
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Breaking News, Man Shot In Salisbury

Moments ago a man was shot at 504 Delaware Avenue. More to come......

UPDATE: The victim is dead. They just called in the Medical Examiner.

CRIME IS DOWN, just remember that!


Anonymous said...

Confirmed Priority 4, M.E. is on the way..

Anonymous said...

Wow..that's three homicides in three weeks in Wicomico County. At this pace, there will be noone left in the county

Anonymous said...

Joe, who did Rick fire?

Anonymous said...

I want my ruger !

Anonymous said...

#1 MALE?

Anonymous said...

Delaware avenue,...

Anonymous said...

So, will Shanie tell us that the guy deserved to be shot?

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
This must all be a lie!! Remember??? There is NO CRIME IN SALISBURY.....(Or so they tell us)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tim Chaney knows there is crime in the city he'll work hard for District 1. Unlike Shanie Shields that insists crime is under control. Remember it's not a murder if they know who they are shooting. Pearls of wisdom from Shanie Shields.

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

If we would've just put more sidewalks on Rt. 13 like Muir Boda wants then this man would still be alive.

Anonymous said...

people need deliverance and to get off the streets and to get to know God.

Anonymous said...

I completely feel safe in Salisbury. As long as I don't let my kids play outside, stay inside after dark, keep all the doors and windows locked, have two large dogs, and don't have anything nice that someone would want to take. Crack City is OK with me, yes sir.

Anonymous said...

Had a lot to say, just deleted it.
This is just the beginning.
"back rests up, seat belts fastened"-check
uh, no.

Anonymous said...

The poor fellow had to get shot in the city. Chalk up another cold case for Chief Webster.

If they want it solved they better call in WBI and SUSI they'll get the job done, lickety split.

Anonymous said...

It was self inflicted.. Checked with few officers who were on the scene

Anonymous said...

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...
If we would've just put more sidewalks on Rt. 13 like Muir Boda wants then this man would still be alive.

9:30 PM

That would be Rt. 13 North in the Delmar jurisdiction.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It was self inflicted.. Checked with few officers who were on the scene

10:46 PM

I hope it was a white man, because it is typically unheard of for a black man to commit suicide with a gun. Calling it self inflicted is an easy way of not having to investigate a homicide.

Anonymous said...

Fewer Americans have died in Afganistan in the last two weeks than have died from violence in Salisbury MD--what does that say about the crime situation in what was once a great place to live and raise a family?

Anonymous said...

The man who died has had many attempts made on his life. This has to be the 3rd or 4th time he's been shot and this time he was killed. According to a friend who was there he was shot in the head. And yes, he's black and I won't say he deserved it but you can only live that life for but so long before somebody gets you. I'm not going to say his name but once it comes out, his record is long and violence has always come his way.

Anonymous said...

Lamont Mitchell aka Mickey, is his name.

Anonymous said...

a guy dies and you want to make a "statement"...what a big man you are

Anonymous said...

everyone knows it was pay back for brookes, the streets know all but never tell and we all know who it was that got shot on west rd and delaware ave thats why there was 3 dovon people out there ! this all has to stop and now the cops have to figure out who shot this guy, who next man, please stop all this crazyness !

Anonymous said...

This should come as no surprise. This county in under seige. We are all in this together. I am tired of all the violence. I would not want to raise my family here. It has become a sess pool. There are so many things the politicians need to do to rectify this issue. At the rate we are heading we will out a doubt one of the most violent communities of our demographics. It is time for the powers to be to take a big bite of the apple and put the resources out there so e can get people where they are needed. Remember anyone who is wanted for felony charges is living the crimnal life they have no choice but to be on the run. It is time for a proactive street unit or a warrant squad. This unit could be put into the hot spots. I have watched the decay of our standards of living slipping away. Sheriff Mike lewis has the drive and the skills to head this thing up. The soldiers are waiting for the orders. This is a war on our soil. I say enough is enough. Make your votes count in the next election. To the nay sayers that say we have enough man power. Do a ride along and get the true picture. You can put the most beutiful outfit on ugly. I dont care it is still ugly.

