilt ridden, victim hood abusing poor excuses of human beings.

Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

When do atheists get a holiday? Don't we get a month? Dang we are always overlooked. Just kidding I fear the Big Dog. I want my judgement to be an honest judgement. God bless us one and all.

Anonymous said...

Such nastiness, Jerome...nothing to see here.. :(

BigEastFireDog said...

Woof Woof baby

Anonymous said...

It's not the fault of blacks its the fault of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton reminding everyone that racism exist.

Anonymous said...

Being half white decended from Irish immigrants I think it would be rather hard for me to be a racist. I don't hate anyone. We are taught very young to not even say that word because, when you say it, you feel it and it will consume you if given a place to fester.

I hate no one, I forget nothing. Our history is as important to us as yours is to you. Obviously what I wrote earlier has been misinterpreted. We can all lay out something not so pleasant in our cultural histories, of this I am sure. Joe should avoid anything concerning race, it brings out the worst in people.

Anon 11:32 you got it all wrong. I pin nothing on the backs of anyone other than the U.S. Government. They are the ones that continue to keep indian people under their thumbs. They are the ones that continue to lie, cheat and steal from us. Unless your grandparents are responsible for Andrew Jacksons decision to start the removal of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminoles why should you have any guilt? Are you saying Indians don't work? Are you saying there are no rich indians? You are the one that makes me want to cry.

I doubt anyone living today is responsible for anything in history and I hold it against no one person however, history is not to be forgotten. We are still battling treaty violations. Treaties written and signed by people some deem honorable.

You speak of the tragic events of the Jews. Where do you think Hitler learned of mass murders and mass graves? Wounded Knee ring any bells? I don't say this to take anything away from the Jews. I understand their plight completely. I don't think any people have suffered like they have and continue to, to this day.

I'm done with this. Think of me what you will, understand me you never will. Those that know me, know me well enough to know who and what I am.

Anonymous said...

I have a black man working for me. He's married, in college and a fine young man and worker. There's good and bad in every race, enough with the stereotypes.

joe albero said...

anonymous 1:03,


Chimera said...

I guess I'm a big ole "race traitor" because its Black History Month and I am not objecting to my kid learning about it in school.LOL.Lighten up people.

Anonymous said...

Donna says "I don't think any people have suffered like they (The Jews) have and continue to, to this day."
Are you friggin kidding me? The Jews run the world and the media today. It was the Jew owned boats that brought the slaves to America to begin with. They are truly the suppressors.

Anonymous said...

Why does there have to be a BLACK History month? Why can't it be incorporated into this country's history period? To me, it only invites hate and divides. Someone tell me how it's productive. I just don't see it.

Anonymous said...

You Go Donna. Love ya Baybee

Anonymous said...

Does the name Thomas Sowell ring any bells to any of you "Black History Month" aficionados?

I never hear word one from the so called "Mainstream Media" about any of his achievements.

Why is that?

I'll bet over half of you guilt-ridden libs on this blog don't know who he is.

Wolves in sheep clothing.

Anonymous said...

If you pay attention black people excel in everyting they do i.e. tiger woods, venus and serina williams, tyler perry,ben carson

Two Sentz said...

Rock on Donna!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately 13.5% mudering 525 of Americans is the elephant in the room.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see this starting to go in a saner direction with "Donna" and 1:03 pm on.

Allow for catch up time and stop being so hostile, people. For centuries, women and minorities were property. Their accomplishments weren't even acknowledged. Celebrating them now doesn't mean George Washington will stop being the first president of the U.S.

Someday, all the stories will all come together. Until then, peace, love, tolerance and patience be with us all. The world won't get any worse if you practice that.

But it will get worse practicing anger and hatred.

Anonymous said...

Donna isn't proud of her "other half"

For a few weeks now on a couple of posts she has been "half white"

Anonymous said...


Believe me all of the comments aren't being posted!

I have sent a few that you may object to or atleast differ with, which would make for good debate.

The comments and the direction of this post is being "steered"

joe albero said...

anonymous 2:33, you are completely full of crap. I am the only one moderating today and that's just not true.

joe albero said...

By the way, if I had something to hide I would have simply rejected your comment.

Anonymous said...

Full of "Pelosi" Joe.

I am 2:33 and have sent a few that haven't made it. It may be something I didn't do correct, but I swore I saw the "your comment has been posted" message. My apologies, but the 2:33 comment made it. The ones I am refering to weren't bad, or atleast I didn't think so.

joe albero said...

anonymous 2:46, While it's been another extremely busy day fielding comments and putting together articles, I have enjoyed probably close to a 95+% ratio of accepting almost every comment so far today. So if your comment wasn't nasty, you must have done something wrong because there's been a lot of messages that did make it through. Perhaps there's a problem with Blogger, I don't know? I will tell you that they're coming in so fast it's VERY hard to keep up with them. In fact, I'm not and that's why there's been a longer than usual delay in getting them up.

shoreatheist said...

When I was home schooling my oldest for health reasons we used a wonderful history series called "A Multicultural History of the United States". I wrote to the BOE and suggested that this series, which I found in the Worcester County Library system, would be great for middle school level. Of course it never was examined for possible use. I suggested it to the middle school in my town, and got a pat on the head from the principal.

History belongs to those who write it. And so, we have to look for women in history and non-white men in history and points of view from those not victorious. The look is worthwhile for our children's education, and often it is the parent who must make up for what the public schools leave out.

Anonymous said...

1:24. It is hard to eat corn on the cob with no friggin' teeth...I thought we were done with your irrelevant type of input once you brought your little hizz-az out of your hole to tell us we would have 6 more weeks of winter. BTW...I would try not to talk like this in the oyster sandwich line of local festivals and such...the spinal cord injury you prevent may be your own.

