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Monday, December 22, 2008

MD State Employees Furlough And Salary Reduction


It surprises me nobody is talking about the State Empoyees Furlough and Salary Reduction the Governor is requiring. I know it is a sore subject to a lot of people. This is thanks to BUBBA and the Good Ole Boys abusing the system. But there is the family person who is trying to earn an honest living and trying to be respectful in the community by giving an honest days work. This is just another way for the Democrats and our Governor to tax and spend more. He has not cut spending that would not be considered an ENTITLEMENT OR NECESSITY by MD law. The Governor has exempted the Legislative & Judicial Branches along with other employees which would include his buddies. Yes, the Governor stated he has written his check. But this does not reflect the same impact on him, $150,000 salary, and his family that it does on the lower salaried employee. Since the Governor does not have the balls to do a percentage / impact program for all State employees and ones payed from the State budget shows his ruthlessness. This also shows two other things the impact of a one party State government and the ineffective and uselessness of the Unions. Since they are the ones who put him in office how are they going to fight this injustice? I know there will be a lot of negative comments but healthy discussions always involve negativity. Comments are welcome and I would like for some of the comments to explain why cuts done to the programs that do not fit in the two catagories of ENTITLEMENTS OR NECESSITIES required by MD law were not the first option.

Cocerned Retiree"


Anonymous said...

The same people that put Obama in office put OMalley in office. This is just a small sampling of what is to come.

Anonymous said...

The Governor is the head of the executive branch of government. Judicial employees are subject to the Furlough and salary reduction plans.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, things will get better. If your a govt. employee that IS Entititled; you will be taken care of. If your not, then they will have work for you. You will get some payment for the physical demanding work that you will be required to do. You will praise the party and show some respect. You will see O'Mally standing next to you in the "Un-Entitled" labor line. Watching you will be an armed member of the "Civil Defense Force".

Anonymous said...

I practically choked when I read the salaries that were posted for the Big 3 automakers. Let's compare that to state employees' wages...I have a bachelor's degree and earm in the 40s. That is after being employed by the state for almost 15 years.

Speaking from experience, as a former welfare worker, the general public would be shocked and outraged over welfare fraud. I am not talking alleged welfare fraud--I mean determined by a court of law, or where the recipient has gotten thousands of dollars in benefits he was not "entitled" to. It is not as uncommon as you would think. It costs Maryland taxpayers a lot of money.

Mmmm, welfare is a necessity and not something that can be cut? I am sick of generational welfare where recipients net more than I do. Why should a welfare recipient have more disposable income than an intact family that works full-time? Something is really wrong with that picture.

I would like to pay $0 per month for rent (or sometimes it is a whopping $25 per month). I would have liked to have more children, but I only had as many as I could afford to support with my husband.Why can't we talk real welfare reform to stop the cycle of having numerous children out of wedlock? That is what is keeping good people down. Do the numbers. Then the moms wonder why the absent dad (really "dads" as there are usually numerous fathers for the numerous children born) don't pay child support!
I am resentful that I have to have a 2 day furlough. Don't tell me that I am lucky to have a job in this economy. I work and I do my job 40 hours per week. Let us stop the the bail outs. The Big 3 need to reduce the salaries of their non-skilled, non-educated workers. The govenor needs to reevaluate welfare and the horrific waste that goes on. With the downturn in the economy, we will see more families on medicaid. Where will that money come from?
I suspect more furlough days.

Wake up everyone. Things are going on in our own back yard and no one seems to be reporting it.

Anonymous said...

The Governor does not have control over the Legislative and Judicial branches, therefore cannot order them to take furloughs. To note, the Legislative branch has volunteered to take the furloughs and salary reduction plan as well.

Anonymous said...

And Judge Bell has ordered two salaried reduction days for all employees and more furlough days for employees making over $40,000.00. If you don't know who Judge Bell is, that would be the Judicial. So therefore, Judicial employees have not been exempted. And yes, this will hit hard in my wallet.

And I do agree, welfare needs to be revamped. I see people making out so much better with State insurance making a salary of $50,000.00 plus, WIC program, and then there are those milking the whole system with food stamps, free or assisted housing, etc. They need to be MADE to get off of their A**es and go to work. Then maybe ALL STATE EMPLOYEES don't have to be furloughed. I betcha their checks have not been reduced or furloughed. The system, I thought, was for when you are down and out, not a way of life as many generations have made it. Then again these are the same people who believe in voting in Liberals and Obama. I give you my vote, you give me my check way of thinking. Oh and that is after the Democrats go solicit that vote because they were too lazy to get off of their a**es to register themselves.

Maybe we should ask the Zentmyer family about the assistance they were denied. A struggling family and they were denied. What a disgrace our system has come too.

