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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Red Net Alert, Please Help Delmar

Dear Joe,

I am writing to ask a favor. My 2 puppies ran off this afternoon about 3 o'clock and they have not come back. They have never been gone this long before and I am worried. Could you post a missing puppies announcement on your website? I have attached pictures of each one. The brown one is Cloe and the black one is Zoey. My phone number is 443 783 6523 and my name is Ella. We live on Allens Mill Road in Delmar, DE and that is where they were last seen. Please help.

They are both lab/routweiller mix, 2 years old although very small and puppy like. Cloe is golden brown with a very small white triangle on her chest. Zoey is black with brown paws and a white patch on her chest. They are sisters. Zoey has brown eyebrows. Neither dog will bite. They both have on red collars, although Cloe pulled the lead right out of the ground so she is either dragging her lead or she has pulled her head out of her collar. Or my biggest fear, she is stuck somewhere. Zoey is about 30lbs. Cloe is smaller, maybe 20lbs. Zoey, the black one is afraid of strangers. Cloe loves everyone.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Joe- if you can, please blow those pix up alittle or ask for better ones. It's hard to get a good idea on what they look like. Also, a description would be helpful, breed, size, weight, type of collar. THANKS!

BTW, I think it's great that you provide a needed public service like this! (That you don't see in the DT, their website, or the anti-Joe blogs!)

Anonymous said...

That dogs eyes are trippppiiinnnn

Anonymous said...

He does look like a miniture Yota. Please keep an eye out for these little guys they are small and it's cold out there.

Anonymous said...

He actually looks more like "Dobby" from Harry Potter. I was trying to think of that name and just went with Yota. : )