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Friday, November 07, 2008

BREAKING NEWS, Kratovil Wins 1st District Seat Over Harris

Kratovil Wins 1st District Seat Over Harris

Democrat Frank Kratovil has defeated Republican Andy Harris to win a seat that
has been held by the GOP for 18 years in Maryland's tight 1st District
Congressional Race. More to come....



Anonymous said...

yup, the Ehrlich endorsement sure did hurt him

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

Hey Joe,

Help me figure this out. If you show up on the Shore and do a ton of meet and greets you lose, but if you don't show up on the Shore you win big. What the F is going on? Is it because Harris isn't from the Shore and Kratovil is?

tyree said...

Joe im jus getting the hang of this blog thing. thank you

Anonymous said...

RE: 7:04 Posting

I also think it was Ehrlich's endorsement that hurt him.

Someone else posted last night and said that us eastern shore people have long memories. I don't think the people forgot about the flush tax, increased cost of tags, registration fees, real estate tax increases. Ehlrich would have been better off staying out of it.

Anonymous said...

it's because a heck of alot of republicans are fed up with the way the current elected republicans are not doing whats right. and if you met andy harris, as i did for a brief minute, he was more of the same republican slop we have in wicomico county now.
the republican party needs change from the city level all the way up to the top in this state. bobby's endorsing harris was a joke. and with the republicans acting like they are in this see why kratovil won. a heck of alot of us crossed over to the democrats. and will until new leadership and more educated and professional people run for office on the city and county council in wicomico. this republican council has no clue what it's doing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gilcrest liberal votes hurt Harris more than Gilcrest endorsement of Kratrovil helped him.

Anonymous said...

So now we have a carbon copy of Gilly who was ousted in the primaries, makes ya wonder huh? One POS = another POS I guess. Hey Kratovil, come here to Smellsbury and take a dip in our nice Wicomico River. It's unhealthy due to too many years of Gilly.

Anonymous said...

9:13- Please provide the facts that support your charge.

Joe: on Tuesday AM you predicted a 10% margin in favor of Andy Harris. What did you base that prediction upon?

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Harris was so arrogant and mean-spirited and acted like this was his due. He thought all that CFG money would grease the skids, but the Eastern Shore was wise to his crap. Kratovil will be a conservative Democrat and will do great things for Maryland and our country.

joe albero said...

anonymous 9:31,

Perhaps it was the power of suggestion.

Perhaps $2,000,000.00 at the last minute worth of television ads for Kratovil.

As I stated before, I tip my hat to Frank and the Democratic Party. They came in and made damn sure they did everything they could to add as many Democrats to Congress as they possibly could and guess what, they won.

$2,000,000.00 goes a long way with commercials and Americans are simply fed up with Republicans. Can you blame them? Bush has destroyed the Party and it will take many years to get back on track.

You asked, I answered.

joe albero said...

anonymous 9:39,

Don't jump the gun too quickly now. Frank is the new boy on the block and will be pused around by many before he can stand his ground firmly. The Democrats just bought that man period. He WILL do as they demand or he wil be out of there fast. Look, these are just te facts. I say this with absolutely NO resentment. Harris had the experience to tel them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine and quite frankly I believe the 1st District Citizens made a huge mistake. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Repubs got what they deserved - tried to replace Gilchrest with a far righty - now, instead of at LEAST having a moderate Republican, they end up with a DEMOCRAT - just desserts, methinks...I could see this coming after Andy-boy won the primary! Mr. Kratovil Goes To Washington...Andy just goes home to Annapolis...castrated and with his tail between his legs.

Anonymous said...

WAAAHHHH WAAAAHHHH WAAAAHHHHH-Albero's whining already and the man hasn't even started yet. Face it Albero, nothing Kratovil will do will satisfy you-nothing. It'll be nothing but Kratovil bashing from here on out. Listen to yourself! First you say Americans are sick of republicans, then in the next post, you say you think the 1st district citizens made a huge mistake by electing a democrat! You don't know what you're talking about. And anon 9:13, man, you are WAY uninformed. You are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Fact: After 30+ years of Gilly the Chesapeake Bay is close to dead.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:15, you are an idiot. Like Wayne Gilchrest was only one person voting on what to do about the Bay! He was up against Repub. presidents and Congressmen who outvoted him and allowed more and more development to overwhelm our environment. He did his best with who he had to work with, and now Kratovil will have environmental-ists from the top on down to help him help our Bay.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
RE: 7:04 Posting

I also think it was Ehrlich's endorsement that hurt him.

Someone else posted last night and said that us eastern shore people have long memories. I don't think the people forgot about the flush tax, increased cost of tags, registration fees, real estate tax increases. Ehlrich would have been better off staying out of it.

8:25 PM

Hey Moron,

Those tax increases were because of your dumbocrat controlled house and senate. The flush tax may have been Ehrlich's way of helping the environment and saving the bay, but if the Democrats didn't like it they could have vetoed it. DUH! The tag fee was also the Democrats. How soon do we forget your Fred Flintstone looking Norman Conway for introducing an even higher tag fee. Fred Flintstone even wanted to increase the toll for the bridge as well as tacking on higher speeding violations. How funny when the violations and bridge toll wouldn't affect him.

It's funny how all the dumbocraps blame everything on the Republicans when they are the biggest tax and spenders. Get a life moron.

Bob Ehrlich was the best Governor the state of Maryland had in over 30 years.

Go Bobby 2010!

Anonymous said...

The fact is one liberal was replaced with another. the only difference between Gilchrest and Kratovil was the letter in parenthesis after their name. Maybe after helps do to the country what Omalley has done to the state we will learn, but I doubt it. Someone complained about the measley $25.00 flush tax how about the I.5 billion dollar Omalley tax increase

Anonymous said...

9:13 hit it on the head. Why, I wonder, did we vote out Gilchrest only to vote in the guy that Gilchrest "crossed party lines" to endorse? How ironic is that? And, like 7:09, Andy Harris was a continuous presence on the lower Shore, whereas as often as not Kratovil sent in a surrogate. Kratovil was bought by the Democratic National Committee, so he will not be able to be very "independent," as he claimed that he was during the campaign; the DNC owns him.

Anonymous said...

i gotta poop