I wonder how many thugs form D.R.I.L.L are involved. The concept was right it just needed fine tuning. Extreme measures for extreme cases. We need to take control of our little piece of the world. This county is stil at a size that proactive work will show instant dividends.

I see the thugs roaming our streets all hours of the night. The liberals do nat want street contacts made. I disgree every teen out after 2:00 needs to be checked. Call it profiling call it what you want. Profiling an obvious thug should never be against the law. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck. We have become so liberl that there are times officers wont approach certain segmaents of the community. Who needs the grief. The problem is drug related more than not. We need to get the guns out of the hands of children. The law abiding person rarely has an issue with firearms. It is the criminal element is armed to the teeth. A deputy had a stop a few weeks back and the guy had two handguns. Not one but two on his person.

I will beat it home one more time these deputies have no disability insurance. They go out day and night and risk their very being to protect we the community. This is just ridiculous if you think about it. All the allied agecies have it. Someone down town needs to answer for this lapse in good judgement. All the agencies need beefing up. If it does not make results then stop the funding but there needs to be a concensus among all the councils and get it done. Fund a special operations unit and turn them loose on the slime roaming our streets. Each agency knows who the warriors are. Turn them loose and make criminals want to do their business else where.

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard from the scene. He was on his cell phone arguing with family members. He was threatning suicide. He committed the act.

He was found by family members. SPD and SFD arrived on the scene. The victim was found deceased with a fatal head wound and a weapon in or near his hand...

Anonymous said...

Excellent analogy Dinosaur

If you replace the word crime with 'war,' then I guess there is no crime at all here

Anonymous said...

Cheif will handle the issue just fine. oh wait, he might need help finding the crime scene. Mike Lewis, can you give him a call and give directions from his third floor room to the crime scene plese. We need this solved asap.

Chimera said...

Or did it "look" like it was self-inflicted?....

Anonymous said...

this may or may not be a drug related death,but i will predict this--Wicomico county will definitely have an increase in shootings and murders .no one is actively working gangs in this county.we may be attempting to gather intelligence on them,but that is not the same as actively working them 27/7 a week.remember this comment,unless we start working gangs we will see this prediction materialize.I have seen it happen over and over again.salisbury city needs new leadership in it's police department and an aggressive city government.a gang task force is way overdue for this county.C.O.A.

Anonymous said...

we will never what happened salisbury city investigators will simply note it on the dispatch log as a found body and close it out as solved.if it involves getting up off of you azz and doing real police work don't hold your breath and wait for scpd to solve anything.imo their detectives are "investigative lazy"especially if the victim is not white.

joe albero said...

anonymous 8:31,

Come on now, with the economy going like it is, even the Sheriff predicted this more than a year ago. Of course crime is going to go up. It's a shame but there's a standard trend with crime and the economy.

Anonymous said...

make that 24/7. C.O.A.

Anonymous said...

I would be very surprised if this was self inflicted. If you look on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search website, you will see that this man had many, many drug related charges, assault charges (some against department of corrections employees), handgun charges, auto theft charges, etc.
He has a history of violence and intent to distribute charges, etc. These types of individuals do not take their own lives, they believe they are intitled to do whatever they want to get whatever they want. In other words, they have large ego's and do not have the type of attitude and personality that leads to suicide in my opinion. I could be wrong, but I would be surprised.

Anonymous said...

listen Joe,it's not just about crime and the economy. i know for a fact that certain gangs have gained a foothold in this county.a new crime wave is coming and i have been and still am predicting it way before your buddy Mike.i like Mike,but he never worked gangs.Wicomico county has been infiltrated with gangbangers for years,way before Mike was elected.a gang task force is's a proactive approach not the current reactive approach that's in place.we don't need to wait for the next shooting or murder.we need to be tracking this gangbangers down and taking their profits.etc.arresting one at a time is not the it?

Anonymous said...

