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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rick Pollitt Wants Your Money ... and Your Vote!

Despite the Louise Smith-esque references to "government in the sunshine", Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt delivered a fine "State of the County" speech on Tuesday.  As was to be expected with such speeches, most of the word count was spent giving thanks to myriad groups and individuals as well as "polishing the apple" - telling all what a great job Pollitt and his folks are doing.  C'mon, it's an elected office.  What else would you expect?

As predicted, Pollitt devoted a portion of his speech to some shirt tearing over the county's revenue cap.  You can't blame a guy for trying.

As an opponent, on principle only, of the cap this would normally not bother me.  Unfortnately, Pollitt's semi-impassioned plea against the cap is falling on deaf ears in my neck of the woods.  Why?  Pollitt has displayed a complete lack of leadership on the key issues facing the county while showing a willingness to treat the taxpayers as a "revenue source" rather than what they are - hard working men and women who willingly part with their hard earned money and expect good stewardship from their county leaders.

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Anonymous said...

Exactly, and that is how he ran Fruitland too. People are just a source of money to keep government running.

Anonymous said...

G.A......Excellent commentary.Rick has not yet made the transition from administrator to EXECUTIVE i.e LEADER. He is a very nice man who places a high premium on consensus and "getting along".I had hoped that he would realize by now that in his attempt to please everyone he is falling short on performance and ultimately is pleasing few and failing to address serious issues timely.

Difficult times DEMAND leadership and making difficult choices.We are not seeing that kind of proactive leader...rather we are see reactive actions.This cannot continue if the county is to regain it's footing.

The revenue cap will, in my opinion,never be repealed.What needs to happen and what should be discussed is a modification to the 2% should be tied to some reasonable multiplier that more realistically measures the true movement of structural expenses. The 2% limit is arbitrary and unrealistic in my opinion.But the reality is the horse has left the barn for the forseeable future given the real estate sector's woes.

As for taxation....I admit to be confused by our government's actions...a 20% increase in sales tax ( how's that for regressive taxation folks)...a roll back of the amusement tax but whining about not being able to privatize the dispensary monopoly "because we need the revenue"....Kafkaesque logic at work there if you ask me.

G. A. Harrison said...

Good points.

Anonymous said...

It never fails to amaze me that cutting wastefull spending is never mentioned, only raising more money thru increased taxes. Please consider the spending side, I can assure everyone that there is plenty of waste at every level of government, including Wicomico county.

Anonymous said...

Good post G. A. I agree that there is plenty of waste in government spending and we should be going after it, rather than complaining that the revenue cap is to blame. It was voted in by a good majority of county voters, so leave it alone Rick. Make cuts where they hurt the least and balance our budget. Between the city and the county, we are being taxed to death, not to mention the state too.

Anonymous said...

Pollitt, Barrie Tilgman, Blagojevich, O'Malley, and Obama.... need I say more?

All peas in the same pot. Nothing, but crooked democrats!

Hey Ricky Boy, how about some Vasoline with that screwing you keep giving us. We didn't even get a kiss.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone saw Palmer Gillis' letter to the editor in the DT reminding us that 2 resolutions were passed that require serious discussions about combining the city and county governments.

You want to create efficiency and save money in government here....start with that common sense suggestion.

Anonymous said...

That sweet deal Ricky gave the County Attorney ain't looking so great these days.

Wanna be the Salisbury City Attorney isn't trying to get the same deal before Barrie leaves town?

Anonymous said...

Rick needs to be the person he was as a young man that was concerned about responsible Politics. But guess what, has anybody checked his back door tactic on asking the State Legislature to raise the multiplyer on the piggyback tax? Pollitians have used this loop hole in the original legislation of the piggyback tax since the begining and tax payers are saying nothing about this tax increase. A lot are not aware local Politians ask and it is an automatic approval by Norman Conway and the rest of the crooks in Annapolis. These request are not made public just like their pay raises unless it is three lines in the middle of page 50, hidden behind something else. Just proof of the Democrats irresponsible governing tactics. Lets screw these dummies out of all the money we can while telling them lies on this is the last resort.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I hope everyone saw Palmer Gillis' letter to the editor in the DT reminding us that 2 resolutions were passed that require serious discussions about combining the city and county governments.

You want to create efficiency and save money in government here....start with that common sense suggestion.

1:22 PM

When was this letter to the editor? Is there a copy?

Anonymous said...

Why does my buttocks hurt?

Anonymous said...

I dont live in Salisbury so i dont have a say so in the city but i do live in the county so i will have my say so on election day. I will NOT vote for Ricky boy or anyone else that already in office. The city and the county both need a good house cleaning. Get the broom out the day is coming and if you people were smart like i think you are you will do the same thing. Sweep them all out the door!


Anonymous said...

I saw that letter too, it is good sense, we'd never have to hear the words duplicated services again.

Now I am diasppointed in Rick if he has actually gone threw the back door to try and raise the piggyback tax. It's already the highest in the state then they wonder why people want to move away. 65% here in Wicomico, 25% on Worchester and 20% in Talbot I believe.

Maybe ole billy duval was right

Anonymous said...

The liquor stores said they will be almost doubling their revenue to the county. Maybe other county departments should focus on operating more efficiently. Cut more fat.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked to see what you acutally pay in piggyback taxes? The 65% you stated and the multiplier they switched too does not add up on my taxes. The multiplier is higher than the supposedly 65% and nobody will give a straight answer when questioned about it. This is from the County to Norman Conway himself that avoids the subject.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I do not recall the date of Palmer's letter. I do know that it was within the past two weeks or so.

Another letter advocating this move toward common sense government efficiency was written within the past month by Joe Ollinger.

I am certain that The DT could provide file copies.

One of the only good things about the sad shape that we find our economy in is that it may well force these kinds of measures to be seriously considered...I hope so.