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Monday, December 22, 2008

Mayor Tilghman, A Legend In Her Own Mind

This morning, Mayor Tilghman had her weekly radio show on WICO. It was quite interesting this week. You see, rather than someone interviewing the Mayor, she interviewed herself.

Nevertheless, she'd say to herself, self, why aren't you going to run again for Mayor. I'm glad you asked that question, self. You see, I want to go out at the top of my game.

Self, what do you think your biggest accomplishment was? Working directly with individuals and helping them resolve problems, such as social services. The Mayor went on to explain how she was able to work one on one with people and help them to the next level, so to speak.

That's not what a Mayor does Barrie. Granted, it's nice when you can help individuals and I commend you for that. However, you FAILED the City. A Mayor represents everyone, not just one at a time. I would have loved to be able to call into the Mayor and say, how do you feel about the hundreds of animals that died at the Salisbury Zoo and you not only knew about it, you covered it up? I know they're not taxpayers but if so many people are worried about puppy mills, the Zoo was a thousand times worse and we delivered evidence proving to the Mayor and John Pick just how many hundreds of animals that had died unnecessarily. It's no wonder the City is in so much trouble. Oh well, she'll leave it to the next person to clean up her mess. Oh, trust me, it's going to get really bad too.

I'm sure in her Diary after that interview it read, Self, you did really well in that interview.


Anonymous said...

When I heard Barrie on the radio this morning explaining the decision not to run her self adulation made me puke!

Her stated reason can be condensed into: I'm not sure I can be a great mayor for 4 more years.

The real reason is that because of her record and the mess she has made of the City, she knows that she could not possibly win in next years election, even if the only other candidate for mayor were Bubba Comegys. And the next 4 years are going to be tough for the City and its residents -- her "legacy" for us will be even higher property taxes and sewer and water rates.

And can you imagine that Bubba would be any different if he is elected? He would probably be much worse.

Anonymous said...

Maybe after Barrie is out of the mayor's office she can work for her role model -- Hillary Clinton -- as her food taster when she goes to foreign counties as the Secretary of State.

Anonymous said...

She was interviewed by the only person that would vote for her if she ran for re-election

Anonymous said...

Does Palmer Gillis really think that Wicomico County wants to get involved with the City of Salisbury. Thanks to the tax cap the County tax rate is going down, while in Salisbury it has increased greatly, and the City taxes will be even higher next year. So will the sewer and water charges.

He heaps praise on Barrie even though she has never acted on the merger referendum vote. Go figure, and please explain, Mr. Gillis.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she will recognize herself at the next council meeting and give herself an award. She likes to give out awards and smile that fake smile of hers.

Anonymous said...

She needs to find her mirror of life so she can be true to herself, until that happens she never be anything, except in denial.

Anonymous said...

Enough all ready Joe ! Isn't it enough that shes on her way out? Kicking a dead dog is as much sport as taking a crap. Just let this loser lick her wounds and be gone. You are border line in given her the sympaty vote now. Be at peace with the victory over her and stop harboring ill feelings, it only will hurt you now. The damage to her is done.

Anonymous said...

11:43 I was trying to help her.

joe albero said...

anonymous 11:43,

Let me explain a little something to you. While I think I know who you are, I'll leave that alone for the moment.

Nevertheless, is the Mayor suing me for something two or three years ago? YES! The minute she walks away from me will be the minute I walk away from her. In the mean time, you do your thing and I'll do mine. By the way, you should submit the letter you'll be sending to the Mayor to back off me and then I'll post it. Untl then, you're a fool.

I'll close with this. Just because the Mayor has chosen not to run again because this Blog has exposed her for who she really is and every single move/decision she has made, doesn't mean we're going to back off of her and feel sorry for her. She made her bed, she needs to lie in it. We've been forced to lie in her bed for many years now and no matter how many bags we put over our heads, the vision we see in the morning is always the same and it ain't good.

Anonymous said...

11:43 --


It is obvious that Barrie (with the help of the Daily Times) is trying to portray herself to appear as Salisbury's savior -- and promote the election of Bubba Comegys as her successor and keeper of the dark secrets that will be evident to the next mayor from the get-go.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. Thank you for helping me see the errors of my way. I want you to know that I do not harbor any ill feelings toward you Joe. On the contrary , I think you have done a bang up job with all you have done in bringing to light a injustice the people have been forced to live with. Please keep up the good work. I know it must take alot of your time to operate this community blog and it is appreciated .

As for the suit against you by the mayor, it would be best for all if she were to drop this foolish waiste of the courts time . She should not continue raising awareness of her own wrong doings by dragging out the issues of her mis-doings. Please ,Barrie, just let it go. Your point has been made.

Anonymous said...

mr. wilkerson. the fundamental problem with that suggestion is blood-sucking vampires dont see themselves in any mirror.

Anonymous said...

12:38, Never thought about that. That laugh will last all season, thank-you.

Anonymous said...

I think that she seriously thinks she's done a good job. Maybe she questions some of her decisions, but by and large in her state of denial she's a hero.
That's sad. Perhaps once she's out of office and see's how much work it takes the new administration to get straightened out, she'll have a clue. None exist for her now, though.
If she actually HAD a clue she would drop the nonsense of the court case, and save herself some new public embarassment. I wish she would. I'm ready for us to move on as well.

Anonymous said...

no problem-i am giving the gift of humor often these holidays as i have no money. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well that would be one down 300 million to go, its a start.

Anonymous said...

Having closely observed Barrie for many years, I find it hard to imagine that she will walk away from her stage, which is, in her mind, the City of Salisbury. Her ego is too massive and it controls her. She will, in some way, be pulling the strings behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

If Barrie gives another "State of the City" address, it will be a real doozey. Suggest wearing hip boots when listening to her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what is she going to do, once out of office? Will she get a real job?
Used car salesperson?

Anonymous said...

I think the interviewer and the interviewee had the combined IQ of a piece of dirt

Anonymous said...

She won't be able to park wherever she wants when she isn't Mayor anymore. Maybe then the officers will start ticketing her for not putting money in a meter or parking in a handicap spot without a permit or tags.

No special treatment since she is a has been!!!,or never was more like it.

Anonymous said...

Gary and Louise are the one who stiffed the police and firemen, think they are going to support bubba? I have a scrotum with more brains.

His name should be Gary Balzack, da mayor has a bigger one than bubba

Anonymous said...

Next is DUI, she's pushing her luck and has been for decades. I bet she moves away.

There was a hunting shop/gun dealer that got pulled over by a MSP officer, he was gassed however tried to be a name dropper, told the trooper he was best bud's with Colburne Dykes. And I know he actually was, Colbourne was there target practicing a lot.

He was arrested and booked like anyone else, Barry is just a waiting game.

Yea the Gillis letter today, didn't he get $250,000 for refurbishing the band gazebo down in the park? That much for not much more than a shed with a gazebo on top.