Anonymous said...

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all.
Take your meds man.

Anonymous said...

Haven't I already cracked your head a couple time at the "Boars Nest" already, Cletus? You sound like the type of guy that would walk up and introduce his wife AND sister; and there would only be one woman in front of you....

Anonymous said...

The little blue pill makes you larger.

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't, dipstick...the blue pill makes "it" smaller. You probably should have already figured that out by now.

Anonymous said...

Hello Reese

Anonymous said...

We should have a subdivision of White History. Most of what we recognize to be history, has now been labeled white history because it is mainly written by and about white people. But to be more specific, it is written by and about rich white people. Therefore, I would propose that we establish the following:

Black History
Rich White History
Poor Working Class History

Note: Poor working class history is composed of blacks, whites, reds, brown, yellow, etc. We are the real people - who don't matter to history. We live merely to serve the rich white people.

As a matter of fact, we could very well have the following classes:

Rich White History
Poor Working Class History

There, doesn't that settle it?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 9:15 and 9:52. No one wants to talk about black on white crime. Why is it that if the "n" word is used, you are racist and if used during the commitment of an assault, it is considered a hate crime? Blacks use racist language against whites all the time, but are not called on it. Why can a black assault a white (calling him a white @%#@@)and it is not considered a hate crime?

Maybe it is because the liberal whites who are sooo afraid of being called a bigot or racist that they go overboard on the issue.

Black history month should be done away with. History is simply history.

Why can't whites have a WET channel like BET? There is also no White Police Officers Union...what gives? What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.

I have white pride. Why is that racist? It isn't.

Work. It does a body good.

Anonymous said...

11:14 a. m., Now! I know you are crazy. The suffering of the Blacks is much greater than the Jews. Even today on this blog, Racism is speaking vey loud and clear. We might have a Black President. But some of you here are still racist and will always be racist. Sad day. Sad day.

Anonymous said...

How fitting that a story about rednecks preceded this post.

Anonymous said...

I want a Black Irish month for me.

Signed: HipHopsinger (that eats a lot of potatoes)

Anonymous said...

For all the people making comments about how much they hate reading this....DON'T READ IT THEN MORONS!!!

C'mon white people, we owe them or hasn't the media been able to convince you of that yet?

Want to ruin a neighborhood, then move a ....oops, that would have been racist. So TRUE but racist in your pansy eyes.

Anonymous said...

Dont tell me that 11:27

We just had a family of them....Ooops .

I hope it dosnt sink the neighborhood ? Is this a hint for me to atart looking for a better "hood" ? :)

Anonymous said...

The point Whites should know is that ya'll are the worlds minority. Sinking ever so rapidly. We are genociding you legally, breeding you out. In every White nation ya'll are in decline. Not because of us entirely, its because ya'll don't have kids. We have a average of 3-5 ya'll only have 1. Simple math tells u if 2 people just have 1 child your population will get smaller. Doesn't everybody see that or am I the dumb one? Back in the 50s and earlier ya'll had like 7-9 on average.

Anonymous said...

I belive Black history is important and should be taught but I have 2 kids in school a first grader and second grader they can both tell me in depth about Rosa Parks but cant tell me what the first president was or what the Declaration of Independance, Consitution or Bill of rights are. My youngest children are German,English and Cherokee mix they attend a promantly black school. We are teaching the not to hate or descriminate against anyone just because of there skin color because to God we are all his children. My son the secound grader comes home upset because the only school play for his class is about slavery and he is white the only way he can be in it is to play a racist guard that shoots the slaves. He does not want to do this because it goes against what he believes. Then my first grader comes home and tells us her teacher told the class all white people owned slaves and were bad people. I had to explain that she was 3 generations remove from germany and england on one side and cherokee indian on the other. We never owned slaves or had anything to do with it. It apeers the racism is back at my children because thier skin color white not black. I have Asain friends that feel the same way twards the school.

To the school I ask why is Rosa more important then the Declration and how can her civil rights be violated with out the Bill of rights?

For all you that think slavory is dead, its not people are being kidnapped brought to mexico and abused, beaten, tortured then sold in californa ,in open auctions, for the sex trade.

One of the largest growing minorities in the USA is the latino you dont here them bitching all the time.

For the one that said the Holocost was not as bad as the blacks. Wrong Slave trade in the US changed a nation the Holocost changed the world. Remember not just the Jews were killed. Poles, germans without blond hair and blue eyes, Rusians sustained 20 million deaths. The natzies were ruthless.

For those of you that want to know the rest of the story about why slaves came to the US look into african history during this time. Europe and Germany were comitting geneside there. Then there was a war for the diamond trade. Many tribes were wiped out by other tribes. Death and distruction awaited them. If you think that the black people are still being persicuted in the USA there is a plain leaving for africa every day get on it.

I believe the black community has made huge improvments to the civil rights and overall life in the US and these acomplishments need to be taught to every child. I do not believe they are any more important then any other persons acomplishments to the improvement of life in our great country. They are defantly not as important as the Three documents that is what this country is founded on. "We The People By The People For The People" does not say we the white people or we the black people. "We declare That ALL Men be created Equal" Thats what our founding fathers wanted its up to all of us to make it happen. Remember "Hate" is taught. End the Hate dont teach it to your children.

Some may agree some may disagree with what I have said. It fine either way, because I am lucky to live in a country that allows us all to express our thought out load with out fear of imprisonment.
I know a lot of men (of all colors) have died for me to beable to sit here and express myself.

This is just one mans opion.