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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Salisbury Christian School Teacher Update

I'm told the Teacher was allegedly involved with the Child ever since he was 14 years old. So much for it all being the kids fault or a lie. The charging documents say it all.


Anonymous said...

Where are the charging documents?

Anonymous said...

See that is just absolutely disgusting!!!!!! I also read an update that she sent him nude pictures of her to his can all these people who keep claiming that she's "Godly" on here defend that????? I may be wrong but I would bet that there are more skeletons in Mrs. Mayers closet that will be exposed through this.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you joe. Charges are not just handed down without a intensive investigation first. Guess she'll have a judgement day she never dreamed of,one in a court of law and lets not forget the one this so called "good christian woman" will have when she meets her maker. Guess she attended her own church of god. OOoohhh god,OOoohhh god! Anyone know who to contact for tuition refunds????

joe albero said...

I'm told WBOC had them on their Website. When I went to look I couldn't find them. Don't let that discourage you from looking. I hate searching different sites for info like that.

I'm also told the head of the Salisbury Christian School freaked out that this information was out there. The Charging Documents are legal public information. This is NOT to be covered up.

Anonymous said...

Look right under her picture on the story.

Anonymous said...

The parents who send their children to the christian schools think they are protecting them from this kind of stuff happening....wake up, folks, predators are out there..keep the communication flow going between you and your child(ren)....

Anonymous said...

If the guy is 17 years old, I wouldn't be to concerned about his emotional state of mind.

If I were the parents, I would not be to upset as this could be perceived as just 'another knotch in his gun handle'. Just look at it as a positive by preparing him for real life.

cweeks said...

I think first of all he who is with out sin should cast the first stone. Gossip is a sin too people. Where are you getting your information from anyway? How reliable are they? Be careful of the rumors you send.

Anonymous said...

c weeks 9:55, Obviously enough evidence was gathered by child advocasy detectives and the states attorney to charge Ms. Myers with these offenses. Do you really think the charges are based on gossip or rumors? Some of you are just so unreal! I'd say go say some prayers for Ms. Mayers, but even that won't keep her from getting what she deserves for violating that young mans youth and innocence. Oh, and by the way do you have any young children?

Anonymous said...

Go to

Right under her picture is a box with links to 3 pdf files all charging documents.

Anonymous said...

The head of SCS is not freaking out. He is making no comments as he doesn't want to drag the school into matters that isn't it's fault. I went there from 8-12th grade and very much believe in their mission statements. Yes it's horrible, yes she needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law, but stop knocking SCS. Nobody is trying to cover anything up. Would you guys be knocking around bennet or wi hi if this happened there? My guess is no, you wouldn't. As Lucy Ricardo would say, "sheesh".

Anonymous said...

OK, I read them. What a lovely story! and he yells it so well... Do you really believe that as a parent hosting a birthday party she would be upstairs naked???? Come ON, people! He only has ONE cellphone pic... is it photoshopped? probably.
Read it yourself before you decide This story is a child's fantasy. if that's all they have, she should have never been arrested until more of this was checked out.

joe albero said...

11:53, Just who do you think you are, suggesting the head of SCS isn't freaking out? Do you sit by his side while he calls and complains about this information getting out to the public?
That makes TWO SCS Students, (or former students) that have clearly shown they didn't get a WEL ROUNDED EDUCATION.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about charging documents, it could still very well be a lie! Give the woman the benefit of a doubt. This happened to someone in my church, and the girl admitted later to making the whole thing up (about her teacher). In the meantime he spent time in jail. If this happened, shame on her. In the meantime remember that even if they arrest someone because of a "complete investigation", they do not always have the correct information. May God help this crazy world we live in.

Anonymous said...

INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!!!! Now the media needs to back off!! If this all turns out to be a lie, you've ruined this woman and family forever!! Everyones going on an assumption!!

joe albero said...

UNlike your typical form of MSM, IF Salisbury News is inaccurate, we WILL come back and make things right.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe, for that statement! That does make you different than other media in that respect. May the truth prevail and the healing start among all those involved.

Anonymous said...

Come on Joe, why do you have to knock the SCS kids? Obviously they believe in the school and it's mission. This type of thing can happen anywhere, in a private or a public school. And it's extremely unfortunate that it happened at all. While the situation does reflect poorly on the school, there are still how many teachers, parents, and children that believe in God's message and want that taught and shown through their own actions. SCS is a great school, and I believe whole heartedly in what they have done in the past, present and future. Every person, every business, every school will hit a bump in the road, this one being major, but it's how you handle the situation after it comes to light that matters. But the kids that believe in the school don't deserve to be called uneducated when they are standing up for what they sincerely believe in. And unless you have been sitting by the side of the headmaster for the past few days, you can't accurately say whether he has or hasn't been freaking out either.

joe albero said...

anonymous 11:07,
I can't believe you're making that statement.

