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Monday, January 26, 2009

UPDATED Anitra Pirkle Fund - BB&T Bank

The family of Anitra Pirkle have set up a fund at the BB&T bank. They think a donation, in Anitras name, can be made at any branch.

Funeral arrangements have been made. A viewing is to be held at Bennie Smith Funeral Home on Isabella St on Friday Jan 30 from 6 to 8 pm. The funeral will be held at the Salvation Army on Jersey Road Saturday Jan 31 at Noon.

The family has requested that donations be made in lieu of flowers. They also expressed their sincere thanks to all for your concern and kindness during this time.

UPDATE: I just spoke with the family again and there was some confusion with the bank name. The account is being setup at this time at BB&T bank. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused any of you wishing to help the family with funeral expenses.


Anonymous said...

Let's step up and help Anitra's family. This is terribly tragic for this family. They need community support.

Anonymous said...

A fund for what? The funeral or charity? To the family? This was a tragic event, and my heart goes out to the family.

emo said...

Are there any web developers reading this post with the resources to process cc/paypal donations for Anitra?

I'm sure if you could get a page up it will generate a lot of traffic. Probably more than BA branches.

Anonymous said...

Ill drop it by this afternoon or early tommorow morning.

Anonymous said...

I feel the need for another poem, but that stuff comes from the heart you cant make it up. My body isnt in synk with my heart and soul today, you cant force it, doesnt work like that with me.

Anonymous said...

It would be really nice if our community could ralley in support of the three little girls she left behind.They didn't ask for any of this. Maybe a web page,benefits,auctions similar to little Brooke Mulfords would be nice. My heart goes out to them.

boniblue said...

i can... email me at and let me know what u need!

Anonymous said...

Anitra had no children. This young lady was setting herself up in life first. She worked at Verizon and held another part time job as well. She was also enrolled in the accounting program at Wor Wic. Apparently she knew what she wanted out of life and what needed to be done before starting a family. It is so sad to have lost a productive member of society at the hands of three sub humans.

God might have mercy on their souls, I just hope the judge doesn't. When they come to trial we need to rally around this family and show our support in the courtroom. Let these judges and prosecutors we are not going to stand idly by any longer. We should do the same for Brookes when they catch his killers.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. We need to pack the courtroom, the hallway, the sidewalks, the yard outside. Why should the three of them ever get out to prey on the rest of society? Let's make sure they get tried for the attack on the young man the night before the murder as well.

Anonymous said...

Anon 252, was this the pretty, very polite, helpful, petite, well dressed girl that worked at the Verizon by the WalMart?

Anonymous said...

I would also like to contribute to the funeral if someone will set it up.

emo said...

Its in the works. I have contacted WBOC and her Aunt at Fruitland Intermediate. Stay tuned to this site for details.....

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:27 The fund is to help this dear mother with funeral expenses..She is a single mother raising three other girls on her own and what a wonderful job she had done with Anitra ... As I understand it she did not have life insurance..and not a lot of family in Maryland.But by all

accounts she was an upstanding young citizen of this community trying to make her way through life...working 2 jobs putting herself through school. A beautiful young girl who's life was cut short too soon..It will be a joy to see the community come together for Anitra and help out in this situation .This tragic brutal senseless death has touched a lot of people.It surely has touched mine..Im sure what ever people can donate will be a blessing for this mother at this time..

Anonymous said...

One who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. I hear some of the overtones here. This young lady was working her way through life. It was not a thug on thug. This young person was a productive, good person. I will do what I know I will do what i can to help this family. Parents usually dont have life insurance on their 25 year old children. No parent should suufer the loss of a child. I know the financial burden placed on families that lose someone without insurance. Society can not tolerate this any longer a message needs to be sent to the killers. We will not take it any longer. As I have said before my own mother has stopped there to get a cone of Ice cream she will no longer do that I guarantee it. That is sad to the owners of that establishment as well. No one suffered the loss the Pirkles did, but we lost lost a little on this one. Joe keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but what about all of the other people who die without insurance? Are their lives any less important than Ms.Pirkles? IMHO, while I agree it's tragic and senseless, I don't think the shocking way that she died makes her death any more important than anyone elses.

Flame on people

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:48pm- I get your point, but I know I can't move past the brutal way in which she was attacked and killed. And, as a mother, my heart just goes out to her mother- to know that her daughter was killed in such a violent way, and to know that those three that did it have zero regard for life. I think that people feel a need to do something, to restore their faith in humanity and to reach out to a family in need. It's not that the deaths of others are insignificant, it's that this is so significant that it strikes us all (at least those of us who are human).

To those who argue against the idea that it takes a village- let this be proof positive that it does take a village. It takes a village to recognize youth in need and to do something about it- it takes a village to come together and support a family in their tremendous time of need- it takes a village to band together and show our court systems that we won't tolerate slap on the hand punishment- it takes a village to come together- diverse backgrounds and all- and find the common ground amongst us to attack the problems that plague this society and to try to do something to make it a better place for all.

Anon 2:52- I'm with you. Let's hope this poor young girl's tragic death isn't for nothing. I hope these three never see the light of day as free citizens again. And I hope that we can send a message to all those thugs out there that we've had enough and we're going to take a stand.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now.

Anonymous said...

Well, anon 648PM...I made one little comment on the insurance issue with Brooke and boy, did I ever get a bunch of "flaming" comments back. I did not down the events - just felt as though there are MANY others who have been in need with tragic events and I was told I did not have the friends at the time to set something up like this when I went through a t very difficult situation. You may luck out and dont get a bunch of raspberries.