I think we need a task force to deal with the increased crime in Salisbury as of late. Oh wait, don't we already have one? WTF are they doing? Sounds like they need to bring in someone with a clue who can find leads and follow up on them. This is out of hand and has been for a while. I live closer to the beach and I've told/asked my family to stay out of Salisbury if they can help it. The police may need to bring in the FBI or someone who has a little more power to deal with gangs and drugs,etc

Anonymous said...

this was a screw up by SPD...but a BLOOD is dead this morning

joe albero said...

anonymous 8:52,

First of all, drop the "got it" crap at the end. You'll never gain any respect from me or others when you talk down to me.

I'm not sure what your bug is for Sheriff Lewis but clearly that's the case here. I mentioned Sheriff Lewis because he at least has the guts to say it like it is, unlike your Chief Webster who claims crime is down and we have no Gangs.

Speaking of Gangs, I have been the only one who has exposed the Gangs here in Salisbury. Not You, Not the Chief and Not the Sheriff's Office.

The regular MSM did everything they could to hush up the Gangs locally. If it wasn't for Salisbury News I can guarantee you the Citizens would still be clueless. I don't have a lot of time to continue so I'll simply say this. I for one have been out there doing something about it and not just playing on a Blog under anonymous and talking tough. I walked the streets late at night for months helping eliminate the graffiti and Gangs Downtown, where were you then? Now show some respect where respect is due.

Anonymous said...

just because a gun may have been found at the scene doesn't mean it was a suicide. if it was illegally obtained it's unlikely to be traced back to the shooter.

wear gloves, drop the gun at the scene so you aren't found in possession of the murder weapon- hitman's handbook.

Anonymous said...

Joe,you are taking this all wrong.if the got it offends you,well excuse me.but gangs were here way before your blog.i'm not attempting to place a negative spin on your( blogsite) or your favorite sheriff.know this- there is more to fighting gangs then dealing with graffiti.why are you offended? and for the record i have did my part for many years.i have actually infiltrated gangs.nuff said on that though.i like your blog and i think it has been a driving force in righting a number of things in this county,please understand that.however you do seem to have your picks and for some strange reason you won't touch certain people or topics.i'm not referring to our current discussion.i respect you and your blog.i'm simply pushing for a gang task the way and for the record i amnot nor will i ever be a webster fan.imo he is not the person that should be running spd and THE GOOD men and women that work there.T.H.A.N.K.S is that better?

joe albero said...

You won't hear me argue with you about a Gang Task Force. As for my not touching certain people, are you serious????? Look, Mr. Anonymous, I have gone after anyone and everyone I feel needed to be challenged and I did so under my own name. Look, like I said, I don't have time to argue with you and or play games. When you mention your real name and your past history, then perhaps I'll thank you for your service. Until then, you're a nobody who is all talk.

Anonymous said...

o.k. i'm a's your blog and i will never voice my opinion again when it is in disagreement with yours. i like you joe,but i didn't know you don't like to be challenged.i didn't know it disrespected you.signed mr.nobody.have a good day and keep up the good work.

joe albero said...

OK, maybe I'm having a bad start for today, forgive me?

I tried stating I don't have a lot of time for this and I truly don't. The comments are flying in and the Posts are going up as fast as humanly possible. You have a great day too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with "GANGS" he had a hit out on him. "KARMA" This isnt going to stop.

Anonymous said...

The word was that this guy was involved in the murder of Brookes. What his involvment was, not quite sure. I do not believe the family had a "hit" put on this guy. The family is more respectable than that!! It was just KARMA or someone who is tired of all the bullying and gang BS!

Joe, did you know someone was arrested last night at the scene. This young man was a "BLOOD" brother of the young man that died last night. The one who was arrested supposedly was involved in the murder of Brookes as well.

Salisbury better step their game up. It is about to become a war zone. There are gangs, plan and simple.

Anonymous said...

Well Im not even in the area but from the area and I have it all figured out(based on the word on the street) As said previously this guy was not the type to kill himself no matter what. This is what I heard is being said in the street... His girl was involved with Brookes so he and his girlfriends brother along with one of his close friends(who I am being told had already been arrested) killed Brookes(which is being said was all set up by one of the residents of the home). Brookes family yes is not the type to put a hit out on anyone but his extended family... hmmm. Both Mikey and the girlfriends brother are dead.(Word on the street is that he was found floating in a river on the Westside) The other friend is only still alive because he's locked up. This is the beginning of WAR people.

