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Monday, January 26, 2009

I Wonder Where All The Stolen Shopping Carts Have Gone?

Wile many local Grocery Stores are complaining about stolen shopping carts, is it such a mystery where they have gone. Need I say more?


Anonymous said...

Some people do take those carts home because they have no transportation. Like this guy, he's heading back to Save-A-Lot grocery store.

I will agree people do steal them, however it looks like this guy is returning.

Anonymous said...

Joe, What a day on SBY NEWS from funny to change (that being your political bipartisan approach now, which I do like)...One of the best day's for posts that I have seen....and Its only 9:44

Anonymous said...

It's a shame! I understand we are in a crisis with people losing jobs etc... But don't steal shopping carts!

I see so many shopping carts around town. Lots are over by Bennett near Roger Street. But you can see them everywhere. I think the city should give fines to properties who have these stolen carts. It's an eyesore for sure!

Anonymous said...

Just maybe if the chief wasnt stuck in his third floor room pretending to be a cop, criminals would be locked up and his officers would RESPECT him.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame the police station has no windows and does not know what is going on outside.

Anonymous said...

The fact this picture was taken in front of the Salisbury police department HQ building speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

I for one was with out transportation and with the stores permision use to take a cart home and returned back to the store every other week to get more groceries. But as I said it was with their permision.

Are the carts stolen ? Or is this another "Blaggo" case ? Im sure the managers of these stores would find it okay as long as the carts are returned each time and used to cart their groceries.

Because I dont think a person can get that much for a "hot" cart if you know what I mean. This is a very annel blog and just shows how much people take for granted. If you had to transport your food and could only take what you could carry just how many trips would it take you ?

I know how many. And again I thank Food Lion store on snow hill road for being sympathetic to my past delimma . It really helpped alot.

Chimera said...

Yeah they do not fetch much for scrap metal.I think alot of people who do not return them either vandalize them or use them for hauling stuff-or they could be watching alot of "Jack*ss" and re-creating stunts!LOL

Anonymous said...

your all off on this pic! he is just returning from obomba,s induction. his cart was filled with wealth to spread but it all was stolen before he got out of d.c.

Anonymous said...

Adam-12 said...
The fact this picture was taken in front of the Salisbury police department HQ building speaks volumes.

12:01 PM

I agree with this comment. So many crimes go to the cold case file or the trash because the Salisbury Police Department claims they don't have the manpower to investigate them. You're right they don't have the manpower, but thay is not a good enough reason to allow crime to happen right under your nose and you look the other way. Small crimes like this are never even looked at or investigated because of the time consumed and paper work involved. Well I am sorry, but I am a tax payer and "ALL" crimes need to be investigated. If you call the police department for someone breaking into your car they will just show up to give you a report number only for the purpose of filing a claim with your insurance. Trust me when I tell you this because it happened to me. I have a boulder thrown through my car window and the crooks took a bag with over $20,000 in checks. No investigation conducted, not finger prints taken, nothing. Just a number for my insurance company. How do you catch criminals if you don't investigate crime. Yes this happened under Chief(and I use that term loosely) Webster.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
permision, use, permision, annel blog, delimma

3:01 PM

Dude, your spelling sucks and I didn't want to take up band width by pointing out your destructive grammar.

When you finally got your transportation you should have gone back to school and taken some English courses.

annel blog reader

Anonymous said...

The age old argument that the Salisbury Police don't have manpower is an irritating joke! They certainly have the manpower to write parking tickets and other ridiculous citations in high crime areas, where the crime itself is ignored. Their own stats prove it. Look at the crime maps for the city, the biggest volume of crimes they report in the Church Street area is parking! JOKE JOKE!