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Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Shopping 2008

Shopping...bah humbug. I despise shopping for anything so, I wait until I can't wait any longer. Actually, I did start shopping around the 10th of December, early for me. While shopping in all the big box stores, and the mom and pop stores I noticed something very strange this year. Not once did I wait on line to pay for my selected items. Not anywhere, at any time of day or night. The only places I've had to wait on line was at the bank and the grocery store.

I have also noticed there is no big rush for the must have item of the year. Does anyone know what the must have items are this year? I haven't heard of any particular toy, music, video games or dvd's that people absolutely must have. I am beginning to believe the merchants consider everything a must have item this year.

Another thing I've noticed, there are a lot of people out shopping but they aren't buying. Sit in the mall and watch all the people walk by with not one bag in their hand. Is it like this everywhere?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I say this with a heavy heart. If you talk to many this year (at least those who have finally cut up the credit cards to cut back and actually pay cash), the "must have" item is a good attorney who can help you back from the precipice of foreclosure of your primary residence during sub-freezing temperatures.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what po-dunk town you're shopping in. I've been to Wal-Mart, and the Mall and have waited in line everywhere I've gone. Hell I waited 10 min to get "OUT" of the mall parking lot. BTW, that was at 10am this Monday Morning. There are a few of us still spending money. LOL

EarlsSister said...

I'm shopping in Salisbury, the town where I live. I was in Walmart Saturday evening and had more trouble finding a parking place than I did finding what I wanted and paying for it. I was in Michaels, the store was packed, the checkout lines were not. Maybe I got in line at the right time? Hard to believe every line I've been in since the 10th of December has been the right line.

Anonymous said...

Reese Bobby as much as I don't like saying it, I agree with you. I don't own credit cards. If I can't pay for it, I do without. This years gifts are items that probably won't be expected but they will all be used. Everything we purchased this year for our kids and grandkids is functional, nothing will collect dust. I don't buy toys, that's the parents job. I bought good winter clothing and tools my sons will use in their respective lines of work. I purchased gift cards to grocery stores for our elderly relatives and paid the oil bill for grandparents so we'll be assured they have heat this winter. Anything else is a want, not a need.

Anonymous said...

3:12. Before you apply labels and such-did you spend cash during your uppity adventure? Or that phoney plastic illusion "money" that has caused everyone to be so top-heavy in debt that the entire economy/calliope has crashed to the ground. is so charming that you pretend to be above the rest of us, but do your shopping at Wal-Mart. I am sure everyone will enjoy the nice, non-personal, wrong-sized polyester sweater they got (i.e. made in China) from you.

Anonymous said...

Several stores are open until midnite so we shop at 10:00 and no lines and I can find what I want. If I need help the sales people are not too busy to lend a hand in finding what I need.

Anonymous said...

Wii Fit is the must-have. Good Luck finding one.

Anonymous said...

3:53. Last time I checked, it was free to get some fresh air and actually walk a couple miles at Pemberton Park//Assateague and such (you know, a place where you can't see the Oprah {now in excess of 200 lbs. herself}/your refrigerator while you are "working out"). That Wii Fit scam is the best retail laugher since people started charging $2 for a bottle of water.

joe albero said...

I'm going to throw my two cents in on this topic because I have been out and about quite a bit.

While at the Salisbury Mall over the weekend, yes, there were a ton of people in the Mal. However, not 1% of them had bags in their hands. Yes, that's one percent.

I have been shopping as wel at a lot of stores, including WalMart and Sam's Club and there were no lines at all. We even went into Target yesterday where we had a difficult time finding a parking spot but there was not a single person in line.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am so outraged today because I started my morning behind a woman at the bank who drove up in a brand new Cadillac, and then proceeded to hold everyone up and argue about how she was angry that they wouldn't give her a $1,300 cash advance on a Discover card. Everyone has bail-out fever I guess.

Anonymous said...

What kind of fool would buy a brand new Cadillac?( or anything)

Anonymous said...

The only two things my 4-year-old daughter asked Santa for was a Little Mommy Gotta Go Doll and a Barbie Diamond Castle Playset; I couldn't find either one anywhere on the Eastern Shore for the last month. I got the doll online and paid twice what it would've been in a store, and the castle, which retails for about $75, is sold out everywhere and selling online for upwards of $300 plus shipping. She'll have to wait until her birthday for that one. Lol!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in Michigan and we went to a very big mall in Troy today and it was packed and actually people were NOT buying. Lots of people with no bags. I was talking to some people (here outside of Detroit) last night and the people here are really hurting more than i would have ever imagined and they are really afraid of losing their jobs even those not into the auto makers line of work. The jobs here are getting really hard to find. I talked to a guy that works for the AWU and they are also very afraid for their jobs. unfortunately Christmas is going to be slim for alot of folks this year. Many people are hurting, they have either already lost their job or are afraid of losing their job. If you are one of those that can still afford to spend and buy and are not in fear of losing your job then you should be very thankful because you probably don;t realize just how lucky and blessed you truly are. Lets all pray that the economy and this country turns around soon for the sake of us all. Merry Christmas and God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

My son lost his job earlier this year and now works near Easton. His boss had to give everyone five days off for the Holidays (no pay). He is doing fine but we went to Applebees and it was not at all crowded like it used to be. WalMart is also less crowed than in previous years and traffic better than in a couple of years.

Gas went down but we are still getting gouged for everything else we buy. Paying more because of "transportation cost" that are now lower than two years ago. That Electric Bill is also sky high. Thus the reason people are still driving less.