Anonymous said...


joe albero said...

If you send in one more comment under bold letters it will be rejected.

Anonymous said...

DT has on their website that Carlos Mills has been charged in the murder of Brooks Harmon and that the death this morning was not only being investigated as a homicide but that this is connected with the Harmon home invasion. Just as discussed on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Someone said that Brookes family aint the type to put what you said a "HIT" on the guy from last night BUT word on the street is Brookes mother went to the house he was killed at and beat the girls butt so bad that 911 was call. So if that is true.

Anonymous said...

Update the body found in the river was not his girlfriends brother and still has not been identified.

Anonymous said...

01/29/2009 1:04 PM ET; Updated 1:54 PM ET

SALISBURY, Md.- Salisbury police say a man whose body was found lying near a city intersection Wednesday night died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. According to police, 31-year-old Lamont Cornelius Mitchell of Salisbury was also suspect in a city homicide that occurred earlier this month, according to police.

Police say investigators were planning on arresting Mitchell on Thursday night but it was too late. At around 7:30 p.m. a passerby called police after discovering Mitchell's body in a field next to a sidewalk on the 500 block of Delaware Avenue. Mitchell's body was taken to the State Medical Examiner's Office for an autopsy which concluded that his death was self-inflicted.

According to police, Mitchell was one of the suspects under investigation for the Friday, Jan. 16 homicide of 27-year-old Brookes E. Harmon of Salisbury. Police say on the evening of the murder, three masked men barged into the rear door of Harmon's Dennis Street home, beat him up and bound him with duct tape. A short time after the suspects left the home, Harmon was found unresponsive and not breathing. He was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

According to police, Mitchell- who was also known by the nickname of "Mickey"- was a suspect in Harmon's murder, although he had not yet been formally charged with the crime.

Maryland State Police investigators were planning on interviewing Mitchell on Wednesday night, but learned that Mitchell had killed himself.

According to Salisbury Police Lt. Mark Tyler, interviews with family members indicated that Mitchell had notified a relative in advance that he was planning on killing himself.

However, another suspect in Harmon's murder was picked up for questioning Wednesday night and arrested early Thursday morning. Twenty-eight-year-old Carlos L. Mills of Salisbury is charged with first- and second-degree murder, conspiracy to commit both first- and second-degree murder, first- and second-degree assault, and reckless endangerment. He is currently being held in the Wicomico County Detention Center.

The investigation into the Harmon's murder is continuing. Police say additional arrests are expected. Anyone with information about this crime is urged to contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at (410) 548-4898 or Crime Solvers of Wicomico County at (410) 548-1776. A cash reward of up to $1,000 is available for information leading to an arrest and conviction. Callers may remain anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I really hope Salisbury PD and whoever the crime fighters are in the area realize the death of Mickey whether suicide or not is part of a bigger picture. There are gangs in Salisbury, Mickey was involved in Brookes death and due to someone trying to kill him a young lady at the Bottle Factory died. Please, SPD, State Boys, Sheriffs Dept, get a clue. Trying to pretend a problem doesn't exist isn't going to make it go away. And please once these guys are arrested, how about the DA give them serious time!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad that man killed himself, now my tax dollars won't go to feeding another lowlife, gangbanging, murderer. so one is in jail, one is dead, that leaves one more to get. maybe he will blow his brains out too. what goes around comes around. if it is true that brookes mom beat the hell out of that girl good i hope she did.

Anonymous said...

well word on the street was the third guy may have tryed or did kill himself earlier today, who knows ?

Anonymous said...

yeah he did try but they pulled that fool right on out of the river. I wonder how the female that all this revolves around feels. Both her lovers dead and her brother almost dead.

Anonymous said...

