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Monday, December 22, 2008

Break In, In White Haven

I know the odds are slim on this but we're looking for a possible witnesses who may have seen a pickup truck in front of a home at 22808 Capitola Road in Tyaskin/Whitehaven, near the Red Roost.

The person/persons in the pickup broke into this home of a young couple celebrating Christmas for the first time with their 6 month old baby.

The robbers stole EVERYTHING they had purchased for Christmas and just tore the place apart. The Police did fingerprint the home and they did life some prints but any help we can give these fine people would be fantastic.

Perhaps you noticed an unusual vehicle/truck, the color of it, one or two people in it, young, old, white, black, MD tags, VA tags, DE tags?

If possible, let's see what we can do to salvage Christmas for this Family and hopefully get these Idiots placed behind bars before they hit someone else.

If you saw anything, please contact me at and I'll get the info to the Police right away.

Thanks Folks. Joe


Anonymous said...

Is this 6 month old a boy or a girl. Maybe we can put something together for the child. This sucks in a big way.

Anonymous said...

I would hope that the resulting bad karma from this act would result in death by smallpox to the perpetrators. Don't underestimate the value of putting feelers on the street here, though; in that neck of the (back)woods, I would be willing to bet whomever hit you lives within 5 miles of the crime scene. Only so many roads in and out of there....good luck.

joe albero said...

anonymous 6:15,

The idea is to get people talking. If they saw something and want to remain anonymous, I'll get them through to Crime Solvers as well.

I certainly encourage anyone and everyone to contact the Police but you never know, it could be a Cousin or something and they don't want to get involved.

In closing, call me an Idiot with your real name and quit hiding behind anonymous. Oh, that's right, none of the Anti Albero people are man enough to do so. They just like picking on my Wife anonymously but guess what guys, the authorities are on your ass and soon enough we're going to know who each and every one of you are. You pissed off the wrong people, Idiots.

Anonymous said...

6:15. Maybe I am the naive one here, but even after a couple glasses of festivus wine I was able to comprehend from this article (if the facts are true) that the police had been contacted, and at the scene to investigate/take fingerprints. I didn't detect anyone looking for cash or pity, just any tips to nail the guys who did this. Quite frankly, if these facts are true-even if they never recover those gifts they are blessed to still have each other safe in a time of increased armed home invasion.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 6:15

YOU are the idiot!

Unless we KNOW what happened how can we..oh I see Joe already responded to you. That's why I don't run a blog. I have little patience for cretins. Joe, thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Joe, they need to be put on the Salvation Army List and Redmens', too. We have given in order that this crap cannot affect Christmas, and evil cannot conquer the good that we do as a community. Let's make sure that this small battle is won in at least this fashion.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think this is a wonderful idea, to put this out. I hope that someone knows something and has enough Holiday spirit to give the investigator at WCSO a lead. These victims are a genuinely nice family and don't deserve this. Not that anyone does. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

6;15... as Dan Akroyd would say... Jane, you ignorant slut... Simple, I would trust Mr. Albero looong before I would trust ANY law enforcement agency. They are, after all, govmnt employees.

Anonymous said...

joe you will never know who i am hackers underground 4ever

google will not turn over the info you want yes they own blogger/blogspot......
and also why would the authorities want the ip addresses of someone commenting about your wife?

Anonymous said...

Joe, if possible can you let us know if the baby is a boy or a girl. I'd like to donate.


Anonymous said...

Joe, not too long ago there was a robbery at the home of one of the girls I work with. After that, there were several other homes on her road that were visited within the days to follow. By posting this, maybe you will have alerted the neighbors as well.

Eric said...

Hi Joe,

I have to say this really bothered me when I read this. I have twins that are 5 months old and was unemployed for 4 months this year and I can relate to the struggle it is to purchase gifts 2 days before Christmas. It is awful to see what this area is becoming. Thanks to all of are great leaders that do nothing but use our tax money to finance their alchol problems!! They know who they are no need dropping names.

I would love the opportunity to help this family in anyway I can. I am not made of money but work with an organization that may be willing to help with some small donations to purchase gifts. Also my sister is a local business owner and I will be glad to see if she and her staff would like to help with a donation.

Please let us know and Merry Christmas everyone!!

Anonymous said...

6 month old boy

Anonymous said...

Joe, I am an immediate neighbor of this couple, and it is apaulling (sp?) (please correct me because I know it's not right.) that someone would do this let alone at Christmas!! It is a baby boy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this Joe, we need more avenues to connect to people to help solve the crimes.

Please spread the word to all your friends to let them know about this so that maybe someone saw something. If you saw anything please call in, you may think it is nothing but maybe connected with another fact we know it may solve it.

Thanks to all for helping or wanting to help.

Joe maybe we should start a Crimesolvers Tip blog huh

joe albero said...

To the Family that was broken into.

A friend of mine sent me the following message and I replied a 6 month old boy. If you're interested in any help before Christmas hits, please contact me at . Joe

They said.....

Joe, where can we take items for the baby. I have two outfits that I bought for my grand niece but the wrong size, I have 6 -9 month, plus a toy I didn't know I had.

Anonymous said...

To: 6:15 pm

Let me see , you are drinking a beer , you are a female , you have never had a real job and you are
a parasite .( if you don't know what that means , get the dictionary out.)(oh yeh ,if you know how to use it)

Anonymous said...

Joe, I can't believe people would find any negative in your blog, simply asking for help to a family, victom of such a crime at Christmas. This is a small gift to help them, I will match all donations up to $500.00 made to this family before Christmas, signed, a friend to you and this family, OCFD.

Anonymous said...

Do we have a place to drop off gifts for the baby? I would like to help with a gift.
And by the way I think you are doing an awesome thing by providing us with stories like this..if it wasn't for your blog we wouldnt even know about this family and god knows what kind of Christmas they would have had. Thank you! And for all those people that have "problems" with your blog if you dont like it dont read it...its your choice to type Joe's blog address in your address bar. You make the choice to read it!
Merry Christmas Joe to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Just when you think you've read it all, here comes a story that shows just how depraved some people can be. Where does such amorality come from? Hopefully, the perpetrator(s) will be caught and justice administered; luckily for them, they'll be better off than if I were handing out the punishment.

Chimera said...

People like that have extreme negative karma coing their way