And as for the governor writing his check, it sure must be nice to write a check for what others will lose pay and time from work. What a joke. And believe or not I come from an office that works hard unlike some other state agencies that stand around with their hands in their pockets, spending the day on the computer or driving around doing personal business on the clock.

Anonymous said...

The staff of the unemployment insurance offices state wide will be working their regular schedules on December 26. Because of the high demand on their services, employees are working mandatory overtime and working on the furlough days announced by the governor. No employees are being granted any leave time from 12/22/08 through 01/19/09 to try to deal with the workload.

Anonymous said...

Are these the same hard working, family people that joe follows around and takes pics of saying there cheating and stealing from the tax payer?

Anonymous said...

11:01 a.m

You are so right, these are the same people that Joe does follow around and take pictures of, and there are also those that Joe and others catch doing absolutely nothing and nobody has to waste any gas or time taking pictures of them. They just seem to want everybody to know how much they don't do and get paid very well not to do it.

joe albero said...

You guys crack me up!

I don't run around and follow anyone. If I happen to come upon something and take a picture of it, that's when I get a photo. However, to imply I stalk these people trying to catch them at someone is just a joke. I have much better things to do but please, do go on, I'm enjoying the entertainment.
I should add. Many people also send in photos to Salisbury News frustrated at seeing such things.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Sorry it came across that I implied you follow people around to get a picture. What I was implying and should have said, you make your presence known, you go to lots of events, and you get good pictures. I have never accused you of stalking and I would never imply you to do such.

I was being sarcastic by saying you follow people around.

joe albero said...

Thank You for clearing that up. I will say, you weren't the only one who said it and that's why I made mention of it. Have a great day and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, I would really like to know why that some departments in the State of Md are giving furlough's and then asking the employees to work overtime to make up for the time off as some of these offices are backed logged. I think this isn't a very good idean and we all should contact the govenor and express our feelings. Why give a day off with out pay then pay them time and ahalf for working that day.

Anonymous said...

It really drives me insane that the state is going to reduce it's employees salaries, and require many to take additional furlough days. Some state employees are, in fact, less than productive in their daily workings, as made apparent by many of the executive branch agencies.

There needs to be some serious welfare reform done, and unfortunately with our state and incoming federal administration, it will probably not be in the interest of the hard-working tay payer.

Anonymous said...

The unemployment office staff will not be getting paid time and a half to work on the two Fridays after the holidays. They are getting straight time. We would all rather have the long weekend but understand the need to be available to get unemployment claims filed and benefits paid.

If the governor did furlough unemployment staff it would cost the state money. Unemployment is federally funded and the folks in DC would want their money back.

Anonymous said...

It's all OMalley's faught anyway. He raises the MD Sales tax from 5% to 6% and then runs out of money what an IDIOT. We had a surplus when Ehrlich left. You people elected this moron.

Anonymous said...

It does not appear the ones commenting has not read EXECUTIVE ORDER 01.01.2008.20. If they have, they should reread for better comprehension.

Chimera said...

Anon 9:34
As a former welfare worker, you also know that those in charge are not about to reduce welfare spending and put themselves out of work. TCA,Food Stamps and Medicaid programs are fraught with fraud.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to me that we had furloughs with Glendening and O'Malley who are both Democrats, but Erlich managed to not only NOT furlough anyone when the state had a shorfall, but managed to give state employees a very modest raise. I think that we need to revisit state funded "entitlement" programs. I thought the only thing that we are entitled to was an opportunity to work hard and support ourselves. End generational welfare, and we will end the budget shortfall. Stop balancing the budget on the backs of the state workers. We work hard for our paychecks just like everyone else NOT ON WELFARE.

Anonymous said...

The staff of the unemployment insurance offices state wide will be working their regular schedules on December 26.
They are not the only State office open on the 26th, the State Lab is open normal hours, and Jan 2nd. But they have to make up those days.

Anonymous said...

Joe, let me explain this furlough situation from my point of view. I received a 4.5 % raise this year. So, if the State wants to furlough me three days, I could give a shit. I still have a job, benefits and a State pension. I will enjoy my three days off!

Anonymous said...

wow 4.5% of us would consider ourselves very blessed and lucky the get that much of a raise....were lucky to get 3%. count your blessings. 8:36 I'm glad that you have a good attitude about the time off. You are blessed to have a job, look at those that would be happy to have those jobs and the 3 days off because those people are unemployed and cant find a good job..those of you pissing and moaning give your job to someone that would be greatful to have it or shut up and be greatful that you have that job! In the past i have complained about my job to but i look at those people that are unemployed and it makes me greatful that i have a job so i shut up! I'm truly glad and greatful that i have a job seeings that i need one. Thank you Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank Governor O'Malley for being a real douchebag and not letting state employees off early on Christmas eve. Letting the employees out a few hours early has been a tradition as long as I have been a state employee. Not one person that voted for him better whine about this, but those of us who did have a perfect right.