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Friday, December 05, 2008

NBC Wants To Play God

Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on
our faith in God, as a nation.

NBC is taking a poll on "In God We Trust" to stay on our American

Please send this to every Christian you know so they can vote on
this important subject.

Please do it right away, before NBC takes this off the web page.

Poll is still open so you can vote.


Anonymous said...

Joe, Love your work and dedication to our area. When my computer downloads your blog it takes approx. 15 seconds to load the Google Gadgets every time I navigate thru comments. Any ideas on how to speed up this process?

Got into a heated discussion last night about your sight. Allthough I disagree with you about 80% of the time I want to thank you for putting the issues out there. I truly feel your heart is wanting the best for our community. THANKS

Anonymous said...

Don't visit this site. It's VERY old, and is a ploy by NBC to get visitors to it's site. The poll means absolutely nothing, and will not affect any choices our government or supreme court would ever make.

Mardela said...

The poll is about 90% in favor of keeping God on everything and in everything. I'll bet thats not what they thought the results would be. Even Satan is surprised how important God is to us.

Anonymous said...

F**k NBC, since their "cluster" arrangement during the campaigns. I will NEVER watch them again! EVER!

Anonymous said...

Why do you ask only Christians to say something? You don't have to be a Christian to believe in God.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to put "Klingons Rule" on the currency but they didnt have an option for that.

Anonymous said...

Where's Grannydragon when you need her. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

grannydragon I'm starting think you are a wicken!

Anonymous said...

Are you telling us that you're a Christian?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link. I voted 'yes'.

Anonymous said...

What is "wicken"? I can only assume that you mean Wiccan, and what if I were? What if I were Jewish? Jews believe in God.

Not that it should be of any concern to anyone, but if I were to distill my spiritual beliefs into one word, I would say that I am a Deist, and I follow the Native American Path. I believe in the Creator. If you have a problem with that, that's exactly what it is---YOUR problem. I am a peaceful, non-violent, loving person and believe that my purpose in life is to love and help others. I respect the spiritual and religious beliefs of others, even if they conflict with mine. I welcome the prayers of those who say they will pray for me or my family, and I believe that prayer works. I believe in the Golden Rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I think the Ten Commandments are valid and should not be open to question. I see no reason for anyone to protest posting them in schools and courtrooms; they are good rules to live by. I believe that Jesus Chriat existed, and that he was a great teacher and leader for social change, but no, I am not a Christian. That does not mean that I don't share in Christian values. And I am humbled by the love my family and others in my life express for me. I know who I am, and am comfortable with that.

I don't know what to make of the "Where's Grannydragon when you need her. hahahahaha" remark. Am I being insulted? If so, why? I've never been rude to any commenter here; I don't call people names or bash them. So I will treat your comment seriously: if someone needs me, I am there for them. (Would you like for me to provide references?)

Besides, Klingon didn't work for me. The language was too difficult to learn.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes lets make obama money now.He got his own holliday, why not make this guy a saint also.How idiotic we have become.Why not just run through the streets naked and avow are trust in obama.As a matter of fact , that sounds so good I think I will go do just that !

Anonymous said...

How on earth does the post or any comments before 1:30 PM have anything to do with Obama?