Put your seat belt back on Barrie because no sooner was I getting excited about going one on one with you in Court, the Courts have once again cancelled our court date and it looks like it will be delayed until some time in March.
Smells like fish to me.
That's really your Mayor!
wow was she cold in that pic or what?
omg...you always find the best pictures of her to use for your posts...too funny!!!
I think you are secretly in love with BPT. On more than one occasion you posted photos of her with her thermostats stuck. Does that turn you on or is it a coincidence?
Sounds odd to me too.
I think the case is going to end up being thrown out because by the time you get to court she will no longer be Mayor. (?)
Could someone have taken a worse picture of her?
Her nipples are showing through her shirt! I really wish this woman would look in the mirror before she leaves home sometimes.
Look at how much she has aged since that picture was taken.
We need to be very careful when we vote this year. No more Louise deals.........
I hope she and Matt enjoy all of the money they, and their friends have made at the expense of the taxpayers of Salisbury.
High Beams on - sick
Why was it cancelled? Barrie knows she can't win she should just drop her lawsuit against you now. She will have it postponed again in March. No way she'll go to court during the primary. Look for it to be postponed again.
Stalling tactic , hoping the public
will forget the things that have happened. I'll still be there!!
Anon 3:21 PM Gee thanks I didn't notice her nipples until you pointed them out. Someone call my girlfriend because my sex esteem is shot for at least a week. Barf
A woman in her late 50's should not be going braless, especially THAT woman. This is the farthest thing from sexy I've seen in a long time.
Thanks for using that picture again joe. It does wonders for my diet, everytime you use it I loose my appetite for a week.
The turkey timers have popped, better take 'em out of the oven before they dry out.
Ask George Chevallier if she was dressed like that when she dropped by to see him last week. Maybe she had something else besides "The Bricks" on her mind.
Seems like she might not want to have to defnd herself before the election--perhaps a bad association for Comegys?
"The turkey timers have popped, better take 'em out of the oven before they dry out."
That turkey had been dried out for a very long time.
I saw her today...what a sight. She looks like she's been binge drinking for a week.
can't wait to see you lose Mr. Albero. If you believe in karma, what comes around goes around. You should be so proud of yourself, speading so much hate.
Why hide behind anonymous 6:18?
It seems OK for you to spread such hate while hiding behind anonymous.
Is the Holy Bible now in your lap while YOU spread such hate Mr. Tilghman?
one thing for sure she'll never be hired as a call-girl the best she could do is have her own 900# due to how filthy her mouth is she should be good at it
Wish you hadn't used that photo.
Really detracts from the message of the post.
I agree with 4:39 p.m.
I wonder if she's just going to drag this out -- maybe it has more power for her and Gary with it pending than actually going to court where she's likely to lose.
There is a saying that you are what you eat. I think we can now say...you are how you dress!
What a boob she is!
I've got an idea Joe, why don't you do a collage of her ugliest pictures with this, the one of her in shorts at WaWa and several others. Although sickening to me some might find it funny.
What are you talking about? Bricks have been the only thing on her mind for over ten years : )
Not giving me the milk joke is just mean Joe.
Alright who stole my milk-duds.
Got Milk?
I think it be more like cottage cheese by now.
YOu all are nuts. I see bra lines in that photo and there is "lift." No one is that size and that round unless they are silicone. No one is that smooth without rayon lining.
Looks like one of those thin bras to me. Not a good choice under jersey knit.
Made my living in garments, once upon a time.
This picture is so GROSS of the MARE. She has absoultely NO CLASS wearing this type of clothing to work. Really, MARE!. Didnt your mother ever tell you how to dress out in public?
joe...6:18 wasn't posted by Mr. Tilghman, but I'm glad your true colors are showing, making false claims seems to be normal for you
I'm on the Barrie diet, too. Just got back from driving the porcelain bus after seeing that photo! Thanks, Joe, I just lost 2 pounds!
Funny how YOU know who ALL anonymous commenters are. Idiot
I think shes a "Hotty"
Who's that under that desk ? Yummy!
and just as funny how you arnt suppose to know . Bigger idiot
After viewing this photo, it looks like Mike Tilghman will be taking up dairy farming.
Joe, I think it is very naughty of you to use that new sex lense on your camera.There might be a law on the city books on this.
To Whom It May Concern: I have found a bra ,rather large size, and a xxxp size pair of underwear in the ladies bathroom on the floor. Please dispose of personal attire in the trash can.Thank you.
I think Barrie looks like that every time she thinks of you, Joe!
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