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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today's Chuckle

You are on the bus when you suddenly realize ... you need to fart.
The music is really loud, so you time your farts with the beat. After
a couple of songs, you start to feel better as you approach your stop.
As you are leaving the bus, people are really staring you down, and
that's when you remember: you've been listening to your ipod


Anonymous said...

Throw in a guy with a dubious briefcase twitching while reading the Koran and a woman yelling at her husband because he spent the money for the light bill at a strip club and this just sounds like a routine day on the D.C. Metro to me.... ;)

Anonymous said...

as a joke for our grandkids, I made my cell phone ringtone be a long obnoxious fart, then put it in my pocket and had my wife call me when I was at their house.
That was funny but......
I forgot to change it back and a few days later ( I don't get many cell phone calls so I didn't realize it was still the ringtone)
We were shopping at a superstore and my daughter called my cell...
the looks I got from thher shoppers when it rang (tooted)... I just smiled and let it ring a few times before I answered!
Glen in OC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Literally LOL'd in my cubicle Reese Bobby!!!

Anonymous said...

11:49. If you've ever been a rider, I am sure others have even better stories. I am sure the guy with the Koran was probably just an ordinary American citizen lawyer carrying a bunch of statute books and such; but I'll never {ever} forget the look on that guy's face {looking quite hungover anyway} as his wife/girlfriend {in one of those loud, annoying movie theater voices} "kept it real" with him. Good times...

Anonymous said...

...once on a trip to the zoo with a stroller and 2 little ones (4 and 2), my husband, my brother and his girlfriend...otw back it got really crowded about 4pm so we were squished, and my brother and his girl ended up really close and locked lips a little too long and some lady kept giving them the evil eye-we were making jokes that she would probably stab Cristina and kidnap my brother, so we all just giggled-being that me, my brother and my husband are/were Marines and could take her one on one (which we also debated). Anyway, before she got off, she hissed at my brother and his girl that they should be ashamed of themselves for carrying on like that in front of my children. Of course it wasn't funny anymore, but we laughed even harder, which really made her angry.

Anonymous said...

3:48. Did the Haiti-Lady try to "put roots" on your friends? ROT"MF"FLMAO. You have clearly been on board the "Love Train" before-did you also notice at the DC Zoo how once you see everything, at the end of the day, you have to push all the strollers//carry inebriated friends and such BACK UP HILL to get back to your parking space!! Here is also some information the single men{s} will appreciate if they get across "the bridge" once in awhile...whereas in Salisbury the ratio of men to women at any given bar is about 698 to 2;in DC and other actual "cities" there are many single women who actually go to a bar (without waiting until last call when they and their 16 similarly already attached friends expect you to buy them a beer and a jager bomb so they can a couple minutes later go outside to bust a smoke and text their boyfriends about YOUR naivetee) to get a little satisfaction-you would be surprised at how you can reap the benefits of last call/mass transit with no fear of DUI incarceration in the big city...Good times..good times..