One thing I do well is make contacts with inside information, hence many of the exclusive stories I post on this Blog. Your Headmaster did become very upset the documents went public, period, like it or not.

SCS kids would not be caling her "woman."

Now for the serious part. Unlike you, I did attend the trial of a Police Officer who clearly took advantage of a young child. The Judge refused to accept the plea deal because he felt that TEACHERS, FIREFIGHTERS and POLICE OFFICERS are to be trusted more so than anyone else.

This has been going on for YEARS. So you have to be kidding me here. Like I said earlier, I know more about this situation than you do or most others. I do NOT believe some of the commenters claiming to be students or even former students is true. I have the right to my opinion, as do you.

The parents should be made wel aware of what's going on and messages like these will not stop the discussion and there's no way I'm going to feel sorry for a School that doesn't have a handle on its Teachers. Just like the Police Department that got a black eye for what one of their Officers did, so will you.

Anonymous said...

11:07. Thank You!! You took the words out of my mouth. My daughter attended there also. It is a wonderful school with the best cirriculum in Salisbury. I am truly sorry this happened to all involved. If this is not true, what a mess someone has made out of her life. If it is, still pray for all involved. If parents should start withdrawing their children from there, it would be a sad loss for the student. Salisbury Christian School, you are the best!!

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a male student who's special ed teacher was just locked up.

Anonymous said...

You are right Joe. The school has suffered a black eye because of this. Unfortunately the the black eye will remain even if she is proven innocent. As far as the school having a handle on it's teachers - come on Joe. I can't honestly believe you would think that any school would put the students in danger if they had any idea a teacher or staff member would do something like this. No matter how well people are screened you can never know everything about somebody. You can't blame the school for that.

joe albero said...

OK 12:00, let's be fair. I do not completely blame the School. However, private schools should have to do some very serious digging into each teacher's past. This alegedly went on for more than 2 years. Someone had to know something and I hope WBI does more research into this than a standard case. There is a possibility someone knew something was up.

I do NOT believe for a second this school would ever put a child at risk like this. It's unfortunate and quite frankly, when charges like this come about, I say get her rear end away from that schol until this has been completely resolved.

The aleged relationship ended a year ago, so IMHO I have to believe this whole thing is real and time will confirm such.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I posted 11:07. I am talking about SCS and the teacher involved. I am not talking about a trial that you may have attended in your past. That came out of right field and has nothing to do with this situation. You know more than me? Yeah, you may know more than me about the current situation, but did you attend SCS? No, you have no idea about the SCS family and what it represents. On that field you are lacking and can never have an appropriate view. One person does not ruin a school or it's reputation. How can you claim that you don't believe the posters that say that they are former students? Why would they lie? I consider myself a SCS kid even though I am much older than the kids still attending. I pride myself on the fact that I attended SCS and was part of their first graduating class. We went through a lot of trial and error during those years and we were always the first class to represent that current year. But trial and error makes a school stronger and I believe that this situation, while unfortunate, will bring the SCS family closer. And thank you 11:28 for your support.

joe albero said...

Can you say, brainwashed? Nice Try!

Anonymous said...

Joe, this is 11:07 again. I'm not sure why you are taking such a personal stance on this. As the reporter you should be neutral and reporting the facts, but you are reporting a slanted view. I attended SCS and I am proud of that, and yes I will defend that. But you attack others with anger and resentment, not professionalism. I'm truly sorry if something happened in your past to make you so angry, but again your stance should be neutral. And I refuse to attack with words as you like to.
I do not agree with your statement that private school teachers should be looked into harder than public school teachers. Are you saying, that we should be leinant on those who are teaching in a public school, just because it's public. Children are children whether they attend a public or private school. All teachers should pass the same testing.

joe albero said...

Look, you may not like what I have to say and quite frankly your statement about my anger is out of line. Not that I've never dealt with a pampas ass from a Private School who thinks his sh!t doesn't stink before, I have.

When a child attends a Private School, the Parents PAY additional money in the thousands above and beyond their taxes to have their children attend. Therefore you are held to a higher standard, or are you so damn spoiled that you can't understand or grasp that?

We expect less from Public School, I'm sorry to say. You are held to a higher standard, period.
Then there's the stigma of the Catholic Church/School history. Do you really want to go there with me?

Anonymous said...