The things that people will get on this web site and say w/out inside and/or correct information. Everything is speculation. Who's the family member that confirmed his suicide? Unless his mother, held a press conference or testified it in church, than i'll wait and ask her or his sister. So I won't look like an a$$ for assuming. Before you judge this man look at all the characters in this horror story. I know all except the young girls, who seem suspect. And all were corrupt including some of salisbury's finest. Brookes was nice and mickey was nice w/flaws like anyone else. They weren't out here car-jacking and robbing civilians. They were slowly erasing each other. That's what they were involved in. It is part of the game (criminal) and depending on how long you wait to change, there is only 2 ways out, jail and/or mental death or death. I am not condoling Mickey's actions or past deeds that he may not or may have done, but he respected me and he provided for more children and adults than I can account for. Along w/ me, he has chaparoned field trips and provided those in his group w/ the same amount of food, drink and/or memorabilia as his own. That day reminded me of middle-school and just what type of heart he really had. I had children yesterday, who come from homes where a father has abandoned them or is rarely there, tell me how he'd given them money for school etc.,. They tell eveything and none ever mentioned him trying to recruit them for the "bloods". Somewhere along the line (middle school/high school)he became angry and unwilling to survive by god and societies standards. His mother and step-father are good, hard-working church people. As far as I am concerned, he is no more different than the young men and women who are in your school systems today who by middle school begin to break down w/ no one to push and guide them. I never heard him scream he was a blood and usually gang members do so, proudly. He was locked up for a time before, so if he was a blood, I would not be surprised. If becoming a blood would protect me in jail from being raped and or beaten, then that's what I would've had to do. For many that's what happens. It's just like most if not all crime organizations. So instead of people speculating and judging, why don't you post some solutions. for example, making sure released inmates have jobs to work and pay taxes or have inmates who have children do labor to pay child support so the tax payers and the state doesn't have to bear the burden, and/or giving people who need jobs good paying money to police and counsel these inmates so they don't come out of jail more traumatized and fu*#%# up, than before they went in. No one has the perfect family, white, black,hispanic etc., cause if we did, this web site would not be needed and/or exist. May peace and/ or change for the better, find its way to all families involved/ and not involved. Being a mother w/ a murdered/dead son (Brookes Mother) does not make her insane if she acted out,(No it wasn't right but), it makes her hurt and beside herself. Our society needs to learn the feeling of empathy.
Miss Westside

Anonymous said...

A lot of men, and I am not making excuses for them, they are released from prison and no one not even McDonald's will hire them. I'm speaking of the drug dealers not the child molesters or thieves. They have a family to provide for forced to pay child support or thrown back in jail so what is left for them to do but hustle in the streets? Our society created these men. I have a few in my own family who had been released and sincerly seached for employment and no one would hire them, so I know. As far as what he did for people, no matter how much good you do with dirty money it is still dirty.

Anonymous said...

It really doesnt make any sense as to how much people THINK they know!!! I truly think comments on this site could Stir up a lot of trouble! Another major issue in this world today is people wont mind their own business which may not be any better than anyone else!!

Anonymous said...

Dirty money is dirty money? Well what money is clean? Not making excuses for dirty money, but let us be real, tell that to a child who doesn't have money for school supplies,lunch, a field trip, after-school activities etc., and they parents can't or won't provide it or to someone who works hard everyday, but just can't make ends meet. Do the courts call money dirty or question where it comes from when someone has to pay a fine or question where it comes from in order for one to stay out of jail? Anonymous 5:17 you have/had huslers in your family, did you refuse anything ever given to you, money, donated food at family gathering etc., by a hustler? You're truly blessed to have not been touched by "dirty" money. Thank god the government that you live under provides you with nothing but clean money.

Anonymous said...

To Miss Westside,
I felt every word you said it made me cry....! You wrote what was real and what people need to hear ! R.I.P to all that have passed from all this crazyness lately in Salisbury, Maryland ! So much hate and not enough LOVE !


Anonymous said...

I never said that i never accepted dirty money. I did until I realised that I might as well be the dope boy selling the drugs to my father and my loved ones. By accepting it you are saying that it's ok to sell the drugs that are destroying these families everyday as long as you do good things with the money. All praise and thanks to the One above for getting me away from that type of lifestyle and may He keep delivering others from it.

west side said...

to all the comment thats left on two guys thats dead why if you dont know what happen an if you wasnt there stop guess we dont know if he killed Brooks or not.. we also dont know if he killed hes self either so keep the comments to ur self let people rest in peace R.I.P mickey an Brooks