IGAF Assoc. President said...

6:48, Not flaming on you, I just have an opionion.

I think this community is pulling together. The Brooke Mulford rallying and help for that beautiful little girl has started something great. I don't know either Brooke nor Anitra but we have to start somewhere. The community pulled together for a lilttle girl that stands a chance and has decided to get the ball rolling for someone that had her chance taken from her.

The deaths of all others, past and present have mattered. The fact the we as a community have decided that enough is enough is great, look, all we hear is negative news on TV. Lets celebrate this young ladies life at the same time we rally to help her remaining family. Going forward, lets stay united as a community and your help is welcome and needed as well.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:52 PM

you see, for rob... we are his friends and friends of friends. brooke is VERY lucky that her father and mother are the people who they are... they are great people and great people beget great things...

its not a fluke or some stroke of genius that brooke is being taken care of like she is, its all due to the positive karmic past that her father and mother have.

if it is to be... it will be...

Anonymous said...

I hate that people constantly have to bring up controversy over the awful tragedy of Anitra's life being cut short and little Brooke fighting for hers. Just be proud of our community for coming together in prayers and donations to support these two. Hopefully the attention of both of these situations have convinced others to be more aware of community happenings, and they will continue to help out and participate in other things that come up in our little city. I am sorry it has taken such awful news to bring more people out but be thankful they are there. I wish more people would stop worrying about where the money is going and who is helping out. If you know someone in need of something, what is stopping you from going out and rallying the troops for the cause. You too may be surprised who ends up coming forward to help you out! It all starts somewhere!

Anonymous said...

To This Great Community!
Today as we worked through the details of getting things set up at various places, I wept for Anitra but I wept also because of all of the wonderful people we have encountered since this terrible tragedy. It is so overwhelming to watch our community come together and make a stand. To hear nothing but cries of outrage and demands for justice truly says "We care." Our family appreciates this community more than can be expressed here... To right an incorrect posting...Mr. Ruark, did in fact speak with the family, Anitra's mother does not live in Salisbury and was unaware that one of the MANY helpful persons was Mr. Ruark. He and the agencies involved in this case have done well. Many have extended condolences and prayers for our family...we are grateful....please pray also for those three misguided teens and the children of our community. So many more of our children are showing signs of choosing the low road. Please take the time to speak to children you encounter, encourage them, show them, establish some sort of relationship with them. Morals, decency, integrity and character can be instilled by anyone....

Anonymous said...

I think the differance is this women went to get a burger. She died a alone at the hands of three brutal thugs. I will pray for their souls. They deserve what they dealt out. I dont care about the hard life they had there is no reason to take anothers life for a car. I guess I am just at a point in my life that I am sick of people who bully, take what others work for and all the injustice in this world. As I read 6:48's post I can not help but feel this is the same person that would not die for his country or that dog hit in the road suffering. Death is coming to us all sooner or later. I will not gamble with my soul. That part of us that makes us human is that very thing that makes us love and feel sorrow. I grieve for all those who leave this earth at the hands of pure evil. I will continue to pursue those who prey on the innocent. 6:48 the feeling you get when that officer knocks at your door and tells your loved one will not be returning because another human being murdered them for no reason is beyond comprehension. There is no comfort in long term illness other then you have an oppurtunity to tell your loved ones goodbye, make your life right with your God. To live like you are dying. So if I or anyone else give a couple of dollars to a couple of families that need our help Oh well. I will be in that line. I am not judging you, but do have a hard time following your logic. Good and bad in humans is infectious. Look what heppend with Joe and the Salvation Army Drive. If it makes you happy I will attend and contribute to your funeral, if I am still around. I just hope you are not one for making this type of post to get response. It is very bad Karma indeed. Joe God watch over your son as he takes on one of the finest professions on earth. What a great honor for him and your family. Maybe when he returns he will join the WCSO or another local agency. They are all ways looking for the few, the proud.

Anonymous said...


I don't take offense by what you said. Your point is valid. It's always sad when an innocent person passes away regardless of the circumstances under which it happened. The real point to make here is that on the blogs (many of them) we have the opportuniy to come together as a community VOLUNTARILY to help those less fortunate than us. Along the way we make friends and the fabric of our communities become more tightly wound. I don't know of any country in the world where people open up their hearts to neighbors in need like Americans. Those who want to become involved can do so. Those who do not or cannot aren't forced to do so. We will always have our differences in opinion. That doesn't mean we can't respect the fact that someone has a different opinion than ours. Nor does it preclude us from putting our differences aside when necessary to come together as a community to help our friends and neighbors. Life can't always be about us as individuals. Sometimes it has to be about others.

The fact that the desire to help others is alive and well in such an abundant number of people is overwhelming. With all the bad that goes on in this world, it gladdens the heart to see that Americans have the fortitude to overcome adversity in the face of a trying economy and give of themselves to help others when they may not really have it to give.
If we were all millionaires, the giving of $100.00 to help someone in your community wouldn't seem like a big deal. But when someone struggles to put food on the table every week reaches out to someone in need with $20.00 - brother, that's the true measure of an American.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for understanding my comment and not "flameing me". I do think it's a great thing what's going on. I just hope it continues and that the little old lady down the street or the kid who loses his/her life in a car wreck aren't forgotten. It's not a matter of if, it's when. Hopefully the ball will keep rolling. I do however have my doubts.