I'm with 11:07am on the behalf of past and present SCS students. This is shameful, but my kid will still be attending SCS because it's unfortunate that this happened but as a parent, I pray that I am more aware of what my child is doing than this kid's mother. It's not just the teacher and school's fault. We put alot of trust in them, but if we don't know enough about our own children, who they're hanging out with and what they're doing, then we the parents are also to blame. I hope the school learns from this and they screen their teachers even better than they do now, because it takes something like this to bring us back to reality. WE can never be too comfortable and think we or our kids are safe.

Anonymous said...

there was suppposedly inappropriate "pictures" of the teacher on the kid's computer. well just to let u all out there know there is something called photoshop. I know for a fact that this kid is an expert at this because I've seen him do this to a few of his friends, and photoshoped their faces in a nother persn's body. so yeah. i'm sure this kid is lying about everything. and just because this woman is a teacher at that wonderful school people shouldn't put the school down for it. the school had nothing to do with it. it is between the teacher and the kid.

Anonymous said...

If this happened I hope it is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. From reading the charging documents they only talked to him.
They did not interview her first.
They did not interview the hundreds of other people that interacted with them daily - what you would call witnesses.

As someone who has interacted with both the accused and the accuser, I never saw anything that could remotely indicate a relationship was going on. Often times she gave her students rides and every time I have seen her, I have always seen her with her children.

Leigh Mayers often used the words "I Love You" to all her students equally.

I don't understand why the Sheriff's Department would make sure 100% they had an open-shut case. It boils down to his word vs. her word. 25 or so rendezvous is quite a bit for someone as busy as Leigh Mayers. There just seems to be to many holes in the case that a good lawyer could rip open. Leaving all her accusers open for a huge lawsuit.

Now when the Character and demeanor of the accuser comes to light, things may change. For the many people who know the accuser, if this is made up, it would not be out of character. He has been kicked out of several bands in the area and other just won't work with him.

Many things will come to light. It may turn out this is true. However, those that know both of them are leaning towards this being a false accusation.

Anonymous said...

My sources are telling me that this is most likely true. That's sad. What else is sad is the level of venom being directed toward this school in this matter. The school has NOT been charged with ANYTHING. Last year, when a substitute teacher was involved with a student at (Wi middle I think) and a pregnancy resulted, there was very little mention of it and it blew over very quickly.
It's sad how many are just jumping on this because there's a Christian involved. Remember, Christians are human too.

Anonymous said...

Is Sheriff Lewis going to pull his kids out of SCS?

Thoughts and prayers to the Mayers family. Again, this blogspot and the media has convicted someone without knowing all the facts...just to gossip and slander innocent until proven guilty people!

Hope this doesn't happen to you, self-centered Joe! Oh by the way, didn't you plead guilty to tax invasion a few weeks ago and agreed to drop the charges on the Delmar Fire Dept volunteer? know, the case where your wife testified against you! following people around Delmar!
You sound more guilty than anyone yet you are quick to pass judgement and condemn others!
You will have to answer to higher being someday. Let's hope you are forgiven for your transgressions!

Anonymous said...

SCS is a wonderful place. I graduated last year and I am proud of it. The school should not be judged upon this incident that happened. SCS is a very educational school and is filled with wonderful people. So please do not blame the school for this. The school had no control over what happened (if it did) and did what they could as soon as they found out. It is not anyone's fault at SCS.

Anonymous said...

To 7:00 pm, I hope you have the spine to offer your knowledge to her lawyer. These charging documents read like Penthouse Forum, and Ms Mayers needs your help.

Anonymous said...

Again if this teacher were male, there would be a whole different spin on this. There is more to this story than meets the eye in this case. Women can be predators also, and be very smooth about it. It only takes one person to destroy a reputation of many. I hope that people will look closely and keep an open mind to this situation. It will come out in court and I bet stricter standards will come out about teachers having contact with students after class. Don't take your work home!!

Anonymous said...

I would be a little skeptical about believing all of this story. If, indeed, this affair had been going on since the young man was 14, it would have been virtually impossible to have the secret kept this long. How many 14- to 17-year-old males do you know that could go three years without bragging about having sexual encounters,esp. with a teacher? Some things just don't add up.

Anonymous said...

How many women get abused by men for years without anyone knowing? You tell a young man if he says a word he's getting cut off, he'll keep his mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

To all you people out there bad mouthing Salisbury Christian School, please remember something, it's not the school's fault!! Mrs Mayers didn't have a previous record which would have caused her to not be hired. What she did was horribly wrong. I graduated from SCS a few years ago, and it is a wonderful school. Mrs Mayers obviously didn't care about her family and three young boys for her to do this. She seems to be an uncaring selfish woman to taint her name, her family's name, but worst of all SCS. I hope she gets jail time, she messed up. I also hope she comes forward with a public statement of apology, not to clear her name because the damage is done, but to try to clear the school's name. There are great people at that school, people that would never do this, and she has ruined it for them for probably a very long time. If you read this Mrs Mayers, I hope you realize what you've done- you've ruined the name and reputation of Salisbury Christian School where I am proud to say I graduated from.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:35, i would stand up and fight for mrs. mayers. but i don't want to get myself invoved in the whole case. i bet what happened was he got a picture of a porn site and just put her face in with the body and , bang, u got yourself a naked mrs. mayers.

Gina D said...

And for those who think the lewd photo was "photoshopped", FBI computer forensic agents confirmed veracity of said images.

The WBI does not bring charges unless they are likely to be prosecuted successfully.

Keep in mind that the other 3 teacher sex abuse cases brought forth recently in our area were all successfully procecuted with the offenders punished appropriately. So, in this region at least, an arrest is not made unless law enforcement feels the evidence is quite solid.

Hate the sin, pray for the sinner.

Anonymous said...

Why do we always assume that the guilty is innocent and the innocent is guilty. Before all the charges are found proven in the court system. We are quick to accuse but we takes for ever earn trust again.

How do you know that kid did not send the pic to himself after finding them on her phone. He could have found the phone while at her house. How many times do you leave you phone laying around? He stated that he was friends with he sons. That gave him the the access to the things at there house.
That could have been a private pic between her and her hubby. People do, do that you know.

As for the rest of the stuff she was accused of it could be made up.

As for the bedroom statement by him. How many times when things are going on in your house to you go upstairs to you room to go potty or change your clothes. In your own bedroom! Come on this one is way too far fetched. Don't you think? You don't have privacy in your own home anymore.

Boy what people will come up with to get attention these days

Gina D said...

The WBI does not bring charges unless they are likely to be prosecuted successfully. Every recent local teacher sex abuse case has resulted in a conviction.

They have done their homework on this one as well.

Anonymous said...

does anybody wonder why there are no proclamations of INNOCENCE from the accused abuser?

there are NONE...... not even from her lawyer!

hmmmmmmmm maybe she IS developing a christian conscience after all... (even if it is a little late for that).

Anonymous said...

To be quite frank, whether any of this is true or not, I think that gossiping about it does nothing. And I don't know how old any of the posters are, but I think that spending your time trying to get the inside scoop and trying to get close to inside information is a big waste of your time. If all of this is such a big deal then instead of talking about it as a bystander, GO DO SOMETHING! Why don't you go try to help and mentor a child who has been sexually abused. Joe: Gossiping is a waste of your time and is a sin just as equal as mrs mayers. and you will pass judgment day just as she and i and everyone else will so don't think you are exempt bc you didn't commit an offense. My suggestion to you would be to grow up and get a life of your own rather than wallow and sulk in someones elses alleged mistakes. Btw i am a 17 year old girl who was mentored by mrs mayers. and whether the allegations are true or not, that women is godly and she helped me grow in my walk with god. her one mentorship has been way more effective than your gossip and bickering with others has been.

Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post but i wasnt sure how to reach you to ask questions. I read that the teacher is asking the charges be dropped. two reasons were sited, one of them being the child has a 21 year old girlfriend. it seems to me that that is basically an admission of guilt to say that because the kid has an interest in "older" women. wow is all i can say. does this seem odd to you?

joe albero said...

What's the other reason?

Anonymous said...

the report said that the times and dates of the alleged abuse are vague.

Anonymous said...

Any electronic images (i.e. the pornographic ones Ms Mayers is charged with sending) have a time stamp that computer forensics analysts recover. So much for "vague" dates. Of course the courts know this and have denied her plea for a dismissal.

Anonymous said...

i also graduated from SCS it is a wonderfull place and i personally know both the accused and the accuser. with this being said this boy who claims this is very much a emotionally unstable person. one could say he is psychoneurotic.i uaed to be close friends with him because he was close to my age. he is the type of person who strives for attention and is constantly acting out in ways (such as depressed or angry attitudes) to get attention from anyone who will listen. mrs. mayers being and "godly woman" or even a christain is not why she would never do this. i don't think faith should be involved in determining her character. if you know mrs mayers then you know that she is one of the best, kindest ppl, at least that i have ever known. for someone to say tis about her it is rediculous!! an outrage!! although some may say the hard evidence will come out or that it's there... my opinion has not and will not change of her. she is a great person with an enormous heart. she cared about me and listen when i had no one to go to in the most troubling times of my life. and as far as the young boy... he is the most conniving, nastiest people that i know.
this is my opinion, love it or hate it, its what i beleive to be true

Anonymous said...

believe me there is more to the story, she had a sexual affair for over 4 years while hiding it from her husband. she is certianly capable of all this and more.